Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 89 Fighting The Gigantic Titan Rhino


After a brief moment of disorientation, Legolas regained his sight.

Looking around him, he saw himself in the familiar dust-filled mountain range close to where he subdued Akela during their first meeting.

Legolas turned to face Akela. "You guys have not explored past here?"

'We've explored far further than here but Predator with his blockhead always insist that we come back here. He argues that this is a sacred location that you choose yourself to lead our rise into these vast planes'.

"…" Legolas was left speechless.

He turned to look at Predator who reciprocated heroically. "Roar!"

"Sh*t, I know, ok, but when did you start spouting such bullsh*t?"


"Ugh…, nevermind".

Predator still made noise as he tried to argue his point through the telepathic relationship that he was right, in the end, Legolas had to give in to his energetic Nightmare Beast again so that he could have his peace of mind.

After leaving his 2 contracted beasts and the wolves, Legolas finally directed a stern look towards the mischievous Chefron who was now looking around in amazement at his new surroundings.

"The f*ck kiddo, I told you to go back to sea".


"But your promised to listen to me".


"You'll listen to me only when you want? Great".

After scolding the Chefron who was still pretty fascinated by his new surroundings, Legolas started thinking of the strange phenomenon.

Originally, summoners were not supposed to bring anything to the beast plane apart from their contracted beasts. Bringing any other thing required sacrifices like getting internal injuries and other penalties.

That was why he was left even more injured after he brought Christensen and the other 2 members of his faction to the beast plane during the showdown against the swordmaster that almost cost his life.

For some strange reason though, with Chefron, nothing of that sort happened as he was completely fine. "Is this a fluke?"

"Or is it due to kiddo's uniqueness?" Legolas was confused.

After a bit of thinking, he arrived at a theory.

Chefrons after evolving to a certain level are able to unlock the powers of space to further increase their speed to a ridiculous level, Legolas guessed that it was due to kiddo's dormant space powers that he was not penalized.

He didn't pay too much attention to that though. At this moment, getting Lucky from whatever situation that she was stuck in was priority.

Though Lucky was not his contracted beast but was rather his pet, perhaps because she came to him as a gift from his virtual interface, she had an even stronger telepathic relationship with him than his contracted beasts.

Through the telepathic connection, Legolas could vaguely sense where she was and was how he was able to confirm that she was still alive.

"Predator, Akela, go play with the wolves".

"I will be going alone with kiddo".

Moving with such a number of beasts in the beast plane would surely draw unnatural attention and Legolas intended to keep it low, this was why he decided to go with only kiddo.

The Chefron tried to protest its freedom but Legolas was not having it.

"Since you came here, you'll have to help me".

"Come on and stop slacking let's go".

Kiddo was reluctant at first, Legolas had to bring another chocolate before this swift beast carried him and started sprinting away.

Legolas laughed. 'Chocolate for a beast's loyalty is such a bargain'.


Just like his first time of going to the beast plane, Christensen landed in an unnatural angle as his waist started aching.

He complained. "Why can't I land in a cool manner for once? So depressing, it kind of negates all the effort I put into training".

Due to the fact that they entered through different bridge openings, Christensen arrived at an entirely different part of the beast plane.

Christensen did not stand up immediately, he decided to lie down a bit to regain his strength but he soon noticed something wrong. "Why is Leo so silent and why is the atmosphere turning so stiff?"

"Achoo…" Christensen rubbed his nose, this was when he felt it.

The feeling of air coming out of another nose brushed past his face.

At first, he felt disgusted before a sense of dread grew in him as the thought of how big a beast whose nostril air alone could make him feel that way was.

Christensen peeked at Leo who was now shaking in its boots, he felt goosebumps as he finally gathered the courage to look up.

He first saw a large mass of brown flesh, tracing it up to the nose where the air came from, he finally saw the full face of this gigantic beast.

"A Titan Rhino?" Christensen almost pissed his pants.

This massive Rhino was taller than a normal human adult and with its massive body frame like an elephant, it was a gigantic horror monster.

Having looked at the tiny object that landed on its front since, the Rhino lost interest and simply decided to squash it under its foot like a bug.

Christensen's breath seized. "Holy sh*t…, holy sh*t!"

"Beast plane summoning activate…!"

"Beast plane summoning activate…!"

Christensen's panic action worked as the rainbow bridge appeared, he crawled into it with the fastest speed that he could muster, disappearing.

He dodged the Titan Rhino's stomp by mere inches.

He arrived back in Planet Darvis gasping for breath. "Oh gosh, that was so close, I thought I was about to die".

"Leo, you okay…?" Christensen paused mid-sentence.

He turned around and looked everywhere, then tears started pouring down his eyes. "F*ck me! I left Leo behind in panic!"

Legolas panicked even more at the thought of losing his companion.

His almost 3 weeks training was not for naught though. Legolas forcibly calmed himself down since panicking would not solve anything as he started thinking of a rational strategy to save his companion and escape the Titan Rhino.

He finished making a makeshift plan in just 2 seconds.

"Ok, it's now or never, here I come".

"Beast plane summoning, activate!"

As soon as the familiar rainbow bridge opened, Christensen jumped in with his sword already on his hands. He arrived just in time when the gigantic Titan Rhino was about to squash Leo to death having cornered it.

In desperation, Leo was trying hard to freeze the surroundings to restrict the Rhino's movement to no avail, it was just too big and powerful.

As soon as Christensen saw the current situation, he improvised.

​ "Leo, stop wasting your energy, focus on freezing its nose".

As he ordered, with his sword, Christensen already took action as he rolled under the Titan Rhino having activated his combat master ability already.

As he rolled, he slashed with his sword at the Titan Rhino's right front leg.


The gigantic Rhino grunted and growled in slight pain as it stomped at the annoying pest but Christensen was one step ahead as he dodged.

He rolled all the way to its left front leg and also slashed at it.

"Roar!" The Rhino was fed up as it finally looked down.

Almost at the same time that it looked down, it's mutated long tail like a whip lashed out at Christensen with such speed that Christensen was alarmed.

The tail was too fast, Christensen was not fast enough to dodge it so he instead took a foolish gamble. Christensen threw himself at the tail hoping that he was skilled enough to limit the impact by cushioning himself on the tail.

It was similar to the trick that parkour experts use to land when jumping down from tall buildings but it was much more dangerous.


The tail hit it's target as it finally started retreating.

Christensen had a bloody nose and an injury on his cheek but he survived the deadly strike and now clung to the tail as it retreated.

Christensen was patient until the tail retreated fully, exposing the anus of the gigantic Titan Rhino to him as his eyes gleamed excitedly and ominously.

"Now!" Christensen roared.

The Titan Rhino felt the danger but Leo was a step ahead as it concentrated its frost on the Rhino's nose and froze it, the gigantic Rhino sneezed.


The sneeze made it lose orientation, exposing it as Christensen finally made his move. He jumped from the tail before stabbing his sharp sword straight into the exposed anus of the gigantic Titan Rhino.


The gigantic Titan Rhino roared in pain before fainting.

Christensen fell with a thud amid the dust. "Did I do it?"

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