Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 469 The Smell Of Death

A chilly wind blew across the battlefield.

The thick smell of blood wafted across the planet-wide battlefield.

It was to be the last smell that majority of these survivors would experience.

The planet-wide battle still raged, the survivors still fought but it was no longer a brave and valiant resistance, it was now simply a futile and desperate attempt to prolong their lives for as long as possible.

There were 3 foremost prominent figures in Planet Darvis, Vice President Lydia, President Shanks, and Army Commander Legolas.

Though the death of the President was not public, having not seen him for so long despite the deteriorating condition of the battle, any warrior with a semblance of a brain could already guess what became of him.

Despite surviving, Vice President Lydia could do nothing to turn the tides of this battle as she was simply not strong enough in the grand scheme of things.

With those 2 important individuals out, only 1 remained, Legolas.

After the stunts that he pulled during the Battle of Hellfire Mountains, most of the warriors of Planet Darvis only saw President Shanks as the surface leader. To them, Army Commander Legolas was their true leader and protector.

To them, he was the Divine Symbol representing Planet Darvis.

When Legolas arrived from Planet Austere with the large army of reinforcement, morale increased among the warriors. In their opinions, the outcome of the battle was already more or less decided.

They never expected even Legolas to struggle so much against the Bug.

The battle drenched them with the cold hard truth of reality, Legolas was no God, he was a human like them, a Super with flesh and blood.


The Bug Emperor's tail stabbed through the Army Commander's chest, impaling his heart and snuffing all remaining semblance of life away from him.

With the tail stuck in his chest, the Army Commander gave up the ghost.

Those who witnessed it seemed to see the end of their world as they knew it. They were right, by now, there was really no more hope.

The war… was lost.

Young promising warriors crumbled in fear as they saw their idol and role model die before them. The Bugs were ruthless, they rushed and massacred them.

Veteran warriors collapsed in tears. "We've lost!"

Squad Commanders crumbled under the pressure. "We can't win!"

Legolas' death was the last stray that needed to snap. After it, Planet Darvis truly crumbled. The Bugs steamrolled through them, squeezing them of their lives, their blood, and their determination.

It was a total massacre.

By now, Planet Darvis already lost any semblance of a defense. All the shelters constructed across the planet were now useless as Bugs invaded inside, laying waste to the millions of lives that hid inside.

With no one to protect them, they stood no chance.

Tears were accompanied by wails of terror and helplessness.

"SCREEEEEECH…!!!" The mighty Bug shrieked in rage and ecstasy.

He celebrated his victory as using his tail, he raised the corpse of his greatest nuisance and showcased it to all survivors in the battlefield.

Christensen saw the lifeless body of his master being paraded.

"…" Looking up, this Summoner chuckled as tears flowed down his eyes.

'Even master…'

'Our fate is really that of death…'

They say during your last moments, your life flashes before you, Christensen experienced the same. His full life flashed before him.

He had flashbacks of when he was a young, naïve, and foolish Prince.

He had flashbacks of the silly fights he engaged in as a kid.

He had flashbacks of how he abused his parent's power.

He had flashbacks of the first day that he met his master. 'Haha, I'm glad Leo got missing, if not I would have never met master'.

He had flashbacks of his training.

He remembered his Super way. 'He's dead, I guess there's really no use to living anymore, I may as well just die'.

He had flashbacks of his highest moments and his lowest ones.

'Hehe, my life was well spent, my only regret is dying a virgin'.

Christensen gathered all his remaining Summoner energy and concentrated it on his body. Bloating it to the maximum, he self-destructed.


"SCREEEECH…!!!" The Bug Emperor kept on shrieking victoriously.

Watching as his father was murdered and as his uncle was forced to self-destruct, Uranus was traumatized so much that he became mentally defective.

'Just…, if only I had more power'.

He coughed blood, then grabbing his flaming sword one last time, he charged at the Bug Emperor while screaming in a maniacal manner.



Having recovered a bit of power during this time, a Psychic blast was all it needed to end this Titan's life. Uranus froze as his already severely damaged soul was blasted out of his body; his body became an empty shell.

With a sad smile on his face, his body collapsed, Uranus died.

"…" Blade took a deep breath.

He watched as everything happened.

He watched as his master died, as Christensen self-destructed, and as Uranus died, he didn't act because he knew that even if he did, it meant nothing.

For the first time in his life since meeting his mentor, Blade wanted to take the easy way out. 'It's better I just self-destruct…' But he paused.

He thought of his relationship with all those who died today.

He thought of his relationship with his master, Christensen, Uranus, High Official Eleanor, President Shanks, literally everybody. And he also thought of his relationship with his dead mentor, Jon Stones.

"…" He took another deep breath.

'Death is not to be feared, it's a release, it's a liberation'.

'What should be feared is dying in the wrong manner'.

'The least I can do for them is die honorably'.

'At least, I should get master's body to lay on the dirt'.

With a smile on his face, he channeled all his remaining Pugilist energy into his sword before taking a step forward. This was his last moments, he knew it, but he would use them to the fullest and embrace death honorably.

Gathering all his energy on his Lightsaber, he slashed.


The Bug Emperor defended but the attack chipped at his tail, cutting a significant part that held Legolas' body. The next moment, Legolas' lifeless body collapsed on the ground even as the Bug retaliated.

Another tail attack was all it took to finish Blade, he didn't even try to dodge or defend, his work in this world was done.

Before his consciousness could leave his body, he staggered to where his master's body fell then he directed a long emotional glance at him.

He collapsed on his knees beside him. "I hope I made you proud…"

Blade died.

Hours later…

Standing on top a mountain, Vice President Lydia looked at the gradually dying aftermath of the battle as the Bugs shrieked victoriously.

Planet Darvis became a wasteland, a barren planet devoid of any signs of life.

No vegetation, no survivors, just blood and devastation.

She was the last man standing.

Levitating in the skies, the gigantic Bug Emperor looked at the result of his actions as he screeched loudly in victory.


Vice President Lydia smiled. "Given our chances from the beginning against a Grade A Cosmic Horror, I'll say we tried".

"It's an honor to be the last one dying".

She self-destructed.


The history of Planet Darvis came to an end.

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