Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 507 Warp Travel


As soon as all the members of the gray world gathering were teleported back, Legolas took a deep breath as he dropped the persona of the Hermit.

Legolas turned to look at Aaron. "Thank you".

The old Elementalist's had a poker look on. "For what?"

"Stop it for once old man". Legolas chuckled. "I know you don't really have a chance against me which played a big role, but still, thanks for your cooperation throughout the years".

"If you remained stubborn like before, snapping at me every time that I came here, I would have never been calm and calculating enough to face the Bug Emperor".

"Besides, thank you for your mana when I needed it the most".

"Don't mention". Aaron waved his hand.

"You seem to be blushing". Legolas laughed as he stood up from the throne of the Hermit before walking towards the old man.

"Well, I always help my friends". He patted Aaron on the shoulder. "Pray that everything goes according to my plans, if it does, in a few weeks, you will finally have what you need to return to reality".


Aaron's pretentious cool was finally broken, this Elementalist's breath shook as he looked at Legolas. "You'd really do it?"

"Yes, we're friends already, I can't keep you caged here forever". Legolas chuckled. "Once I get to Nak State, I'll ask this only favor from Champion Onana to beg his master for a custom-made mechanical vessel".

"It shouldn't take anything from a capable Grade A Mechanic of his caliber".

Aaron's face changed; emotion showed in the eyes of this old monster Elementalist for the first time in a long time. "Thanks".

Legolas smirked before pressing his shoulder blades. "Don't mention".

Aaron glared at him.

The journey to Planet Titania was estimated to take 5 days.

In his previous life as a player, due to the game settings, he could simply leave his virtual avatar online to ride through the boring space travel while doing something else but in this reality, he didn't have that luxury.

Legolas rode and truly experienced warp travel for the first time.

Apart from training inside the combat training chamber of the Legolas Baron, Legolas spent the rest part of his time either socializing with his students and his son, or simply caressing the body of the warship with his Summoner energy.

This was a hobby that he developed due to boredom.

When doing this, with his Summoner energy manipulation, he was able to barely feel outside the warship as it traveled through warped space.

Traveling through the upper dimensions was a once in a lifetime experience the first time.

Through his energy, he could literally feel the space across long distances being folded before the warship, enabling it to transverse great distances in mere seconds as it warped across the higher dimensions at incredible speed.

Legolas sighed. 'Technology is a form of magic in itself'.

'I wonder how esteemed individuals like Einstein would react to a vivid experience like this?' He chuckled. 'He'll probably go crazy in excitement'.

'Or, he'll just be a sigma and play the cool part'. Any of the 2 scenarios that he thought of brought a smile to his face.

It was already the 4th day of their travel.

Today, there was a knock in the door that led to his combat chamber.

During the short time when the warships descended out of the higher dimensions to recharge their FTL drives, Champion Onana made his way to the Legolas Baron, and now he finally met Legolas.

"Come in".

"You're training hard". Champion Onana commented as he entered inside.

"Yeah". Legolas nodded even as he continued his training.


You have made use of Character Summon Card: Onana- Talent of a Champion!


With this simple character summon card, Legolas' training efficiency improved exponentially as he enjoyed a privilege that only Champion Onana enjoyed. This Mechanic felt weird as he noticed something similar in him.

He didn't react though. Without saying another word, he brought out a Laser Pistol from his inventory as he went to the shooting range to practice his accuracy.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

5 minutes of this later, Legolas finally stopped to catch his breath, he looked at the Nak Champion. "You're not someone to visit without a reason, is there something wrong?"

It was only a few seconds later that Champion Onana answered.

He raised his right hand at Legolas as the next moment a black wrist-pad materialized on it. "This is a special technological device that the Nak State uses to track the status of every single one of its citizens".

"We call it the life wrist-pad".

"With this, we don't need a census, we always have a good grasp of the members of our race that are still alive every single day".

He turned to look at Endrick. "As you can see, it's not working anymore".

"A few weeks ago, just after we defeated the Bug Emperor, I was shocked on checking it, it indicated that I died while fighting the Calamity Grade Bug".

Legolas silently looked at him.

"At first, I thought it was a rare glitch but it has been persisting for weeks".

Champion Onana looked at his hand. "That was when the question came to me, is there something about the war that I am missing?"

"Did something happen that no one could explain?"

"At first, I thought I was overthinking so I secretly checked the life wrist-pads of all the Nak survivors of the war".

"Guess what?" He looked straight at Legolas. "They are all glitching too".

Champion Onana went straight to the point. "That is why I came".

"After thinking for weeks, I concluded that if anyone is to have an explanation to this strange phenomenon, it's you".

"Why do you think so?" Legolas finally asked.

"Because you're strange, unique, I don't know how to explain it". Onana scratched his head. "Since I knew you, I have witnessed miracle after miracle, ridiculous odds being scraped that I don't know what to believe anymore".

"That's why all my leads for an answer led to you".

Legolas kept quiet for a few seconds as a lot of thoughts went through his mind. 'Damn, I never expected an aftereffect like this'.

'I can't hide the truth from him'. He came to this conclusion after making multiple considerations, including Onana's master.

If he could fool Onana, there's no way he was fooling a Calamity Grade.

"What is their reaction to the glitch?" Legolas asked.

"My other Nak warriors?"


"They think it's a problem from headquarters, once they get back, they intend to submit their wrist-pads so the problem can be rectified".

"Destroy all the life wrist-pads".

"What?" Champion Onana was shocked as he looked at Legolas.

Legolas had a calm look on his face. "Can you activate that device? That one that creates jumbled signals that can interfere with any technological device".

Nodding, Champion Onana activated a short EMP blast and a jamming device that isolated this combat training chamber from any technology that could listen to their conversation, Legolas looked at him.

"The victory against the Bug Emperor is not as straightforward as everyone thinks, the truth is much more crazy, much more bloody".

Legolas no longer held back; he told Champion Onana everything.

By the time that he was done, this Grade B Mechanic was having a mental breakdown, he looked down at his hands. "I can't believe it, I actually died once?" He felt slightly horrified.

"What does it feel to die?"

"Is it painful? Is it nothingness? I remember nothing from then".

Legolas smiled. "That does not matter now, what matters is wiping off every evidence that can reveal the truth".

"I don't know what fill follow if the truth becomes widely known but I'd like to avoid that scenario ahead of time".

"I want you to destroy all the life wrist-pads".

"Give the reason that the strange mechanic powers of the Bug Emperor messed with their circuitry, making them unable to be fixed".

"When you return to Nak Space, give the same excuse and request for new wrist-pad for all the survivors".

Legolas looked at him. "You're a Nak Champion, I believe that you can get away with this. You can make this happen, right?"

Champion Onana nodded. "I'm also in favor of keeping this secret".

He finally left the combat training chamber. When the warships came out of warp travel again, he finally returned to the Golden Cicada.

The journey was without interruptions, a day later, they arrived.

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