Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 211.2

Chapter 211.2

“Aim at all of them from the left and right! The magician’s group is now moving!”

Troops from Augen and Valcay rushed in from either side. These two troops also dismounted, all of them carrying a long-handled Glaive. Their objective was to cut off the legs of Bicorns.

In this world, horses were expensive and were more often captured and used as a reward for fighting against a nation. Therefore, Augen and others were surprised when they were instructed to do so, but they accepted it without much resistance because they were dealing with demons anyway.

And as both units ran around with the objective of neutralizing the opponent’s strength rather than defeating them one by one, confusion spread among the group of Bicorns who were caught in between the screams.

The Bicorns, being demons, were dangerous enough, but because of the favorable battlefield situation, the soldiers’ sense of fear was at least halved. It also boosted the morale of the soldiers to know that their strategy was working.

The troops of Augen and Valcay rushed into the midst of the enemy and cut off Bicorn’s legs one after another. Barely escaping the chaos, the Dark Knights were about to get into a fighting position when they were randomly hit by a unit that had come around the perimeter of this localized battle.

The greatest disadvantage of the sorcerer corps was its mobility. Unlike soldiers, whose training begins with walking in the first place, magicians were closer to being indoor soldiers, and it was difficult for them to keep up with knights and infantrymen. Therefore, they would normally be used in the same way as archers for base defense and first battles.

But that would not be enough to make full use of their abilities. So, Welner consulted Seyfart and had him prepare a chariot drawn by two horses for combat use.

It was a three-man chariot with one coachman and one to two combatants, but by replacing these combatants with magicians, the chariot became mobile and could even be made to cast magic while moving.

For this reason, conversely, the Zeavert Corps contributed most of its horses to the chariots to increase their numbers, turning the Zeavert Corps into an infantry corps, but they were given approval as a specialized force in taking away Bicorn’s mobility. This was in consideration of the overall situation.

It would normally be an unbecoming instruction for a knight, but there were few complaints from the Knights of Zeavert. Perhaps it was because they have adapted to Welner’s way of thinking in a strange way, saying that they had no choice but to follow a commander who knew what they needed to do.

The fast-moving sorcerers’ corps moved around to the rear faster than the enemy and began to use magic to beat down the enemies who had escaped the confusion and emerged from the battle. A knight on foot could not catch up with a two-horse cart. As the line of Dark Knights ran around to force a close battle, the mercenaries led by Gekke rushed in, turning Dark Knights one after another into mere immobile armor.

“We’re coming too!”

The main force led by Welner, confirming the situation, also moved in. With Max, Augen, Valcay, and others in tow, Welner himself led the charge, stabbing through a group of Bicorns that had lost their legs, cutting off their heads, and smashing their skulls. Everyone followed Welner’s lead and began to stain themselves with Bicorn’s blood.

The Zeavert forces faced about half of the Bicorns that had been moved in their direction, finishing the batch with the support of the sorcerers’ corps.

At this time, the battlefield was divided into four main areas.

Originally, Dark Knight troops were divided into north and south. It happened because of evacuation when the giant Cyclops, which was in the center of the demon army, went on the rampage.

At the front of the city gate, the ballista opened powerful fire on the Heavenly King Mubrial and the Cyclops, with Mubrial neighing loudly in displeasure.

Meanwhile, the Dark Knights force that escaped to the south was further divided into two areas: where Bicorns suddenly ran to and where Dark Knights originally evacuated.

After Bicorns ran away, left off Dark Knights began to engage in fierce battles with the army of 30000 men led by Marquis Nolpoth.

Then, the 250 men of the 1st and 2nd Order of Royal Guards, who had made a large detour from the north gate, launched a charge against the 10000 Dark Knights who had taken refuge on the north side.

The First and Second Order of Royal Guards did not have the same tools as the forces deployed on the south side. Instead, they have a towed carroballista, which should be called a tank by this world’s standards.

With the carroballista leading the attack, the two knight orders dared to charge as a group. The Dark Knights, on the other hand, were caught off guard, and confusion spread in their ranks.

The two knight orders coordinated skillfully, and when the first knight order on the right wing strengthened its attack, the second knight order on the left wing loosened their attack, and when the first knight order was about to be pushed back, the second knight order went on the offensive, cutting the knights of the Demon Army from their flanks.

The Knights skillfully used whistle, arrows and banner signals, and in no time at all, they began to reduce the Dark Knights to a mere handful.

The biggest miscalculation of the demon army was that they did not anticipate that the human side was waiting for their arrival and did not even assume that they would fight back with full preparations.

Moreover, since the human side seemed to have abandoned their towns and villages and fled, they assumed that more human forces were probably hiding inside the city and were helping in the defenses. They had not anticipated that humans would make such a  bold move at all.

The kingdom’s army, on the other hand, was well-prepared for the attack. There was no reason for them to stay in the city and let the enemy attack unilaterally.

Above all, even though the size of the enemy was unknown, they were able to find information about the types of monsters that would attack them. They could even make a prediction of the enemy’s strength to a certain extent.

There was a difference between being ambushed by a mysterious enemy and knowing that the enemy was going to attack and having a good grasp of the enemy’s information.

First, they would destroy the opponent’s eyes, harpies, then strike to make the opponent lose mobility, and finally, they would dare to fight a defensive battle against the Forth Heavenly King and Cyclopes.

In the form of counterattacking the demon army that had been advancing for a long time, the kingdom army had been advancing the battle situation favorably up to this point.

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