Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 208 The Monster Triad Bursting Into The Scene

3 days later…

Inside a prefecture of one of the more famous Shelters of the region, 3 strange and unwanted guests were welcomed into the Stonehill Prefecture.

Dressed in all-black clothes, they drew some suspicion from the guards in the prefecture but they were let through after paying some common bribes.

Like usual, they easily paid to access an inn.

Christensen worriedly turned to look at his master. "Master, are you sure you want to be stressing yourself with missions like this in your weak state?"

"Shouldn't you be resting to recuperate faster?"

"…" Legolas turned to face his student with exasperation evident on his face.

"How many times do I have to teach you lesson number #2?"

"How many f*cking times?!"

Legolas walked closer before grabbing his student by the ears, Blade watched in amusement. "Do not ever forget this, as Summoners, our greatest strength is not in how strong we are like Pugilists but in how smart we are".

"Since you've known me, how many times have you seen me rely on simply brute strength?"

"Max and Maggie…"


Christensen cowered.

Legolas released his student, he sighed before patting him on the head. "You think I killed Max and Maggie by relying on brute strength alone?"

"Damn". He sighed again. "You still have a ways to go to become a Master Summoner, what I did with Max was a combination of psychological and physical warfare which he fell miserably for".

"By talking him down with such words of bravado and bringing all my beasts, I managed to instill the belief in him that I was far stronger than he was".

"When you win the psychological battle, the physical battle becomes easier to win".

"I won so convincingly because Max believed what I instilled in him".

He poked Christensen's head. "Do you remember with Brutus? My words alone were what I needed to completely break the Shadow Hound".


Legolas turned and directed an awkward smile at the Shadow Hound.

"Then the most recent one, in a battle between Grade C powerhouses where I was supposed to be nothing more than a spectator, I thrived, you know why?"

He touched his own head. "I thrived because of this, smartness".

"A Summoner must be smart, got it?"

"Yes, Master but…"

"But what?" Legolas narrowed his eyes.

"I understand your point but this was never lesson number #2".


Legolas's face turned livid. "You…!"



A few minutes later, the atmosphere finally calmed again as they started revising their plans to assassinate the Governor of the Stonehill Prefecture.

Apparently, this Governor was not like Governor Bam who actually cared about his citizens. Only fixated on money, enjoyment, and women, Governor Grizzly embezzled all the money, leaving the prefecture poor and wretched.

Fed up and having tried different means to try overthrowing him to no avail, the citizens finally started taking extreme measures like assassination.

The pay was 500,000 Darvis credits.

The pay was high but in relation to the difficulty of the mission, not so much. Most assassins were not willing to take a mission with so much risks, only an anomaly like Legolas and his students didn't mind taking it.

What better way to announce the Monster Triad into the assassination scene, Legolas's end goal was to start attracting custom missions.

When that happened, not only would he start receiving better pay and renown, but it would also open doors to connections with influential characters.


[You have triggered Grade D Mission: Justice to the Tyrant!]

[Mission Details: Governor Grizzly is hated by most civilians and soldiers in the Stonehill prefecture due to his greed. Kill him and save the people.]

[Mission Reward: 500,000 Darvis Credits and increased Renown.]


"Do you remember the plan?" Legolas asked.

"Yes, Master".

"Nice, let's do it!"

Christensen patted Brutus on the head, the Shadow Hound made his move as together, they became invisible before sneaking out of the inn.

As for Blade, he simply grabbed Poseidon's Fury before swaggering his way out of the inn. Legolas stayed inside the inn, with Bran patrolling the skies, he became the watch unit of this assassination mission.

Most of the Stonehill Prefecture was poor with visible signs of suffering, Blade's destination was towards the best-looking mansion in this prefecture.

Governor Grizzly's mansion was by far the best-looking mansion, the other good-looking mansions were owned by politicians who supported him.

Blade soon arrived before the mansion but he kept on going.

The guards were startled on seeing the man walking towards them.

"Hey! Stop there, where do you think you're going to?"

Blade continued walking.

"This is Governor Grizzly's mansion! You are trespassing!"

"Thanks for clarifying". Blade continued walking forward.

"The penalty for trespassing is death, kill him!"

2 guards came forward to grab him, this was when Blade finally moved.

Whoosh! Bam!

The sound of the wind moving barely registered to the hearings of the 2 guards before the blunt metallic edge of a sword whipped them on the head.

Both guards fell down unconscious the next moment.

Blade did not kill them, he only knocked them unconscious.

"Outrageous! Kill him!"

More guards came, but Blade was not intimidated, he only smiled, he was more than ready to take all of them on at once.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Blade's Poseidon Fury kept on hitting heads, knocking brains unconscious.

Grade F and Grade E superhumans simply no longer made the cut to him.

The more commotion he caused, the more the mansion was riled up as more and more guards came outside to fight the intruder.

Even when machine guns were involved, with his precognition and speed talent, Blade smoothly evaded their attacks.

When the whole mansion was alerted about the powerful intruder, including Governor Grizzly, emergency measures started immediately.

As a coward and being wary of the repercussions of his actions, Governor Grizzly was prepared for days like this if it eventually showed up.

While all the guards were sent to go fight the intruder, not caring for their death, 20 guards escorted the Governor through a secret corridor to his underground bunker. The corridor was long with a lot of bends.

At a corner of the corridor just after a sharp bend, Christensen stood with his Shadow Hound with his back rested against the wall.

"Damn, I feel so badass like an assassin right now man".

"If only I smoke, puffing out the smoke just after they show up, that would make me look even more badass".

Thud! Thud!

The sounds of hurried footsteps finally started coming.

Brutus didn't need his master's reminder, he did the thing and both of them became invisible. The first batch of 10 guards led the way ahead without encountering any trouble, Governor Grizzly followed behind them.

This was when the assassin struck.


With the dagger on his hand, all Christensen needed was a poke.

The dagger effortlessly dug into the neck of the Governor, when he removed his hand and left like the wind, the Governor paused as blood gushed out of his neck in large volumes. The guards were stunned.


"Find the assassin!"

"Don't let him escape!"

They tried but Christensen was already gone, the Governor was also gone, gone to the afterlife to continue his life of embezzling public money.

Once Blade received the signal, he stopped the attack as abruptly as he started it before leaving.

They tried to follow him but it was too easy for him to lose them, when he showed up again, he was now on bright yellow clothes after ditching his black clothes. He met up with Christensen who was now on bright green clothes.

Then both of them met with their Master who was now on bright red clothes.

"Good job". Legolas congratulated them.

As a commotion started all across the Stonehill Prefecture, their bright clothes set them apart. After an assassination of such magnitude, assassins were supposed to lay low, their bright attractive clothes sent the wrong message.

Like that, they smoothly made their way out of the prefecture like rich tourists who were simply caught up in the evil assassination.

As soon as they left, Legolas received an alert through his special assassin comm that he got after registering the Monster Triad unit.


>You have received a credit alert of 500,000 Darvis Credits into your unique Crimson Blades unit bank<

>You have received a special message from your employers: Thank you, the Stonehill Prefecture will forever remain grateful to you<


[You have completed Grade D Mission: Justice to the Tyrant!]

The Renown of the Monster Triad Assassin Unit has increased!

Your Assassin Unit has leveled up to level 1!


Legolas smiled. '9 more levels to increase our rank rating'.

'This is what we'll be doing to train and prepare for the Clown Society'.

'I also hope it gives me more access to players for more experience points, I need to become a Grade C Summoner as fast as possible'.

With this assassination, the Monster Triad burst into the scene.


For the beast illustrations, go to my discord server through this link

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