Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 509 Another Berserker Upgrade

[Metal detected!]

[Scanning for properties…]

[Properties found…, match detected…]

[Metal Name: Inge Indril!]

[New Metal detected!]

[Scanning for properties…]

[Properties found…, match detected…]

[Metal Name: Magic Girdin!]

[Compatible metal detected…, matching properties…, please wait…]

[Match Detected:]

[Compatible Metal- Magic Mithril!]


"Hehe…, this is heaven!"

Like an excited kid who just got his Christmas gift from his parents in the form of his favorite action figure toy, Champion Onana locked himself away from the world as soon as he discovered the Magic Girdin.

Officially, he started the 3rd upgrade of his mechanic suit since arriving in the Roronoa Star System, this was more times than he had ever upgraded mechanic suits in his life since he became a Super.

Having spent all his savings in mechanic assets to build the mechanic workshop, his new base in Planet Titania, it had state of the art machines.

This workshop was better than anything that they were able to work with during their preparations for the Cataclysm in Planet Darvis.

This showed that then, even when so close to death, Champion Onana still bravely kept cards like this close to his heart. The only reason why he brought these cards now was because he was finally fulfilling his lifelong dream.

This was his passion.

'I finally did it!'

'A whole metal planet of my own, it is the opportunity that I have been looking for at home since I became a Mechanic...'

'I never expected to get this opportunity after leaving home'.

He felt like laughing like a mad man. 'Then, I was not happy at being sent here, I even called it a backwater region not worth my attention'.

'In the end, it was the region that I underestimated and looked down on that later became the chief cornerstone that changed my life'.

He chuckled and clasped his hands together. 'Gods of fate and destiny, I'm sorry for ever ridiculing your designs, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me'.

'I now believe in fate'.

'Meeting Legolas was fate'.

After a whole day and half of incredible mech designing work, accompanied by the reliable Technician Mechanic and the Virtual Mechanic, Ella and John, the new design of his favorite mechanic suit, Berserker was finally ready.

Ella and John already did their part, now it was his part.

He looked at both Mechanics with emotion in his eyes. "Thank you, I will never forget the help that the both of you had given me over time".

They smiled at him before leaving him alone in the mechanic workshop.

Looking at the design template that hovered on the virtual screen, Champion Onana felt hyped as he cracked his knuckles.

He took a deep breath. 'I hope I'm now closer to Delzebub'.

He finally got his hands dirty with grease as he started work on his mech suit.

Ella and John walked outside the gigantic mechanic workshop to catch a breath of air after they finally finished their work on Onana's mech suit.

At this moment, a giant veil covered the base where they worked on, a special energy veil that isolated the radiation being emitted by the planet outside while diffusing breathable air into the atmosphere inside the veil.

As they walked, John intertwined his hands with Ella's.

John inclined his head to look at her. "What do you think? I think Berserker will become even stronger after this upgrade".

Ella looked at him, she laughed. "That's only natural".

She swung their intertwined hands back and forth. "You know, I feel proud really as Berserker is growing, I was not part of it's construction in the beginning but with each subsequent upgrade, I feel strange".

"Especially now that the A.I is morphing into a sentient A.I existence, it's a weird feeling like I'm watching my child grow".

She looked at John. "It sounds weird right?"

"No, that's perfectly normal". John laughed. "Actually, I feel something similar, I modified the A.I which gave it the capability to grow".

"Besides, it's not just this mechanic suit". John's face showed a tone of nostalgia. "During my pirate days, tweaking the A.I of multiple warships and watching them go full pirate mode, achieving different feats, I felt the same".

Both kept quiet as they just strolled, enjoying the atmosphere.

After a few minutes, Ella looked at him again. "So, what's your plan after here?"

"Huh?" John was surprised as he looked at her. "Is there another plan? Of course, we'll be leaving with Legolas, I also want to experience life in the galactic society outside the Konot planets you know?" He laughed.

Ella was silent for a few seconds. "Will you go pirate again?"

He rubbed his nose awkwardly. "You know me too much. It's not certain but if Legolas does not do something that will give me enough excitement to stimulate my growth, I'll have to cut off and go rogue again, probably as a pirate".

Ella sighed. "I'm staying".


John stopped walking, forcing her to stop as she turned to look at him.

Seeing the look on his face, she felt a bit guilty, she went closer. "You know, John, I also have a career that I am passionate about and I want to have success at. I'm not like you, I don't want to be a pirate".

"I'm a Technician Mechanic". She stressed it for emphasis, then she looked around. "Look, all my life, despite being the daughter of such a rich Mechanic, I was shackled, I never had access to a metal planet or even so much metal".

"Planet Titania is literally my dream". She sighed.

"The past few days, I've been thinking a lot and I came to my conclusion". She looked into his eyes. "I can't follow you, I'll be staying here".

"I believe staying in Planet Titania is the best option for my growth".

"…" John was silent for a long time.

"I understand". His reply was concise but it made her feel even more guilty.

John turned and was about to leave but her grip became stronger, holding him back. Ella went closer the next moment before leaning closer to his lips.

John had his first kiss with the woman he had loved all his life.


[Upgrade Completed]

[Capacity limit of Power Reactor has increased by 10%]

[Durability has increased by 40%]

[Defense has increased by 25%]

[Offensive Capability has increased by 85%]

[Mana Capacity and Magic abilities has increased in power by 60%]

Berserker's 3rd upgrade in 6 years was finally complete.

Looking at the huge and powerful war machine that stood dormant before him, Champion Onana could faintly feel the life radiating from inside the war mech. He grinned, he felt proud of his work.

"Congratulations!" Legolas came to congratulate him.

That day, there was celebrations in Planet Titania.

4 days later…


You have activated active ability: Beast Integration

You have fused with Bran!

[Base Control Level: 78%]

[+6% Base Control Level from hierarchy!]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[Overall Control Level: 99%]

You have triggered passive ability: Void Master

You have activated Special Ability: Eyes of a Thousand Void Ravens

You have activated Special Ability: Eyes of Truth


Floating in the space outside Planet Titania after fusing with Bran with a thousand other Void Ravens spanning across kilometers, they watched attentively for hours. 4 hours later, something changed.

The space started squeezing and warping as a power acted on it.

Legolas' eyes glowed. "It's here".


After over a week of stalling, the ultra-range teleportation portal was finally opened to enable travel to the Minerva Star System.

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