Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 335

Grandmother Mia’s Do-or-Die Resolve

“O-Oh moons…” Mia’s voice was shaking. “So this is why…”

The events in the Princess Chronicles happened finally fell into place.

“Oh, I get it now. This is why I left the island and rode away into the night.”

The letter gave her very detailed instructions, like which merchant had been paid off to take her off the island and where she should go to get a horse.

After hearing Santeri talk about his new security measures, she knew that it was hard to get on the island but not too hard to get off. This was especially true during the Holy Eve Festival, when more people were coming and going than usual. It was just not possible to carefully check out everyone who left. Therefore…

“It’s hard to kill someone on the island, but it’s easy to get someone off the island.”

Even so, it would still be hard to just kidnap someone away. Even if a merchant was willing to help, it seemed unlikely that he or she would be allowed in. But what if there were no signs that something was wrong?

What if it was just a slightly unreasonable request from a princess, like asking to be taken off the island for a quick horseback ride to enjoy the night air?

Noelige Lake and the area around it were known to be safe, with very few criminals and dangerous animals. How risky could it be to go horseback riding there?

It seemed likely that some people would say “not very.”

The people who did it made a situation that was right on the edge of what was acceptable, and because it was right on the edge, there were probably a lot of people who would cross that line for money.

“I don’t think many people would knowingly take part in this kind of plot, but I can see how some people would agree to a selfish request from a young, powerful noble…”

At the end of the day, being a merchant meant being willing to put your own needs at risk as long as there was money to be made. Those whose only motivation was money would probably keep quiet if they found out they were involved in an assassination. Their motivation and level of resolve would not be strong enough for them to choose the truth over their own safety.

That’s why the Princess Chronicles said she’d left on her own free will. Those who knew probably all agreed to spread a story that suited them better.

Mia carefully read the letter again, checking each step that would lead her off the island. She let out a breath when she realised that if she followed these instructions, she could definitely leave without almost anyone noticing. She couldn’t be stopped.

“…Which means there is only one question left. How much do I value Bel’s life?”

There was no room for excuses. She couldn’t blame the letter for giving her a plan that wouldn’t work. She could have left the island without any trouble.

So, the situation came down to a simple yes or no question: Was she willing to trade her life for Bel’s?

“This is a waste of time. Of course I’m not leaving the island,” she said under her breath. “That’s almost like asking to be killed. In fact, they did kill me, so that’s exactly what it is.”

The Princess Chronicles was a secret to her enemies. She knew that if she left the island, she would die, but they didn’t know that.

“If I go, I die. And since there is nothing written about Bel in the Chronicles, it’s likely that she died as well, so going didn’t even help.”

Mia shook her head because it seemed like she couldn’t win the situation and took off her dress.

“Besides, if I die, wouldn’t Bel end up not existing? That would be pointless. There’s no reason to go at all. What a dumb idea. I have more important things to do. Like putting on my uniform for the ceremony.”

“Now, where did I put it?”

She said something dismissive as she went through her closet and pulled out an outfit that was definitely not for a special occasion.

“Nonsense… What a bunch of nonsense…”

With her riding clothes in her hands, she closed her eyes, and a picture of Bel came into her mind. Bel had said that this world was like a dream—a good dream—so she was going to enjoy it as much as she could so she wouldn’t have any regrets when she woke up.

Mia watched as the image of a pure and happy Bel smiled. She heard her own voice telling her dear granddaughter It’s okay. This dream will never stop. The grandmother you have always respected… she won’t let it.

“I’ll just be dying in vain. This is complete nonsense… But hnnnngh, I’ll probably feel really bad if I don’t go…”

She was also beginning to worry about something else. What would happen if she didn’t go and didn’t tell anyone what had happened?

She would probably live, but whoever these would-be killers were, they would still be at the academy. Going forward, any of them could kill her at any time.

Worse, she couldn’t imagine that they wouldn’t tell everyone that she’d left Bel to die and abandoned her. When they did, she would definitely lose the trust of the people around her. Anne, who was always loyal to her, would probably be very upset with her. In that case, the assassins might be doing her a favour by coming quickly to finish the job. Otherwise, she would have to suffer botht he resentment of others and her own guilty conscience for the rest of her life.

And then how would I face Abel? How can I look him in the eyes and tell him I gave up on my… our granddaughter?

What would happen if she went to save Bel? What would happen then? She would be killed.

Even though Mia could be a bit full of herself at times, she hadn’t yet reached the level of grandiose delusion she would need to think she could save Bel from this situation and get them both back safe and sound.

But there was one little bit of hope…

She would definitely die. But…

What if she jumped back in time again? There’s no way something like that could happen often, but if it could happen just once more…

She swallowed…

Then actually going would be a good idea. I would find out a lot about the enemy this way.

If Mia showed up by herself, the people who wanted to kill her might relax and let themselves be seen. She would learn as much as she could about them, then die and take that information back to the past with her.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt like she would have to swim back up the stream of time again if she wanted to save Bel. She finally came to believe that it was the only way to get what she wanted. Basically, she had to stop this kidnapping from happening before it did.

“Ugh, if only there was another way…”

As she put the last button on her outfit, she let out a quiet sigh.

“But… I don’t think so. I can only do this if I die and go back in time…”

Mia always did what was best for herself. So, she had come up with a plan to leave the empire so she wouldn’t have to face the guillotine a second time.

But on the day she avoided that fate, her goal had changed just a little bit.

Now, Mia wanted to be happy, and she didn’t want to give anything up. She wanted happiness that was pure and perfect. When she thought about how she could get this thing, she realised that the people around her would have to be happy as well. Her happiness on its own wasn’t enough; she would only reach her goal when it was combined with theirs.

From an outsider’s point of view, this was a very crazy wish, one in which the lives of everyone around her would have to bend to her arrogance.

And she didn’t care one bit! Mia was a princess who only cared about herself. Exorbitance and arrogance was business as usual for her.

“According to the ransom note, I’m supposed to go by myself. Then I can’t ask for help from anyone…”

She had no way of knowing if someone was watching her. If the enemy saw her with guards, they could kill Bel and also keep their identities secret. Avoid doing things that could make it harder for her to get information.

But they didn’t say anything about asking things that aren’t people. She made her way to the stable with a sneaky grin on her face. There was a friend waiting for her. She had spent more time with this friend this fall than with anyone else.

“I mean, I know I’m going to die, but I’m not going to make it easy for them. Chaos Serpents, if you thought you could kill me for cheap, you should think again.”

So, Mia’s grandmother ran into battle to save her granddaughter.

What Mia didn’t know was that her determination right now had changed the way the Princess Chronicles were written. The step she took forward was like the flutter of a butterfly.

Because of chance and chain reactions, the tiny air current it made would eventually go all the way around the world and cause a huge towering tornado. The snakes on Earth didn’t know that this huge hydra in the sky would soon eat them with its whirling jaws.

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