Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son

Chapter 770 770 Man and Machine

Chapter 770 770 Man and Machine

As the armada made its triumphant return, the base was alight with celebrations. The air was filled with cheers and the collective relief at their leader's safe return was palpable.

Aldred, though greeted with the warmth of his people, knew there was little time for rest. The information brought to him by Vortimer about Zelthrax's secret weapon weighed heavily on his mind. The war against the demonic forces was far from over.

In the midst of celebrations, Vortimer approached Aldred, his metallic frame reflecting the flickering lights of the celebration. The joyous atmosphere did little to mask the gravity of his message. "Aldred, while the return to our stronghold is a momentous occasion, I must press upon you the urgency of the information we've uncovered," Vortimer's voice, though synthetic, carried an unmistakable urgency.

Aldred nodded, signaling for Vortimer to continue, his expression turning somber, a stark contrast to the revelry around them. "Zelthrax has been developing a weapon, unlike anything we've encountered. Its potential for destruction is… substantial. We must act swiftly," Vortimer explained, his optical sensors locking onto Aldred's gaze.

The news sobered Aldred instantly. "Have we any intelligence on the nature of this weapon? Or how far they've progressed?" Aldred's voice was calm, but the concern was palpable.

"Details are scarce. The demonic forces guard this secret zealously. But, our scouts have confirmed its existence. It's being developed in the depths of their stronghold, shielded from prying eyes," Vortimer detailed, his voice betraying the seriousness of the threat.

Aldred pondered the situation, the weight of command heavy upon his shoulders. "We'll need a plan. A direct assault is out of the question. We're going to need precision and stealth on our side," he mused aloud, already strategizing their next move.

Turning to his commanders, who had gathered around, drawn by the discussion, Aldred's voice was firm. "Prepare a team. We infiltrate the enemy stronghold, gather intelligence, and if possible, sabotage this weapon. This mission will be perilous, and I'll only take volunteers."

"What about the secret tech that you find?" Vortimer asked.

"This tech won't be useful to you. Besides, I have a contract not to disclose this tech to anyone. Although, if you see me using it, you probably won't be impressed by it."

Captain Ilsa stepped forward, her resolve clear. "I'll lead the team. We've faced the darkness before. We'll do it again," she declared, her voice steady.

Aldred gave a nod of approval. "Very well, Captain Ilsa. Assemble your team. Time is of the essence."

As the planning commenced, the celebrations continued around them, a bittersweet reminder of what they were fighting to protect. Aldred, Ilsa, and Vortimer delved into the intricacies of the mission, the festive atmosphere fading into the background as they focused on the looming threat.

The night grew deeper, and as the base slowly returned to quiet, a select group of warriors, scientists, and strategists gathered in the war room. Maps of the demonic territories were laid out, and the secret weapon's possible locations were marked. The room was filled with a tense energy, a mix of anticipation and resolve.

Captain Ilsa, now flanked by her chosen team, looked over the maps. "We'll need to be ghost-like. In and out before they realize we're there," she said, her gaze intense.

Dr. Ren, the team's expert engineer, added, "I've been working on a device that might help mask our energy signatures. It's not foolproof, but it should give us an edge."

Dr. Ren actually was one of Salamander's top scientist and engineer. Aldred actually did not want a talent like him to die, but his presence increased the team's chance of survival.

Losing him would be quite a hit to Celestial Platoon's human resources, however, he could still take it.

Vega, the ace pilot chosen for her unparalleled skills, chimed in, "I've plotted a course that'll take us through the least guarded sectors. It's risky, but it's our best shot at getting close undetected."

The team worked through the night, refining their strategy, aware of the stakes.

As dawn crept over the horizon, casting a soft glow over the base, the team, led by Captain Ilsa, gathered at the launch bay.

Their vessel, a sleek, modified scout ship designed for stealth, sat ready. The air was tense but charged with a focused energy. Each team member knew the gravity of their task and the slim chance of their return.

Aldred approached, his figure cutting a commanding presence against the lightening sky. "You're embarking on a mission that could very well dictate the future of our fight against the demonic forces," he began, his voice firm yet imbued with an undercurrent of concern. "Zelthrax is cunning and merciless. If he's indeed spearheading this weapon's development, we must assume we're up against something unprecedented."

Captain Ilsa met Aldred's gaze, her determination unwavering. "We understand the risks, sir. We'll get the intelligence you need and sabotage their efforts if we can. You have my word."

Aldred nodded, placing a hand on Ilsa's shoulder. "Your bravery is the beacon that guides us through these dark times," he said solemnly. "May the stars watch over you."

Turning to Vortimer, Aldred whispered, "Keep the base on high alert. We don't know what we're up against, and we must be prepared for any retaliatory actions from Zelthrax."

"No. I am done staying on the defensive. I will take a more pro-

active approach," Vortimer replied.


"I let you build your organization in three years as a test of your capabilities. You did not disappoint. In a decade, you certainly will match the Lord Malgorth's army. A decade is but a blink of an eye for me, but I have no privilege of time. We need to end this war quickly."

Aldred frowned. "It's too early. The Celestial Platoon isn't big and influential enough to achieve your ambition."

For a few second, there was only silence. Vortimer seem to process it until he replied. "I lied. I have the privilege of time. I have lived for eons and a decade is nothing for me. But this isn't the case for you."

Confusion appeared on Aldred's face.

"You don't have much time in this universe, Aldred.

Aldred's frown deepened, the celebratory mood from moments ago now a distant memory. "What do you mean, Vortimer? Explain yourself," he demanded, his voice tinged with an urgency he couldn't mask.

Vortimer's sensors seemed to dim slightly, as if in contemplation. "Aldred, my sensors have detected anomalies in the fabric of reality since your arrival. It's as if… as if the universe itself is attempting to reclaim you, to pull you back to where you truly belong."

Aldred shook his head in disbelief. "That's impossible. I'm committed to this fight, to this universe. My return… my return depends on defeating Lord Malgorth and retrieving the Space Weaver scepter. Without it, I'm stranded here."

Vortimer's response was gentle, yet firm. "You're a remarkable being, Aldred. Capable of seeing beyond what many cannot.Yet, there's a blindness in you to the cosmic forces at play. Your belief in the scepter as your only means of return is… misplaced."

Aldred's stance hardened. "You're saying there's another way?"

"Yes," Vortimer confirmed. "The universe doesn't adhere strictly to the physical objects and quests we often see as our only solutions. Your connection to your home universe is stronger than you realize. The scepter may be a key, but it's not the only one."

Aldred absorbed Vortimer's words, a mix of skepticism and hope battling within him. "And what would you have me do? Abandon the fight here?"

"It is not your fight to begin with. Have you already forgotten about your wives?"

The weight of Vortimer's words settled over Aldred like a cloak. The possibility of returning home had always been a distant beacon, guiding his every decision in this universe.

Yet, he was too busy that he had forgotten of what was trully matter.

Vortimer's form seemed to pause, a momentary silence filling the space between them before he spoke, his voice carrying a hint of something akin to warmth. "I've already come to think of you as a friend, Aldred. It's a sentiment I never thought I'd direct towards a human."

Aldred, caught off guard by the confession, could only manage a small smile in response. "And what will you do, Vortimer, if I do leave?"

"I will continue the work you've started here, ensuring that the Celestial Platoon remains a beacon of hope against the darkness. Your legacy will endure, through the battles fought and the lives saved," Vortimer replied, his tone resolute.

Aldred chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "You speak as if my departure is imminent."

"Perhaps not this very moment, but the universe's call grows stronger. I've witnessed many partings, many farewells left unsaid. It may be premature, but I wish to express my gratitude now, to avoid the regrets that come with silence," Vortimer explained, the synthetic cadence of his voice doing little to hide the sincerity of his words.

Aldred's chuckle deepened into a heartier laugh. "Vortimer, in this moment, you sound more human than many humans I've met."

"It is the highest compliment you could offer," Vortimer responded. "But to your question, my plan is to safeguard the foundation you've built, to protect this universe as you have. And when the time comes for you to answer the universe's call, know that your legacy, your fight, will continue."

Aldred nodded, the gravity of the conversation settling upon him. "It seems I've more to ponder than I realized. And Vortimer, know that your friendship, unexpected as it was, has been a beacon for me as well."

The two stood in a moment of shared understanding, a warrior and a machine, bound by a common cause and an unlikely friendship. Aldred finally spoke, breaking the reflective silence. "Let's focus on the here and now. We have a war to win, and I intend to make every moment count."

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