Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 234 Remnants Of The Pugilist Academy

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions reverberated as the destruction continued.

In just a few hours, the high and mighty Dragon Shelter became a shadow of its former self. This famous Shelter was kept stable mainly because of the presence of the Pugilist Academy and their leader, Jon Stones.

At his peak, Jon Stones was so dominating that none of the other lawful organizations in Planet Darvis dared to place their headquarters close to his.

Originally, this was a show of the power of the Pugilist Academy but now that the Pugilist Academy finally fell, it's shortcomings shone glaringly.

With the fall of the Pugilist Academy, their was no backup to keep order.

All the resentment that had been growing in the dark about the reigning Pugilist Academy was fully unleashed on this fateful day.

With the Clown Society setting the tone for them, the numerous gangs and small-time powers in Dragon Shelter took over in a bid to find their place.

Unlike in the other shelters where the gangs were focused on uprooting the leading powers, in the Dragon Shelter, the Pugilist Academy was already neutralized, what they instead fought chaotically for now was power.

All of them wanted to become the next overlord of the Dragon Shelter.

This struggle for power unleashed great chaos on this Shelter.

Warriors died in droves as gangs mercilessly attacked each other, trying their best to show more aggressiveness than their counterparts to claim their territories.

While these gang fights happened, turning Dragon Shelter into a burning hell, the victims who suffered most were the hapless civilians.

Whenever they were caught in the firefight, they were slaughtered mercilessly. Not even seeking refuge in buildings could save them.

In a chaotic struggle for power like this that involved dozens of Grade E superhumans, it was inevitable that not even buildings could survive their onslaught. The superhumans slaughtered their way across the shelter.

Amid the cries and wails of the helpless, the injured, and the dying, the few brave ones still tried their best to escape the shelter and in consequence the chaos.

Among those that were escaping was Captain Dawn.

This Captain's eyes were burning crazy with the desperation to protect his patrons. Having received the last orders of his Commander, Captain Dawn was determined to fulfill them even in death.

He took the warriors and civilians of the Pugilist Academy that were safely evacuated as he led them through the secret tunnel to escape.

As they escaped, they heard the sounds that reverberated behind them.

After about a dozen minutes, when the sounds finally died down, Captain Dawn knew that the Pugilist Academy already met a disastrous end.

'Commander Kratos'.

'Leader Jon Stones'. Captain Dawn gritted his teeth.

He was pained but he did not let this affect him, he focused on fulfilling the last orders of his Commander as he led them out of the tunnel.

"Do not look back, focus on escaping to the end of the tunnel!"

When they got close to the tunnel, Captain Dawn unsheathed his Saber.

With eyes blazing with fury and a desire for vengeance and duty, he burst out of the tunnel to meet chaos. Captain Dawn did not even think nor did he hesitate, his Grade D Pugilist aura exploded as he started a slaughter.


His Saber flowed with his intentions like water as he slaughtered.

His subordinates came and joined him while the others escorted the civilians away. Unfortunately for them, they were still far from leaving the city.

The more they passed through the shelter, the more gangs recognized them and the more gangsters attacked them. The small-time powers in the Shelter were also attracted as they mobilized their Grade D powerhouses after them.

Annihilating the remnants of the Pugilist Academy would give whoever did it a great boost in their quest to become the new overlord.

The Pugilists were pushed to the wall, it finally got to the extent where they started dying as desperation gripped Captain Dawn.

'I can't let them die!'

'Even if I die, they must survive!'

'I must fulfill the Commander's last orders!'

Amid his desperation, someone else burst into the scene.


You have activated active ability: Beast Integration!

Beast Integration Successful!

You have fused with Predator

[Base Control Level: 48%]

[+10% Base Control Level from hierarchy!]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[Overall Control Level: 73%]


With Predator's hierarchy, their integration became even more perfect, Legolas could draw more power from this powerful beast now.


Predator roared excitedly as he jumped into the fray.

Fused with Predator, Legolas was unstoppable as he tore through the chaotic superhumans with impunity. Not even the Grade D superhumans that were sent by the small-time powers of this shelter lasted against him.

Legolas did not come alone though, at another side.

"Kill these mother*ckers!"

"Teach them not to f*ck with the Young Nightmare!"

Blade led the charge while following directly behind him were 2 prominent figures, the criminals turned warriors Afro Pugilist and Frost Crane.

Behind them was the full Frost-Afro Gang.


These criminals were merciless, under Blade's leadership, they slaughtered their way through the chaotic superhumans.

Legolas dared to show his face only because Clown and his cabal of Grade D superhumans already left, he decided to save the remnants of the Pugilist Academy. Also, in the last 6 months, he did more than getting 2 identities.

After convincing them, the Frost-Afro Gang now worked for him.

Under his leadership, all the nearby superhumans were slaughtered, freeing the remnants of the Pugilist Academy from their present situation.

"Follow me!" Frost Crane called at them.

"…" Captain Dawn hesitated.

Having expected it, Legolas reacted fast.

"What were your Commander's orders again?"

"Please keep my wife and my daughter alive".

He stared straight at this Captain's eyes, having listened through his Auditory Tracking ability, he was able to hear the Commander's orders.

Captain Dawn was clearly affected by his words but not to the tipping point yet, Legolas sighed in exasperation.

"You don't have the time nor luxury to be so indecisive".

"If I'm here to harm you, you think I can't just slaughter you all right now?"

"Following my warriors is your only way to survive today".

Captain Dawn looked into Legolas's eyes, then he spoke. "Thank you".

"I hope I'm not making the wrong choice".

"You're not". Legolas smiled.

Without hesitation, Afro Pugilist and Frost Crane went to work as they presented their special criminal attire to the bunch of escapees.

This way, they could no longer attract aggro with such impunity.

As soon as they were camouflaged with the special attire, escaping became much easier as in no time, they were finally able to escape out of the shelter.

Blade turned to look at his master. "Master, what next?"

Legolas took a deep breath. "We track Clown".

"I'm not sure of their plans, we need to know their plans so we can inform the stronger powers of it to plan countermeasures ahead of time".

Legolas clenched his fists. 'I've never been frustrated by my lack of power like now'.

'If I was already a Grade C Summoner, I would literally just go after them'.

He sighed then he led his student after the enemies in pursuit stealthily.


For the beast illustrations, go to my discord server through this link

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