Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 52: Winter Hunting (4)

Chapter 52: Winter Hunting (4)

Chapter 52 Winter Hunting (4)

It's one o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Xiaoxiao has long been thinking about cooking a pot of preserved egg and lean meat porridge when she saw the time. She bought all kinds of porridge when preparing materials, but there were only a few dozen servings of each, and the amount was not enough. It's big, you can't eat it all at once, you have to keep it and eat it slowly.

Lu Xiaoxiao thought that if she had free time now, she should prepare more cooked food, in case she was too busy to cook in the future.

Lu Xiaoxiao took out five catties of rice from the space, washed them clean, soaked them in water, turned on the earthen stove, added half a pot of water to the pot, and then poured the washed rice into the pot to boil.

After half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao opened the lid of the pot and saw that the rice had blossomed, so she poured two catties of chopped lean meat and a pinch of shredded **** into the pot, stirred evenly, then covered the pot and cooked for ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao opened the lid of the pot, poured the cut ten preserved eggs and three spoons of salt into the pot and stirred evenly, then covered the pot again and boiled for 20 minutes, so that the delicious preserved egg porridge was ready.

After the porridge was cooked, Lu Xiaoxiao put them in a bucket and put them in the space. When she saw that there was still fire in the stove, she put a hundred eggs in it to cook as before.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and it was past three o'clock in the afternoon. She thought that the firewood at home was almost exhausted, so she went to Aunt Caihua's house and asked if she could exchange money with her family for firewood.

Lu Xiaoxiao went into the bedroom to change clothes, took out a catty of trough cakes from the space, and then closed the door of the yard and walked towards the captain's house.

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the captain's house and saw Aunt Caihua feeding the chickens in the yard, she greeted Aunt Caihua.

Aunt Caihua saw Lu Xiaoxiao coming, so she hurriedly called Lu Xiaoxiao into the room.

After Aunt Caihua went into the kitchen and washed her hands, she asked Lu Xiaoxiao to warm up on the kang.

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard Aunt Caihua's words, she didn't sit on the kang right away. Second, she handed her the oiled paper bag before sitting on the kang.

Aunt Caihua took the oil-paper bag that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her and asked, "What is this?"

"Trough cake." Lu Xiaoxiao said after hearing Aunt Caihua's words.

"You child, what do you bring with you when you come? You have met your aunt, don't you? Quickly put it away and take it home to eat slowly. My aunt has never eaten at such an old age. There is no shortage of this bite. Eat more to grow your body when you are young."

Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't laugh or cry when she heard Aunt Caihua's words, so she pushed the trough cake to Aunt Caihua again with her hand and said, "Auntie, I still have more. If you don't accept it, I won't dare to come to the door if I have something to do."

Aunt Caihua had no choice but to accept the trough cake after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said.

After Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the kang and chatted with Aunt Caihua for more than ten minutes, he said to Aunt Caihua: "Auntie, can I exchange firewood with you?"

Aunt Caihua understood what Lu Xiaoxiao meant when she heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, so she hurriedly said: "No need to change, when Baozhu and the others come back, it will be enough for you to go to the mountain to pull a few times."

"Auntie, if it is once or twice, I can ask you to help, but look at my body, I must not be able to cut firewood for several years. I can't let you keep busy, so my conscience can't bear it."

Aunt Cauliflower thought about it. If its okay a few times, its a matter of several years. Even if she is willing, the daughters-in-law will definitely complain. Besides, after the spring, they have to go to the fields to earn work points. The three sons earn ten full work points every day, so if they don't go, they will lose a lot of food.

Every family is having a hard time now, not to mention that I have such a big family, food is life, and helping others is not so helpful.

After thinking about it, Aunt Caihua turned to Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Xiaoxiao, Auntie is not lying to you, if you are free to help you, it is fine, but after the beginning of spring, you have to go to the fields to earn work points, and Baozhu and the others will work together for a day." There are 30 work points in total, calculated as 5 cents per work point, one day is 1.50 cents, and they cut it for one day, which is enough for you for a month. After that, let the three of them ask for leave every month to help you chop firewood for a day, and you will give 1.50 cents What do you think."

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard what Aunt Caihua said, she knew that she was taking care of her. Chopping firewood was much harder than earning work points in the field, but it was still the same money. She had to agree with her conscience.

"Auntie, everything else is up to you, but I have to give you two yuan for this money. Chopping wood is harder than earning work points, but there is no reason to ask you to help me and let you suffer. If you don't agree, I will find someone else. "

Aunt Caihua had no choice but to nod in agreement after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

Seeing that Aunt Cauliflower agreed, Lu Xiaoxiao was very happy, so she asked Aunt Cauliflower when the hunting team would return, and she said that she would be back the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Afterwards, Lu Xiaoxiao heard Aunt Caihua talk about some things in the village, and when she saw that it was getting late, she left and went home.

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