Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 200

Celia’s Gratitude

The orphanage in the Newmoon District teaches the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic. As is the case with all orphanages of the Central Orthodox Church, the education was of a reasonable standard, if not outstanding. It was the utmost consideration for the children leaving the orphanage so that they could live on their own. But even so… not everyone who leaves there can be happy.

Celia was one of them. She was a girl who left an orphanage and was taken in by a certain merchant. Celia was one of the best students of the orphanage. She always studied hard and was always reading books.

It was predicted that if she entered an advanced school, she would surely become a great scholar. But the opportunity never came. Her life after being taken in by a merchant was not a happy one. Of course, she had food to eat, a place to live, and clothes to wear. It is already a luxury for someone who grew up in the slums without parents.

“I should be satisfied. At least I got to live as a decent human being…”

Saying that to herself, she covered her emotions. She has given up. Her intellect, that could have produced something wonderful, didn’t have the possibility of sprouting. Without falling into soft soil or being watered, it quietly crumbled and scattered. Gradually getting older and losing her spark of intellect, Celia looks back on her life in her sickbed. There was regret. However, what was even greater was the withered resignation.

“I can’t help it. I was an orphan… I should be grateful that I can die on a bed.”

And so her worn-out life came to an end.

…That was the dream that Celia woke from. She woke up in the orphanage bed and in despair. No matter how hard she tries, it will all end up in vain. It is something that she cannot deny. Even if she studies hard, she will still face a dead end.

At that time, she appeared. The glory of the shining empire, Imperial Princess Mia Luna Tearmoon. The benefactor of this orphanage, the one who changed the Newmoon district.

Celia was ordered by the nun to bring her tea. She did her job with the utmost care so as not to make any mistakes. And just when I was about to leave the room, Mia spoke to her.

“Hey, you over there… Could you come here for a minute?”

“Yes? Me? Did I do something wrong?”

“Oh no. I just thought that I should listen to the opinion of someone on the receiving end of such things.”

Mia stared at Celia’s eyes as if she was appealing to something, and smiled.

“You want to be taught by a kind and nice teacher, right?”

“…What do you mean?”

“You’re the girl who was enthusiastic about writing earlier, aren’t you? That’s because the nuns here are so kind, aren’t they? If the nun was an extremely strict person… even if she wasn’t unreasonable, if she was a demon-like person who would sharply point out your mistakes. Would you still be motivated to learn?”

Mia continues in a strict, even frightening voice.

“If you were told that you could go to school for free, but the teacher there was really strict, would you still want to go?”

“… that kind of thing, it doesn’t matter”

Celia answered before she even realized.

“Even if it’s tough, hard, and painful; if I can learn, then there is hope. I want to study. I don’t care if it’s unreasonable or unfair. I want to learn. To know there’s hope. Even the faintest ray. As long as I can still see it, I will keep going.”

What stands in the way of Celia is not a high mountain. It was just a merciless wall. A vertical flat wall with no handholds, nor cracks for her to grip. Unscalable and unbreakable. It was a cruel wall that exists solely to prevent her from advancing forward.

If it was a mountain, she could climb it. Steep as it might be, there was still hope of reaching the peak. But a wall, she can’t do anything. All she can do is give up and sit down in front of it.

For Celia, the answer to Mia’s question was clear.

No matter how steep it is, if it’s a mountain…even if she stumbles, or hurts herself, or falls to her death… there is hope. The peak would always be there, and reaching it would always be possible. That knowledge was enough to keep her going.

Celia looked straight into Mia’s eyes and spoke.

“If I am allowed to study, I will do my best no matter how hard it is. Being put in an environment where you can learn and choosing not to do so… I think that is inexcusable.”

After saying that, Celia turned pale. She just realized that she might have said something rude to the imperial princess. Celia hurriedly tried to apologize, but… she suddenly looked at Mia and was at a loss for words. Because Mia’s eyes were full of tears…

“Then… I expect you to realize you those words.”


“Right here, right now. I swear upon my name that if I can successfully scout a strict school headmaster, you are definitely going to my school. And you will learn various as I will have you study directly under the headmaster.”

“Huh? What?”

“You said you wanted to learn… Take responsibility for those words.”

Holding Celia’s shoulders tightly, Mia’s voice trembled. Celia was simply surprised at the road that suddenly opened up in front of her and was at a loss for words.

Ludwig, who was watching it right next to him, saw Mia trembling with emotion and felt his heart tremble.

Her Highness Princess Mia hasn’t changed… As usual, she is a warm-hearted person.

Perhaps Mia was struck by the thoughts of this orphan girl. Mia then turned and…

“Ludwig, of course you will also help me. Come with me!”

Mia said in a voice that encouraged herself. Mia was worried about the children who will receive a strict education, and was worried about various things. But she must have made up her mind after receiving the resolution of the orphanage children.

“Of course. I will cooperate as much as possible.”

It was Ludwig who realized how fortunate he was to serve under Mia.

Well, it should already be noticeable that Mia wasn’t moved by Celia’s determination. Because she didn’t want to go see Ludwig’s master, Mia clung to her last hope. She hoped that the voice of a potential student will turn the tide in her favor.

Mia’s common sense was that studying was not something you want to do with a strict teacher. Being an imperial princess, she can’t help but have to study. But if possible, she wants to her studies to be easy, gentle, and comfortable.


I’m sure this girl doesn’t want to do it either. In the first place, ordinary people can live normally if they can read, write and calculate. She shouldn’t want to study hard if she gets scolded for it… And even Ludwig will give up on scouting his master if he hears this girl saying such a thing.

It was Mia who spoke to the girl based on such calculations, but it ended with a splendid crush.

Ah, as expected… I can see now that fate is really conspiring for me to meet Ludwig’s demonic master.

Mia with tears of grief in her eyes, glared at the girl.

“Then… you, make sure you realize those words.”

Looking at the stunned girl’s face, she firmly grasped her shoulders as if not to let her escape.

You cannot just say whatever you want then run away! You like it when they are strict? Fine… then, that is exactly what you will be getting.

Mia smiles with a nasty smile.

“Right here, right now. I swear upon my name that if I can successfully scout a strict school headmaster, you are definitely going to my school. And you will learn various as I will have you study directly under the headmaster.”

Yes, yes. Why should I suffer on my own? If I have to suffer, then you are all suffering with me”

Driven by a desire to see misery dispensed equally, she resolved to take everyone else with her. Thus, as a result of Mia’s commitment to the spirit of sharing, Celia’s life took a dramatic turn. Half a year later, she would step through the doors of the newly built Saint Mia Academy as one of its first students.

What Mia said at this time would later be realized in the form of a special class that is handpicked from the orphanage. This special class would be under the direct tutelage of the headmaster.

If Ludwig and his friends were the first generation to receive the teachings of the Wandering Sage, then the children gathered here could be said to be the second generation of disciples of the Sage. In the future, the children who were taught by the Wandering Sage showed their talents to be on par with those of the first generation.

But they differed from the first generation in one thing.

They had a feeling of gratitude for being rescued by Princess Mia. And that led to their unwavering loyalty for her.

Having received Mia’s favor, they grow up and enter various ministries as young government officials. They demonstrated their talent to the fullest to realize the reform that Mia wanted (as Ludwig explained).

Celia will be the leader of the powerful officials who will support the empire of the next generation. She will be appointed as an all-purpose subordinate of Chancellor Ludwig. She would earn the title “Lady Wonder” and “The Ace of All Trades.”

But it is a vision of a future that yet to come true.

Whether or not that dream becomes a reality is up to none other than Mia.

“Uuuhhhh… How come… Why is this happening to me?!”

This great future endeavour rests on the sobbing shoulders of the oblivious princess.

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