Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 622 The Beast Coalition Mobile Fortress Vs The Nak And Ackermann Navy!

The stage got set for a great battle outside the territories of the Beast Empire.

At one side stood the gigantic planet base of the Beast Coalition.

And at the other side stood a powerful navy force led by Chief Admiral Gregory and in seconds, both forces would clash.

Raising his giant sword high in the warship, Chief Admiral Gregory roared. "For Nak State!"

"FOR NAK STATE!" The soldiers also roared as they deployed.


Hundreds of warships moved through space towards the gigantic mobile fortress on the back of the shelter priest as they aimed their weapons at it.

All these were state of the art warships created with cutting-edge technology, they were the best that the Nak and Ackermann States had to offer and at this moment, these bad boys proved their power.

"ATTACK…!" Chief Admiral Gregory, being the commander of this battlefront roared the next moment as all the warships attacked at the same time.


It was space, it was silent but the sounds of these explosive armaments rushing through vacuum, charging at their targets instinctively induced an explosive sound in the head of anyone who sat it.

The physical armaments and ballistic projectiles took longer to appear.

As for the laser beams though, it was instant.

Burns were instantly recorded in the body of this gigantic planet-sized beast as the Shelter Priest let out a silent wail in space.

Inside the planet on his back, the Deer Demi-god's eyes flickered.

"Stay steady and focused".

"On my signal, activate the mobile fortress defense shield".



Just before the physical armaments could hit…



Like a butterfly blooming out of its cocoon, a gigantic gray shield expanded out of this planet-sized beast the next moment as it covered his full body just before the physical projectiles could smash into his skin.

These physical projectiles collided against the shield with force as its gray surface rippled even as these projectiles were burnt to ash.

The shield was no normal shield, its surface burned hot at several tens of thousands of degrees centigrade.

A normal human would turn to ashes meters from its surface.

This was the defensive shield of the Beast Coalition's mobile fortress.

After their first salvo of attacks failed to achieve the goals that the Nak warriors wanted, as they got set to unleash another salvo of attacks at their gigantic target, the Deer Demi-god finally launched his counterattack.

"Deploy the cosmic beasts…, NOW!"


Several thousands of gigantic beasts launched out of the Shelter Priest's body the next moment, with the shortest of them all being several kilometers long as these gigantic beasts lumbered into space in different formations.

Cosmic beasts were beasts that already evolved enough to survive the radiation of the cosmos, and these ones were all gigantic.

One common factor among them though was that they had numerous gigantic holes that went across their gigantic bodies.

As these beasts lumbered into space, the reasons for the holes became evident as from the holes, the bodies of smaller beasts were detected.

These beasts donned special armors that were called raid suits.

Most beasts were unable to train along the super spectrum like humans, but in compensation for this, they enhanced their bodies with raw mana while getting countless abilities in the process to help them fight.

The function of the raid suits was to amplify the inherent abilities of these beasts, and these beasts in raid suits at this moment rode on the cosmic beasts.

Before the warships could unleash their 2nd salvo of attacks, these beasts in raid suits did as from inside the cosmic beasts, they unleashed destruction.




It was literally silent death in space at this moment.

Poison beams were launched by the beasts with poison glands as through their raid suits, they turned entire regions of space into poison disaster zones.

Those who could breathe fire spread fire everywhere like Dragons.

Those who could control wind induced terrible wind in this battlefield as they affected the warships of the Nak and Ackermann Navy that were against them.

There were other special beasts with special abilities too, some with magnetic abilities that could directly affect the metal surface of these warships.

Others with special soul abilities that could directly target the warriors manning these warships, countless beasts with countless abilities roared war cries at this moment in space as they unleashed their wrath on their archenemies.

The warriors of the Nak and Ackermann Navies did not cower in fear either.

Facing the ruthless counterattack of these beasts, the warships deployed their defense even as they finally let their individual champions into space.

Specifically for this operation eliminate the Shelter Priest, special armors were made that could enable swifter movement in a region affected by spatial storms and only the worthy warriors could use these special armors.

At this moment, these special warriors charged out to lead the charge against the beasts. 

Of course, the indomitable Pugilists led at the very front.

"For Nak State!" They roared.

Their punches induced forceful shockwaves of destruction in space.

Directly behind them were the mechanics with their mechanic suits. Across galactic space, it was agreed everywhere that mechanics were the boss of space battles and at this moment, these warriors showed their specialties again.

Riding round this battlefield, they dictated the tempo of the war.

They could decide to go into close-range battle to support the Pugilists when the beasts start pushing them back, and at the same time they could maintain their distance, simply content with unleashing salvo after salvo of attacks with the myriad weapon armaments that they created on their mech suits.

The Summoners also fused with their beasts, those that were powerful enough as they directly charged into space to face off against the beasts.

The battle turned into an intense but controlled one as death occurred every second across this massive battlefield.

The Psychics, Elementalists, and Mages dominated from the back as they unleashed salvo after salvo of attacks using their unique super powers.

All these were just the surface clash though, the Shelter Priest was still pretty intact as the beasts did a good job in protecting it while launching their counterattack against the daring enemies that tried to attack them.

At the moment, they were at a stalemate but this would soon change.

Onboard the biggest and best-equipped warship in this battlefield where Chief Admiral Gregory observed the battlefield from, a special unit was present.

Consisting of only magic warriors, they were called the Mage Warrior unit.

They were a special elite unit under Chief Admiral Gregory. 

Every single one of the 50 warriors in this unit was his student, and they followed him to every war.

At this moment, these 50 warriors itched to take part in the action.

They didn't wait for long though.

Without turning back, Chief Admiral Gregory spoke. "The warships already assumed the containment formation; no beast can escape now".

"We can now commence the true operation".

"In my absence, Gravis, you are in charge of all the warships".

"Yes, Chief Admiral". The old war general behind him nodded respectfully.

That was all that this Chief Admiral needed to delegate as his eyes began glowing white the next moment even as his brown magic armor started creaking under the sheer presence of his aura and energy at this moment.

Chief Admiral Gregory no longer hesitated.


He launched out of the warship into space.

To the beasts, they saw a white meteor storm out of one of the warships as it rapidly started accelerating towards them.

Behind this white meteor were 50 other streaks of white light moving through space at this moment, they seemed unstoppable.

The hotblooded beasts tried to stop them but they melted on impact.

Nothing could stop them and their destination?

It became evident in an instant…, the Shelter Priest's gigantic body!

"Protect the Shelter Priest!" The desperate beasts roared.

Then, about 2 kilometers away from the mobile fortress of the Beast Coalition, a mini explosion occurred in the Shelter Priest's body as a silvery thick domain erupted from the Shelter Priest, decreasing the speed of everything in it.

Inside this domain, spatial destruction destroyed everything that entered its jurisdiction.

This was a spatial storm!

And it was induced by the Shelter Priest.

This could not stop Chief Admiral Gregory though as he continued his charge even as his gigantic sword became red hot, ready for the ultimate strike.

Another second later, another explosion of power occurred in the Shelter Priest's back as an existence charged out of this mobile fortress.

It was a familiar Deer that Seer Legolas already warned him about.

The thick horns of this Deer glowed with golden energy as it kept on increasing in intensity to the extent it seemed to become a sun in space.

Then the Deer finally spoke.

"Self-Created Ability: Into the Demonic Psychic Gate- Unleash!"

The golden energy in the thick horns turned into a horrifying psychic power.


This power erupted!

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