Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 259 A Vengeful Pugilist

In the blink of an eye, 3 days already passed.

Inside Clown's personal research lab…


The sound of machinery reverberated as the rotating sharp edge of the machine blade cut into the flesh of a gigantic monster shaped like a Cockroach.

Clown had a look of focus on his face as he worked on this monster.

After his little experiment on his prime human test subject, the news that Legolas survived even in the Abyss Hole excited him to no end. In his opinion, Legolas survived only because of the power of the Giant runes.

This was a more practical application of the runes than his previous ones.

Instantly, he decided to revise his application on some of his best works.

Apart from the Giant that he already turned into a Pseudo-Grade B destruction monster, Clown stocked on more prime test subjects over the years.

Decades ago, discovering the tomb of the Ancient Giants widened his horizons, this was when he brought a twist to his Bio-Mechanic beast dream.

This was when he took it a step further and decided to try powering up the strongest and sturdiest of these successful test subjects into the ultimate killing machines, the perfect world that he envisioned for them to thrive was one of chaos.

This was another reason why he theorized the order of chaos.

Over the decades of his work, apart from the Giant, the Undying Cockroach, the Draconic Flying Mantis, the Draconic Crocodile, and the most recent Legolas were his best success examples.

His ultimate goal was turning all 5 successes into the ultimate monsters.

After what he learned through Legolas, he decided to upgrade the Undying Cockroach first. Out of all the monsters, it had the most ridiculous endurance and vitality by a mile, it was called the Undying Cockroach for a reason.

Also, it had the most compatibility with Giant runes.

He theorized that upgrading this monster's defense and adding this to its already ridiculous endurance would turn it into the perfect killing combination.


While working on the monster, one of his subordinates who was not a research assistant of his work came in. Clown did not answer him, he had to wait for over an hour after the Almighty was done before he was attended to.

​ "Success…" Clown gazed affectionately at the Undying Cockroach.

Unlike before when it only radiated the feeling of a monster that could take a beating without succumbing, it now had a sturdy aura of invincibility also.

In his happy mood, Clown turned to face his subordinate.

This psychopath bowed respectfully. "Your Excellency…, the progress of the Grade C Superhumans is increasing rapidly, there are more than 10 new Grade C Superhumans already in their alliance".

Unlike what this psychopath expected, Clown had an entirely different reaction as he cackled maniacally.



"Let them gather more Grade C Superhumans!"

"The more the better…, if they're too few, they won't give my monsters much of a challenge, I need to show the world that I'm the best".

"I need to show them all that I'm the greatest of all time".

"I need to show that old geezer than I'm better than him". His eyes gleamed with great ambition and determination.

Every hour that passed, the tension in the air increased.

Of course, the chaos still caused wars and incredible battles across the shelters all over the Planet but these were all small impact wars, what was causing this tension was an entirely different monster.

After over a week of taking the shame of the shift in power, the Grade C Superhumans of Planet Darvis could no longer take it, they started mobilizing.

After just 3 days, there were already more than a dozen Grade C Superhumans in the alliance, this was a completely ridiculous coalition of power.

If unleashed on any part of the planet, they were weapons of mass destruction that could lay entire cities to waste.

This was the cause of the tension, most low-grade superhumans and civilians could already feel it coming, the decisive showdown and battle.

The battle to determine the rulers of Planet Darvis.

The battle between the Clown Society and the Grade C Alliance.

After the death of another Grade C Superhuman just yesterday, the alliance finally kicked off for real. The threat of the Giant was no longer a vain threat, all the Grade C Superhumans saw its threat and sought to eliminate him.

As more Grade C Superhumans came, Core Protector Shanks finally felt that it was time to take the last steps, he teleported out of their hideout.


His destination was the headquarters of the Elementalist Academy.

After a short trip, Core Protector Shanks arrived.


Like always, Newton Barnes was engrossed in his experiments.

As soon as he arrived after bypassing through all the defense of this building, Core Protector Shanks did not care for courtesy this time.

"Whose side are you on?" He asked as he stared fearlessly at this legend who once terrorized the super world of this planet in his heydays.

Newton's hand shook as soon as he was interrupted, this was taboo!

Few people dared to interrupt his experiments. He turned to look at the Core Protector who fearlessly returned his gaze, the atmosphere instantly turned heavy.


The heaviness only lasted a short while.

Newton finally dropped the beaker and stood properly, he looked at Shanks. "Would you really have me fight my student so much?"

"If it is to save our planet, then I'm sorry, I'll have to".

Newton calmly looked at him. "I'll give the Elementalists of my organization the freedom to help in the efforts to defeat the terrorists, this is as far as I go".

"I won't fight my student, unless you think you can make me do it". This time, his gaze was sharper as he looked at the Core Protector.

Core Protector Shanks looked back at him. "Sometimes you're just so difficult and impossible to grasp, I'll take you to your word".

"But…, do not interfere in the battle if you're not helping us".

"If you try to save Norman, I would be forced to fight you". Core Protector Shanks briefly let his powerful energy loose as spatial fractures appeared in the air.

Newton simply stared back at him without replying.

Before the Core Protector left, this Elementalist stopped him and asked a question. "What about the late King? What are your plans about the throne?"

Core Protector Shanks paused. "I heard that there were survivors from the rampage on the royal palace, if we win against the Clown Society, I will choose the best candidate from them to succeed Tom as King".

Newton calmly looked at this Summoner without saying a word.


Core Protector Shanks finally left.

As soon as he left, Newton's eyes flickered. 'The concept of Kings…, fickle…'

"Special Talent: Speed!"

Instantly after his talent triggered, Blade's eyes turned pitch-black.

"Special Talent: Precognition!"

"Special Talent: Swordsman!"

"Special Talent: Ultimate Pugilist!"


Blade moved with the speed of a Cheetah, the accuracy and vision of an Eagle, and a ridiculous precision that was already notorious of him.

The psychopaths that were before him were already nothing more than bloody corpses to him, he did not hesitate, Poseidon's Fury resonated with him as this powerful sword fueled his hate and turned it into tangible power.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

None of the psychopaths could withstand his crazy power.

A few sidesteps, a few feints, and a few precise stabs and slashes, and 17 psychopaths 2 of which were Red Masters were left in pools of their own blood.

Blade grabbed the 18th psychopath, a Red Master by the throat and slammed him against the wall as his head bled heavily.

He stared into this psychopath's eyes as his pitch-black eyes radiated incredible ferocity, rage, and hatred, this Elementalist shuddered.

"Tell… me… where… he… is!" He stressed every syllable to dramatic effect.

After making his decision 3 days ago, Blade did not hesitate, he went to fulfill his life mission with gusto. His only companion in this journey was the Nine-lives Cat that he got from the Elemental plane.

After separating for some time when he was trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and regret, he reunited with the Cat after making his decision.

With this Cat, Blade channeled all his hate and rage against the psychopaths.

Within just 3 days, he killed over 300 psychopaths of which 6 were Grade D Red Masters. After 3 days of slaughter, he already mastered the use, alternation, and combination of his myriad talents that he became the perfect killer.

He gradually discovered that his real talent was in killing.

A day ago, he caught news of one of the Black Masters of the Clown Society wreaking havoc nearby and was what attracted him.

He was not satisfied with Red Masters; his real goal was Black Masters.

'I will kill them all…!" His incredible hate and rage already erased rationality.

He now saw himself as the executioner's blade to execute the Clown Society, his life goal was now to only kill. He would keep on killing and killing till he was killed or the organization called the Clown Society finally became dust.

"Tell me where he is!"

"Tell me who he is!"

This Red Master stammered as his fear was expressed helplessly. "P-please, spare my life, I only heard about it recently…"


Blade's voice exerted a psychological effect on this psychopath that instantly forced his mouth open to speak the truth.

After the mindless killing, his Master of Debuffs talent unlocked another Debuff ability called Psychological Suppression.

Instantly, the psychopath broke.

His eyes turned pitch-black also, his words were broken and barely coherent.

"Black… Master Abaddon".

"T…unic… Shelter".

Blade's pitch-black eyes reflected the light of the day, with one smooth motion, he beheaded this Red Master and continued his holy mission.

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