Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 191 King Nagakin's Rekindled Hope


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning

You have activated active ability: Beast Integration

Beast Integration Successful!

You have fused with Bran

[Base Control Level: 35%]

[+6% Base Control Level from hierarchy!]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[You are in a special Adrenaline-flooded state: +5% Control Level]

[Overall Control Level: 61%]

You have activated active ability: Commander of the Herd

Lucky's Society have activated Passive Ability: Cohesion Battle


The loud cry of a Raven reverberated the next moment.

As soon as Bran charged out of the beast plane, Legolas did not hesitate as he jumped and seamlessly fused with the Void Raven. With one flap of his massive wings, he rose into the skies with incredible speed.

He was not leaving his beasts and his students though; this battle scenario was a special one that neither he nor his students had faced before.

To succeed and not die, they needed to be smart and think outside the box.

This scenario pushed Legolas to the limits of his cognitive abilities.

As soon as he rose into the skies, he activated the Commander of the Herd ability as the special power of his Summoner energy swept through Lucky and all the Foxes in her herd, instantly empowering them.

This ability could not affect them before but after Lucky's nagging and his God of the Herd ability worked on her, it started working on them.

As soon as the Cohesion Battle passive ability activated, it was like all the Foxes under Lucky developed a telepathic connection that helped them.

Their connection and understanding with their Commander increased to a ridiculous level, and this was when Legolas addressed them.

"Redmane, I leave the safety of the Foxes to you".

"All I want from you is support, support me in my ambitious plan, I intend to…" Without hesitation, he summarized his plan to the Fox.

Still in the air, he turned to his 2 students.

"Christensen, Blade, the both of you should stick with the Foxes".

"Don't dare die on me".

"Blade, you're allowed to ride on Predator and battle on his back as your mount in this battle, we need every advantage that we can get".

Legolas looked at Christensen from the skies. "Remember, we are Summoners, we are not most lethal due to our strength but our intelligence".

"When in the heat of the action, I can't really trust much in my judgement".

"When you feel I'm wrong, don't hesitate to correct me".

Then Legolas grinned. "Don't worry, we're not dying today".

"We'll be celebrating our victory and gains this time tomorrow".

After addressing his entourage, Legolas finally left them to their devices as he focused on the matter at hand. Feeling the power from Bran flowing through his body, he flapped his wings one last time.


Legolas was off towards the battlefield where the Snow Fenrir caused havoc.

Having fused with Bran, Legolas's speed was crazy, it took him just a short while before he arrived before the battling Snow Fenrir and Zombie Amon.

Following the last orders of his King, despite the fact that Amon would definitely die after this battle, he clung to his King's last orders as he constantly harassed the Snow Fenrir, not giving it any opportunity to attack.

"Frost Ability: Winter Blades!"

From the skies, Legolas watched the Snow Fenrir like an Eagle. Having witnessed what the Snow Fenrir was capable of already with Zombie Amon, he was already at 150% concentration to react to any move of his opponent.

Despite being tied down by Zombie Amon, this irritated and exhausted Snow Fenrir was still able to arouse his powers to attack Legolas who flew in the skies.

As soon as he activated his ability, Legolas saw it and responded.


You have activated Special Ability: Eyes of a Hundred Void Ravens!

You have activated active ability: Rapid Speed

You have activated active ability: Blink



Instantly after the hundreds of Winter blades appeared in the skies, a hundred Void Ravens exactly like Bran appeared in the skies as they now served as alternative eyes for Legolas which he could also use to attack.

With 101 of himself now soaring in the skies, everything became easier for Legolas. Despite the sheer number of the winter blades, through the eyes of all the Void Ravens, he was able to effortlessly track all their trajectories.

With the Rapid Speed active ability, he moved as fast as a specter.

Legolas was not content with just dodging in the air though, after a test run of his battle readiness in the air effortlessly dodging the blades, then he used the Blink ability which enabled about 20 Void Ravens to appear before the Fenrir.


You have activated active ability: Iron Feathers

You have triggered special effect: Bleeding

You have activated active ability: Void Spears

You have activated active ability: Obliterate


Legolas's sudden change in pace was completely off the charts.

It was like he was riding a Toyota Camry before but suddenly switched into the latest model Ferrari supercar, the speed, efficiency, everything was completely off the charts as for a brief moment, the Snow Fenrir was caught off-guard.

Legolas's cold eyes filled with killing intent shone from all Void Ravens.

This mythical beast may have been a Grade B Snow Fenrir in its peak, but that was not enough to deter Legolas completely. At his own peak, Legolas was stronger, he was a peak Grade A Summoner at his peak.

All the experience of that did not just disappear, Legolas went all out this time. The sounds of his spam attacks hitting their target reverberated like thunder.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The familiar frost armor covered the Snow Fenrir's skin, protecting it from the attack barrage even as Zombie Amon kept on attacking it.

What it didn't expect was Legolas's incredible plans for him.

With 100 Void Ravens in the air, when they all activated the Eye of Truth special ability, Legolas literally became an eye god in the air.

He was able to penetrate the tight defense of this Snow Fenrir, seeing the window of opportunity open and trust Legolas, he did not let the window of opportunity pass. Legolas did not just attack, he mixed something else with it.

2 syringes were launched with incredible momentum towards the Snow Fenrir. Feeling the sudden danger, the Snow Fenrir reacted.

It twisted it's body in a way where the little opening was covered, one of the syringes hit the frost armor as it shattered but the other and less dangerous one went all the way in, penetrating the skin of this mythical beast.

As soon as the syringe penetrated, it instantly discarded all its contents.

The Ice Dragon potion went to work instantly.

Like usual, the Snow Fenrir tried to erect another ice shield to stop the suicidal charges of Zombie Amon but this time he calculated wrong, his trusted frost powers failed him for the first time as the ice shield merely flickered.


For the first time in 3 days, Zombie Amon landed his first major blow on the Snow Fenrir as this gigantic beast was thrown away while coughing blood.

"Roar!" The Snow Fenrir roared loudly in pain and anger.

The sight of this mythical beast's blood shocked the battling warriors of both races, all eyes for a brief moment focused on the existence that now dominated the skies, among these eyes were King Nagakin's.


Angered even more, the Snow Fenrir kited Zombie Amon and tried to prey on Legolas but with his incredible concentration, he saw everything.

"Special Frost Ability: Atomic Cancellation!"


You have activated active ability: Blink



​ Like a bug, Legolas disappeared and appeared, his main body survived the incredible assault as over 40 of his Void Raven clones were annihilated.

The Snow Fenrir tried to attack again but it met other resistance.

"Zorro, charge!"

"Lucky, luck!"

"Vixen, illusion!"

Redmane's roars in this battlefield reverberated like thunder.

Zorro was the only Fox that could take a head-on attack from the weakened Fenrir and survive, and if he was hit by one of the Fenrir's special abilities, with Lucky's incredible luck, Zorro had a chance of surviving.

As for Vixen, though they barely worked, her illusions could annoy the Fenrir more. All the Foxes bravely went to war on Redmane's orders.

They were not alone, from afar, Predator threw attacks.

Leo also attacked from afar with his frost powers.

Brutus simply made sure that the Snow Fenrir was unable to get a good target on any of his companions, their teamwork was incredible at this moment.

Like Legolas demanded, they moved and attacked at 150% concentration.

Knowing the danger, they dared not lose concentration, at this moment, all of Legolas's companions were literally perfect as they executed their parts in this incredible combination attack to a fault, exposing no openings.

Despite his overwhelming strength, for a brief moment, the Snow Fenrir was overwhelmed as he could not land a lethal damage on any of them.

This was Legolas's plan, this was Legolas's masterpiece.

And with Zombie Amon adding his own trouble, the Snow Fenrir became too preoccupied to focus on any one opponent, shock spread through this battlefield.

The Yeti Elder and King Nagakin could barely believe what they saw.

Seeing this scene, something that already died previously revived in King Nagakin's heart, hope revived in him. Seeing the strength of the Snow Fenrir originally made him give up already, but Legolas's display gave him hope.

If an outsider could do this, then if they worked together, they could do more. Without him knowing, he already bought into Legolas's cooperative plan.

The next moment, King Nagakin grabbed his Ice War Axe with both hands as he activated a primordial ability of his that was only available to Frost Giant Kings.

"Frost Giant Royal Ability: Gene Liberation!"

"From snow I was made, to snow will I return, I am snow!"

The next moment, this gigantic Frost Giant King transformed, turning into a complete snow man as he lost most of his living characteristics. With this transformation came an even more incredible surge of energy.


King Nagakin roared as the incredible power surged through his body.


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