Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 327

The Man who Disappeared in the Empire… Moment-Living Princess Mia Attacks


A deep sigh escaped Abel as he walked down a hallway.

The academy was busy because the Holy Eve Festival was coming up, but it didn’t do much to make him feel better.

“I wish I could figure out what’s wrong…”

He had also noticed how sad she had been lately. Why wouldn’t he have? His only wish for a long time had been to catch up. To be the right person for her.

And he was ready to do anything to get it. He tirelessly trained with the sword, hoping to become a dependable man who could protect her. He buried himself in books to try to learn as much as she did. He thought about her every day, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t figure out what was bothering her.

The worst part wasn’t even that.

“…She’s having some kind of trouble, but she won’t tell me anything about it. I think that’s the most painful part.”

It was a pretty hard truth to accept. Mia did sometimes act quickly based on her brilliant whims. Her stunt with the poisonous mushroom a few days ago, which gave everyone a small heart attack, is a good example. She was definitely smart, but she didn’t always take the time to explain what she was thinking to the people around her.

He knew that was just how she was, but it hurt him anyway. He might have been upset that she didn’t trust him enough to ask for his help. Or, her shyness could have made him feel alone, and he was just feeling sorry for himself. He was hoping it wasn’t the second one. Even more painful might be having to admit that he had such small-minded thoughts.

After days of trying to figure out how he felt, he finally decided to talk to Sion about it.

“Just because I don’t know what’s bothering her doesn’t mean that no one else does. Maybe Sion saw something that I missed.”

Sion Sol Sunkland looked like a wall to Abel. A tall wall that had to be climbed, but the top was still out of reach. Every time he looked up towards its invisible peak beyond the clouds and then down at the small amount of progress he’d made, he felt like giving up right then and there. The gap between them seemed so big and the distance between them so far that just wanting to be on the same level as him seemed like a Herculean task.

His ego hurt when he thought about asking this rival who was so much better than him for advice, but he forced it to shut up. Mia was more important than his pride.

When he got to Sion’s room, he was surprised to hear a voice.

“Prince Abel, ah. I hope you’ve been well.”

“Hm? Who’s—”

When he turned to face the speaker, he saw a woman dressed as a maid.

“Oh, Monica. I didn’t think you’d be here. Have you been well?”

During the time Monica worked as a secret agent in Remno, they got to know each other well. But they hadn’t seen each other much since she moved to Saint-Noel.

“Sure, I’m good. I hope the same is true for you.”

“Yes, Lady Rafina has been very nice to me,” she said.

“I see. Good, good… But, uh, what are you doing in Sion’s room?”

Sion stuck up his finger, but he was half hidden by a mess of papers on his desk.

“I did that. I asked her to help me with something, and she agreed,” he said, pointing to the papers. “Why are you here, Abel? is a better question. Not that you’re not welcome, but you don’t come to my place very often.”

“Well, that’s true. Why? Well, um… I’ve noticed that Mia has been looking kind of sad lately, and I was wondering if you knew why. If you’re busy, I’ll come back another time.”

“No, it’s all right. In fact, it’s a good time. I just thought I should take a short break.”

Sion stretched his arms out and leaned back as he yawned.

“Really? So, all right. But, uh…”

When Abel looked at the papers, he looked confused.

“What is this all about? Why do you look so exhausted?”

Sion rubbed his face and then held up one of the pages and said, “Because. I’ve been looking into this.”

Abel picked up the page and read it.

“Hmm… Jason, Lucas, Max, Thanasis, Bisset…”

He cocked his head. He didn’t recognise any of the names.

“Who are these supposed to be?”

Sion didn’t answer him straight away.

Instead, he shrugged and said, “You know, I’ve also noticed that Mia hasn’t been in the best of moods.”

Abel looked at him, confused by this answer.

“So I’ve been worried, too,” Sion said, “but I can’t think of a way to cheer her up, no matter how hard I try. So, I’ve decided that the best way to spend my time is to do what I can.”

“Doing what you can?”

“You’re right. I’ve been taking another look at the Wind Crows over the past few days. Since I messed up in Remno, I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how I can make up for it. Part of that effort would be this.”

Abel thought about what Sion had said during the election for student council. Mia had asked Sion to run for office, but he turned her down, saying that he would have to earn the chance to make things right on his own.

Sion pointed to the paper in Abel’s hand and said, “What you see there is the list of names that was used by a Wind Crow agent while working undercover in Tearmoon.”

Abel asked, “A Wind Crow agent?”

“You mean one of the agents you recalled?”

“No. An agent who went into hiding used them.”

“…went into hiding?”

Something clicked in Abel’s head all of a sudden. He spoke more quietly.

“Wait, I remember you telling me that you knew someone who told you about the Serpents. So, we found out that one of Tearmoon’s Four Dukes has something to do with them. Isn’t it that person?”

“Oh, that was smart of you. Yes, it’s him.”

“This man also taught me a lot,” Monica said.

“He was the one who set up the whole intelligence network that worked in Tearmoon. As the head of intelligence, he was in charge of all the people who worked with him on site. People called him the spymaster.”

“If that man is still alive, we can be sure he knows something that will help her. So I thought I’d try to find him, but…”

Sion gave a slight nod.

“I’m coming up empty, which is so frustrating.”

“You think someone has already killed him?”

“Maybe. I don’t know, but that’s the thing. I can only find out so much from here. After all, we brought back all the Wind Crows from Tearmoon. For what it’s worth, I also asked Monica to try the Wind Crows’ emergency contact method, but we haven’t heard anything back yet.”

Sion put his hands out in a helpless way.

Even though the act was small, Abel was moved by it. Sion’s feet are firmly on the ground. He doesn’t know everything, but he’s taking one step at a time to help Mia.

As for me, I’m… What the heck am I doing…

He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. Just then, he felt something hit him on the shoulder.

“Chin up, man,” said Sion. “If Mia is sad, it’s your job to make her feel better.”

“Ha ha, that’s a lot to ask of me right now… but you’re right. I should at least try.”

It was hard, if not impossible, to figure out what was going on in Mia’s head. He had no idea what she was going through.

And, if she has her way, he might never know. He couldn’t fix her problems or help her carry them. But he could at least give her emotional support, right?

“Well, I’m doing what I can… Yes, that’s a good place to start.”

Since the boys were having such serious conversations, the room had turned into a fortress of serious business, with hardening resolve and thoughtful thinking.

Mia walked into this quiet time when it was going on.

“Oh, at last. Abel, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Hey, I need to talk to you for a minute,” she said, wading in with all the tact of a cow that just broke a china vase.

The Moment-Living Princess has begun her invasion. Would this pair of sentimental boys withstand her attack?

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