Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 5317: So heartbroken

Chapter 5317 So heartbroken

When she read the list that Lin Ziyi handed her, she instantly felt her heart aching. Then she asked Lin Ziyi, "Is there any room for compression?"

"No, this is already the lowest price. Unless you lower the grade of the material, it will only be this price."

"I'm generous."

"There's nothing you can do about it, because this price is already a friendly price. If someone else buys these materials, the price will be two levels higher than the current price."

Lu Xiaoxiao was heartbroken when she heard Lin Ziyi's words. Then she asked Lin Ziyi, "When do you plan to start construction?"

"Any time, it's mainly up to you."

"Then let's wait for another two days. I want to find someone to check the date. As the saying goes, it is better to believe it or not. It is better to find someone to check the date."

"Okay, then we will go back and wait for your notification."

"Don't leave in a hurry. Don't be idle these two days. First go to the warehouse and buy the building materials. When the time is good, you can start construction directly."

Lin Ziyi and Xie Sangui looked at each other after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "No problem, it's just about the money to buy building materials..."

"There are 200,000 yuan in this passbook. You can use it first, but you have to make sure the accounts are clear. I will check the accounts then."


At around ten o'clock at noon, Zhang Xu came down from upstairs after finishing his work and saw that Lin Ziyi and Xie Sangui had left. He asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Is there anything you need help with?"

"Not yet. I won't be polite to you when I need your help."

"Okay, whatever you want to eat for lunch, I'll make it for you."

"We won't be having lunch at home today. I'll take you to a restaurant." "A restaurant?"

"Well, let's go eat braised pork. Xie Sangui and I have eaten there before. It tastes very good."

"Then let's go."

Lu Xiaoxiao put on her coat after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then went out with Zhang Xu towards the braised pork restaurant where she ate before.

When she was approaching the door of the braised pork shop, she saw a commotion at the door of the braised pork shop and didn't know what was going on.

But now that she was here, it was absolutely impossible for her to leave just like that, so she and Zhang Xu continued walking towards the stew shop.

"Let me tell you, if you don't give me five thousand yuan in pension, I will come here every day to make trouble and see how your store can continue to open."

"Mom, you are trying to force us to death. When we separated, you said that as long as Xiaocao and I clean up and leave the house, we won't need to provide for our old age. It's only been less than half a year, so why don't you keep your word? "

"Who said I don't mean what I say? And when did I say that I don't need you to support me in old age? It is only natural for a son to provide for his mother in old age, and this is also the case when the King of Heaven comes."


"Bah, you unfilial son who has been seduced by a vixen, don't call me mother, I'm afraid your life will be shortened.

And at this time tomorrow, I will come over to collect the pension money. If you don’t give it to me, your store will be smashed. "

Yang Er's face turned pale when he heard Mrs. Yang's words, because he couldn't figure out why his mother was willing to force him to death. Did he marry Xiaocao just because he didn't listen to her?

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand to wrap Xiaocao's head and cried.

It wasn't until he cried out all the grievances, unwillingness, and confusion in his heart that he said to Xiaocao: "Xiaocao, I listen to you. Let's leave the capital and go to other places to make a living."

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