Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death

Chapter 196

Princess Mia Gives Off a Complaint

“Your Highness Princess Mia. It has been awhile since you have been here.”

A priest came out of the church as if he sensed the arrival of Mia and the others. Mia feels a little nostalgic for the priest who had the same calm and gentle smile.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time.”

As usual, Mia slightly lifts the hem of her skirt curtsying. She then introduces Bel, who was by her side.

“Oh, are you a blood relative of Her Highness Princess Mia… You certainly look a little like her… Nice to meet you.”

“Yes. Nice to meet you too.”

Bel lowered her head a little, then stared at the priest’s face… and then brought her face to Mia’s ear.

“Um, Mia-oneesama…”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“This person… doesn’t look like someone who is moved by bribes or anything like that…”

Bel worried that the bribe might just worsen the priest’s impression of Mia. Mia just smiled at the worried Bel. Certainly, there are such people in the world. But…

“Fufufu, don’t worry. The priest is indeed a good man. And even a good man’s heart can be moved with the right lure. Besides, as I’ve said, it’s not a bribe. It’s a gift.”

Mia said with a hushed villainous laughter.

“You should remember this, Bel. When it comes to these kinds of meetings, the talk is just for show. By the time we sit down at the table, the result has already been decided. The real battle is finding as much information as you can beforehand.”

Then Mia turned to the priest.

“Today, I have come here because I have a favor to ask of you Father.”

“Oh, I’m sorry you have to come all the way here for that. Well then, let us talk in my room, please.”

Following the priest they proceeded inside the orphanage.

“Come to think of it, I wonder how that child is doing. That one from the Lulu tribe… the one who gave me this hair ornament.”

Saying that, Mia put her hands on her own hair. She’s a little pretentious… There, a rainbow-colored hair ornament was emitting a faint glow. It’s a memento of the Lulu chief’s daughter… but it’s actually not. The hair ornament in question has already been returned to the tribal chief. This was a new gift the other day.

It’s something that the boy carved for the first time. Wearing it will increase the favorability not only of the boy, but also of the priest. Also, if she happens to meet the boy without wearing it, it will be very embarrassing. So there is no reason not to wear it! Mia’s fashion sense is an exercise of her crisis management ability.

“He just visited us the other day, with a whole bundle of forest fruits. I’m glad that you liked the hairpin he carved. He will be overjoyed to hear that Your Highness is still wearing it.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t meet him. I really wanted to thank him. Please pass on my regards.”

“Yes, I certainly will.”

It was then. Suddenly Mia stopped at what came into her sight. What was ahead of her was the scene of children writing in a large room. Children enthusiastically writing around a brand-new desk. Of course, some of the children looked bored, but most of them listened intently to the nun who was acting as their teacher.

“She is teaching them to write letters, Your Highness.” The priest explains.

“The Central Orthodox Church puts a lot of effort into literacy, don’t they?”

“Yes. If one can read, write and do math, one can do a lot of things. Besides, one will also be able to read the scriptures.”

The Central Orthodox Church promotes literacy for all people on the continent so that each person can directly receive teachings from God, not only through priests. It has been the policy of the Central Orthodox Church since ancient times.

Fumu, this priest is enthusiastic about education. Since they don’t have to worry about food, clothing and shelter, they are now suing the money for children’s education.

Comparing the brand-new desk with the slightly frayed priest’s clothes, Mia grinned.

If this is the case, it seems that we have a found a new supporter for my academy plan. As long as my gift can win him over.

When they entered the priest’s room, Mia sat on a slightly hard chair.

“Ah, that’s right. I forgot.”

Mia seemed to be intentional when she clapped her hand. Mia put the souvenir gift she had brought in front of the priest. As long as we are in a position to make requests, such consideration is essential. This kind of gift acta as lubricant for a smooth negotiation. She may manage without it, but with this, the conversation will proceed more smoothly.

“It is what you asked for the last time.”

At Mia’s words the color of the priest’s eyes changed.

“Oh! that’s not true!? Are those really…?!”

With trembling hands, the priest parted the cloth and lifted it up…it was a portrait.

“I had Rafina-sama sign it. Just as you requested.”

“Oh, thank you very much. Your Highness Princess Mia… Thank you for listening to my unreasonable request…”

Impressed, the priest thanked Mia with a voice restraining a cry of happiness.

“Fufu, that’s not all. Actually, I have another gift.”

“…Another one?”

Mia smiled at the priest who looked curious but excited.

“It is this!”

With a “ta-daaa!” sound effect, she handed out what was behind her back.

“I had Rafina-sama sign this as soon as I bought it at St. Noel Academy.”

Mia proudly smiles. But the priest was unresponsive… No, it wasn’t! His whole body was trembling! It was from excitement!

“Oooooooh, ooooooooh!” Raising a voice resounding from the depths of the earth, the priest picked up the portrait. “No way! You cannot buy this just anywhere, not even in the Principality of Belluga. It was only sold at St. Noel’s! It’s the Special Legendary Limited Edition, Student Council Version!”

His protruding eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he discovered something at the bottom. Aside from his name and Rafina’s signature, there was also a personalized message:

Thank you for your hard work. May God bless you.

The priest let out a yelp out of surprise, happiness, and appreciation. It was a little scary to witness firsthand.

“… uh, a special limited legendary edition? Is that so? To be honest, I don’t know the details, but…”

Mia struggled to keep herself from grimacing upon seeing the priest’s reaction. Still, he was clearly happy with the gifts. She pulled herself to recompose and got back on topic.

“By the way, the important reason that I came here today…”

“Yes. I have heard from Ludwig. I told him I need time to work out the details, but I would be more than happy to help you as much as I can. You have my word!”


As expected, Mia’s eyes widened at the unexpected situation.

And it was the same for Bel.

“So this is the power of bribery… Wow!”

She had just witnessed firsthand the power of the lubricating oil of bribery. The perfectly selected gift doesn’t only make negotiation smooth, but it removes the need for negotiation entirely.

Could it be that I didn’t need to bring a bribe – I mean a gift in the first place?

The whole bribery scheme just seemed a lot less necessary. At least the priest was happy, and that was all that mattered.

This person deserves to be rewarded once in a while for the seeds he sowed.

With that in mind, Mia thanked Rafina in her heart for her willingness to sign the portraits.

“I’ll put this up in my bedroom!”

“… Do as you like.”

“It’s popular among my friends that if you hang it on the ceiling above your bed, you’ll have good dreams…”

“…Right… Shall we move on to a different topic?”

Before I lose my respect for you?

Mia tactfully kept the last part to herself. She decided that it would be better for Rafina not to know how her portraits were being used.

In a very rare moment, Mia was the only sensible person in the room. It was really strange.

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