Reborn to Be A Noble Wife

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Both Have Ulterior Motives

As Qu Moying just sat down, she heard a maid reporting, “My lady, Young Master Xu wants to see you.”

“Tell him to leave!” Qu Moying shook her head.

After a moment of hesitation, the maid said, “My lady, Young Master Xu insisted on meeting you. He said if you didn’t agree to meet him, he would break in.”

“Break in? You guys can’t even stop a man?” Qu Moying said coldly with a sullen face.

The maid didn’t dare to say another word and left. However, after a while, there was a loud noise coming through from the outside.

“My lady, Young Master Xu got in!” Yu Dong walked to the window and looked out with a sarcastic smile, “The maids and senior housemaids couldn’t stop him, or they just pretended to stop him.”

“My lady, I’ll go.” Yu Chun stood up.

“It’s fine. Go invite him in!” Qu Moying said with a cold face. Did Xu Lipeng think that she was afraid of him?

The maids and senior housemaids in the yard used to work for Yu Qingmeng. Qu Moying needed to get rid of them fast.

Yu Dong understood what Qu Moying meant. Then he walked out and waved his hand to those servants, saying, “Move away, let Young Master Xu in.”

The maids and senior housemaids who had pretended to stop Xu Lipeng looked at each other and made way for him at once. Xu Lipeng tidied his sleeves and strode into the room, followed by Yu Dong.

“Fourth Lady Qu, what do you mean by doing that?” Xu Lipeng got in with an angry look in his eyes.

As they finally met each other, Qu Moying seemed calm and composed, but Xu Lipeng who always stayed gentle in public looked a bit rattled.

“Young Master Xu, you and Lady Yu like each other. What do you want now? You don’t want to be with her?” Qu Moying raised her head and looked to Xu Lipeng through the veil, asking slowly.

“There’s nothing between me and Lady Yu. There was a good explanation for what I did on that street. Fourth Lady Qu, why can’t you just let it go? You are not acting like a lady from a prestigious family.” Xu Lipeng said sullenly.

He had thought that he would be able to solve the whole thing today. Little did he realize that things would end up like this. He assumed that Qu Moying must have said something to Old Lady Qu, otherwise the latter who was always nice to him wouldn’t have treated him like that.

“Nothing? Young Master Xu, did you know what Lady Yu said to me in the carriage on that day?” Qu Moying lifted the corner of her lips and put on a cold smile.

“What did she say?” Xu Lipeng had a bad feeling for no reason.

“She said that you two loved each other and that I should be clever enough to break off the engagement, otherwise she would kill me after I marry you. Young Master Xu, I can still be alive if I don’t marry you. I’m afraid that I might lose my life if we got married. Do you still think I should marry you now?”

Qu Moying said slowly with a composed look.

The look on Xu Lipeng’s face was frozen. He never expected Yu Qingmeng would say something like that. ‘That’s impossible. Yu Qingmeng is gentle and willing to make compromises for me. She wouldn’t have said that.’

‘Qu Moying must have made that up. She has even set Qingmeng up in order to ruin Qingmeng’s reputation.’ Xu Lipeng thought.

“Fourth Lady Qu, do you know that jealousy is one of the seven great mistakes for women?” Xu Lipeng said grumpily.

“Seven great mistakes? Young Master Xu, you must have got it wrong. I won’t marry you. So the seven great mistakes for women have nothing to do with me.” Qu Moying gave a sarcastic smile.

Xu Lipeng who was irritated opened his mouth but couldn’t utter a single word. He flapped his sleeve in anger and then said, “Qu Moying, just you wait. It’s not up to you if you’ll marry into Marquis Yongning’s family or not.”

After saying that, he left furiously.

He hadn’t wanted to marry Qu Moying before. However, now he felt that he was eager to marry her. After they got married, he wanted to see how she would beg for his mercy.

“Young Master Xu, you can just leave. Next time please behave like a decent young master and don’t break into a lady’s yard. That’s not polite.”

Qu Moying didn’t care about the angry look on Xu Lipeng’s face. After she stood up, she smiled and said that.

Xu Lipeng was about to walk across the threshold. Hearing that, he nearly tripped. Then, being angry and ashamed, he strode away.

The servants on the road all saw this Young Master Yongning who was always very gentle and mild wearing a sullen face. They all made way for him, for fear that they would provoke him.

After he got on the carriage that parked outside the door, he told the coachman to go back to his mansion. ‘This isn’t over. Qu Moying, you should feel flattered that you could marry me. How dare you do this to me? Do you think there’s any other guy who dares to marry you?!’

‘Just keep making trouble, I won’t give Yu Qingmeng up.’ He thought.

“Young Master Xu, Young… Young Mater Xu, please wait for a moment!” Before the carriage made a turn, he heard someone gasping in front of the carriage.

After Xu Lipeng’s pageboy lifted the curtain, a senior housemaid of the Qu’s family showed up.

“What?” His young master suffered wrong, the pageboy, though having no guts to say anything, was still pissed off. So he said that with an irritable voice.

“Our Second… Second Madam invited you over.” The senior housemaid was out of breath. She had gone to Old Lady Qu’s yard first and been told that Young Master Xu had just left for Qianyue House. Then she had rushed to Qianyue House at once and been informed that he had left again. After that, she had followed the carriage here.

“There’s nothing for us to talk about. Please tell Second Madam now that things already turned ugly, I have to go back home to discuss with my mother.” Xu Lipeng said bluntly.

“Let’s go!” He leaned back and said that.

The coachman didn’t dare to hesitate and turned the carriage. Then the carriage headed to the avenue.

The senior housemaid watched the carriage leaving with resignation. After she sighed, she went back to the Qu’s Mansion and told Yu what had happened. Yu’s face turned sullen instantly.

Yu Qingmeng had told her that Xu Lipeng would come today and asked her to help him. Little did she know that Xu Lipeng had left before she arrived there.

“Young Master Xu also said… he said now that things had turned ugly between the two families…” The senior housemaid said timidly.

Yu waved her hand and didn’t want to hear anything. The senior housemaid let out a sigh of relief and left in a hurry.

“Madam, what should we do now?” A woman around thirty walked out from Yu’s behind. She was from Yu’s family and had come to this family when Yu had got married. She was Yu’s henchman and had given a lot of advice to the latter. The other servants in the mansion all called her Auntie Hai.

“That old bitch.” Yu rolled her eyes and cursed that in a low voice. She would love to see Yu Qingmeng marrying into Marquis Yongning’s family. However, Yu Qingmeng had told her that it was never going to happen. “What’s so good about that bitch? Why does the old lady treasure her so much?!”

As Yu remembered how aggrieved she had been over the past few days, she couldn’t help flying into a rage.

“After what happened to Qingmeng yesterday, Madam Yongning wouldn’t allow Xu Lipeng to marry Qingmeng even if he wants to. It’s all that old bitch’s fault. If she hasn’t insisted on breaking off the engagement, Madam Yongning wouldn’t have seen Qingmeng being with He Dapang.”

Yu said with a glum voice, blaming what had happened yesterday on Old Lady Qu and Qu Moying.

“Qingmeng said that now we had to let Qu Moying marry Xu Lipeng. That ugly and blind girl is nothing after she leaves that old bitch.”

Yu had thought a lot over the past few days and felt that Old Lady Qu was responsible for all the bad things which had happened to her. Qu Moying would be an ant that she could tramp at any time without Old Lady Qu’s support.

Yu could decide if Qu Moying could live or die or just give a simple order to let someone wound or beat Qu Moying to death or just send the latter away.

However, now because of Old Lady Qu’s protection to Qu Moying, there were a lot of things Yu couldn’t do. Not only that, due to what Qing He had done, she didn’t even dare to get too close to Qu Moying.

“Qing He was already sold?” Speaking of Qing He, Yu got angry again. She had ordered someone to keep an eye on Qing He, but the latter had still been sold.

“Trader Mo said that someone from a noble family happened to be there on that day. That person liked Qing He and brought her home. Trader Mo couldn’t reveal that person’s identity because it is kind of special.” Auntie Hai lowered her head. Yu had assigned this task to her, but she had failed, so she was afraid that Yu might scold her.

Actually, when Auntie Hai had asked Trader Mo about that, she had claimed that it was Yu who wanted to know. However, Trader Mo assumed that Yu had asked her to sell Qing He secretly while still asking Qing He’s situation in order to prove that she had nothing to do with everything. ‘What a hypocrite! She’s so disgusting.’ Trader Mo thought.

Therefore, Trader Mo had said something to muddle through while thinking, ‘You guys know everything, don’t you?’

“Keep investigating. We have to find Qing He.” Yu gnashed her teeth. She couldn’t rest well if Qing He’s still alive, because she felt that that girl was like a bomb that could explode at any time. “What about her family?”

“They were also sold. The trader has said a lot of things about that deal, but I heard that they were sold to a village already!” Auntie Hai gave the name of the village, which got Yu silent. The family which Qing He’s family had been sold to did not get along well with the Qu’s family. Yu felt ashamed to ask them to give those servants back, plus she had no reason to do so. If the people from that family wanted to know why, she couldn’t give an answer.

Now she had to let them go.

She pointed to the direction of Qianyue House and said disdainfully, “This girl really doesn’t want to marry Young Master Xu, or she’s just putting on airs? Who else will be willing to marry her except for Young Master Xu?”

Auntie Hai pressed the flower ornament on her hair and pondered for a while. Then she suggested in a low voice, “Madam, Second Master is about to come back. If he strongly supports this marriage, Old Lady Qu might have to consider his opinion. When Second Master wanted to marry you, Old Lady Qu also disagreed, but at last, you still got what you wished, didn’t you?”

“We should ask for Second Master’s help?” Yu thought for a while and the look on her face gradually turned calm.

Auntie Hai let out a sigh of relief seeing Yu being convinced by her and then said, “Second Master always listens to you. If you give the advice and act like you do consider for Fourth Lady Qu, Second Master would be impressed by your kindness. He would definitely agree! However, madam, if you don’t want to do that, there are other ways. We could make the thing happened on the day when Young Master He came happen again. Old Lady Qu’s birthday is about to come. There are going to be a lot of people coming to our mansion. If anything happens, you won’t be blamed for it.”

“Fine, let’s wait Second Master to come back first. If it still doesn’t work, we’ll try out your way.” Yu nodded and looked to the direction of Qianyue House. She couldn’t just let go of it. No matter what Qu Zhizhen said, she would definitely destroy Qu Moying’s reputation.

Being a concubine was too grievous for Yu Qingmeng.

Since Yu Qingmeng’s reputation was ruined, Yu would dishonor Qu Moying too. Then, the two girls could both marry Xu Lipeng as his wives. It didn’t matter to Yu that Xu Lipeng would be cheated…

While Yu was plotting at home, she didn’t know that the word had already begun to spread…

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