Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 148 Black Master Abaddon


As soon as the loud sound of the horn reverberated, the warriors protecting the gate went to work as the massive gate of the headquarters of the Core Protection Alliance was raised up to let the cart through.

Pulling the luxurious cart were 2 majestic Speed Horses.

The purple cart was carrying the 2 most prestigious warriors of the Core Protection Alliance, Core Protector Shanks and Core Protector Levi.

These 2 old men were the only Grade C Warriors of the Core Protection Alliance. Whereas Core Protector Shanks was a celebrated veteran of the Summoner Academy, Core Protector Levi was from the Elementalist Academy.

They rarely engage in day-to-day activities in the headquarters, leaving the administrative duties to the representatives of the various academies.

They only appear when the planet core was threatened.

Today was a different case though, due to the ongoing terrorist unrest in the planet, after being pressured by the lawful organizations, King Tom finally relented and invited the most prestigious individuals in the planet to his palace.

Inside the purple cart, these 2 old men chatted.

Core Protector Shanks rubbed his finely groomed red hair that was already being mixed with a tinge of white. "Do you think we'll see some old friends there?"

Levi laughed. "It's the King's summons after all, who can refuse?"

"Stones can".

Levi was stunned as he chuckled and rubbed his black hair. "That old geezer, he definitely can".

"Do you remember your last duel with him?"

Shanks' face turned livid. "I'll never forget that block head of his, in my dreams, I can still feel the pain and terror of his headbutt".

"Hahaha". Core Protector Levi threw his head back and laughed.

Without a word, the warrior controlling the 2 Speed Horses focused on the road as he solemnly fulfilled his duty of transporting these 2 legends.

Of course, though he tried, he could not prevent himself from listening in on their conversations as they made the atmosphere much lighter.

The headquarters of the Core Protection Alliance was located in the middle of Planet Darvis, built on top the planet core. Surrounding its massive walls were stony hills and a forest that was filled with wildlife.

At this moment, as the cart was pulled away from the headquarters, 2 warriors in red attire hiding in the woods observed everything from the hills.

They soon left, going deeper inside the hill.

Inside the hill was a squad of warriors consisting of roughly 40 superhuman warriors. About 15 of them were cloth in red, majority were cloth in blue, while one of them, the one who seemed to be their leader was cloth in black.

With a sword scar running across his face, this man looked as fearsome as a Bear as he nonchalantly feast on the raw meat of a Tiger that he just killed.

The 2 warriors in red attire finally returned as they kneeled before him.

"Black Master Abaddon, the cart already moved".

This man in black looked up as his fearsome eyes glared at his subordinates while he licked the fresh blood on his lips, they gulped.

"Good". He grinned. "In 10 minutes, we attack".

"Yes, Black Master".

This was the 3rd Black Master of the Clown Society. Known for his viciousness and brutality, unlike the 2 other Black Masters of the Clown Society, Abaddon did not fight for any patriotic chaos, he was simply a maniac who loved killing.

His name Abaddon meant Doom and Destruction. Rumors say that his father gave him the name, cursing him to a lifetime of killing and destruction because of his sin of taking his mother's life while coming to this life.

He picked up his spiked gloves the next moment as he wore them, then he licked the sharp spikes with his tongue. Blood flowed but he didn't care.

The pain and blood stimulated his bloodthirstiness all the more.

He shuddered as he thought about prey that would soon fall victim to him.

10 minutes later, he stood up.

By now, the cart was already pulled far away from this location.

Without saying any word to his subordinates, Abaddon clenched his fists as he exploded forward with speed towards the headquarters the next moment.

A Grade C Pugilist sprinting was a different sight entirely.


By using a movement ability, as his aggressive Pugilist energy flared, Abaddon broke the sound barrier as he arrived before the massive gates the next moment. Before the warriors protecting the gate could react, he attacked.

He stretched his right hand back before punching at the gate.

"Abaddon Specialty: Fist of Destruction!"


This time, the sound was like exploding dominoes.

The gate stood no chance, the force pulled and tore it apart as the metallic fragments from it injured dozens of warriors who manned the gate.

Abaddon beat his chest with his spiked gloves maniacally.


Once his subordinates arrived, everything became much easier. With their revered Black Master taking the lead tearing deeper into the headquarters like it was not there, these psychopaths were free to destroy everything.

With the 2 Protectors gone, the representatives of the different academies were the strongest warriors of the headquarters now but they were only pinnacle Grade D superhumans.

The male Dwarf Commander representing the Elementalist Academy led the defense. With his Elementalist staff, he induced terror and destruction.

He was a master of AOE damage but they meant nothing before Abaddon.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The fist attacks of this Pugilist where like divine judgement from heaven, everything that was on its receiving end was destroyed completely.

The male Dwarf Commander dared not face this Pugilist head-on as he kept his distance in the air while bombarding him with fire attacks.

In just a minute, over a hundred warriors of the Core Protection Alliance where left in a pool of their own blood as the rampage continued.

A minute was what was needed though as the other Commanders of the Alliance finally erected their defense shield, but they were in for a rude awakening.

On seeing the blue shield, Abaddon's eyes constricted.

His body seemed to expand as his strength amplified while his Pugilist energy turned more forceful, the next moment he threw 3 consecutive fist attacks.

"Abaddon Specialty: 3 Doom Burst!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shield that they were so confident of popped like a balloon.

The male Dwarf Commander was terribly injured by the shockwave of this attack as he coughed blood in the air, he rapidly retreated.

This attack showed them that they stood no chance against this superhuman, the Commanders all retreated to the last defense line of the alliance, the well-protected bunker that stood directly on top the planet core.

There they erected the shield again and much more compact now, it was finally able to defend against the attacks of Abaddon though barely.

From the bunker where the shield was erected, the Commanders watched helplessly as their warriors who were outside the shield were slaughtered.

They badly wanted to go outside and help but they stood no chance before Abaddon. In 10 minutes, the alliance headquarters turned into a river of blood.

Satisfied, Abaddon finally retreated with his fellow psychopaths.

Inside the shield, all the Commanders collapsed on the ground alongside the few survivors of the Core Protection Alliance, they clenched their fists and gritted their teeth.

"Have you informed the Core Protectors?" The handsome blonde-haired representative of the Hunter Union asked as he tended to his injuries.

"Yes". The tall female representative of the Summoner Academy replied.

So, there they waited, afraid of coming out of the bunker.

Apart from probably the legendary Chefron, Speed Horses were the fastest beasts in Planet Darvis. It took the 2 Core Protectors only a few minutes before they crossed the large distance to arrive at the royal palace.

As soon as they went inside, they were led to the hall where the gathering would take place. King Tom entered the hall 5 minutes later.

King Tom was a tall and handsome middle-aged King with pitch-black hair.

"Let the gathering begin". The middle-aged King ordered.

There were no unnecessary pleasantries, the assistant who represented the Grade D leader of the Hunter Union spoke. "Your Grace, we have witnessed the viciousness and threat of the Clown Society firsthand".

"They managed to take the whole planet by storm in just a few weeks, now, new discoveries say they are dealing with alien machines".

"They already awakened dead enemies, the Ancient Titans".

"We don't fully know what they are capable of yet but we can all agree that they are extremely dangerous and pose a threat to us, this is why we asked for this meeting for you to give the order to go against them".

"If the order comes from you, the whole planet will unite and go against them".

"We need to nip them in the bud while we still have the chance".

King Tom adjusted himself in his chair. "Do all of you agree to this?"

"Yes, Your Grace".

"I appreciate your unity towards this common enemy but…" His eyes narrowed. "My father, your previous King died just the year before and I declared 3 years as the mourning period, it's not 3 years yet".

"The Clown Society or whatever they're called is not the first terrorist threat neither will it be the last, we've seen them, we've experienced them and Planet Darvis survived them all".

"They'll fade like all the others".

"But my King…"

"My decision is final, there shall be no large-scale war until my father is fully mourned like I ordered".

Beep! Beep!

Core Protector Levi and Shanks looked at their communication device then their eyes narrowed, the next moment, they both stood up.

"Your Majesty, the Core Protection Alliance was just attacked".

Without mincing words, they explained everything to the King.

"Even with this, will you still not give the order?"

King Tom glared at both Grade C superhumans who didn't flinch under his gaze. "My decision is final".

"This gathering is dismissed".

"You will regret that decision". Core Protector Shanks said before standing up and without acknowledging the King, he left.

The others also left.

King Tom gritted his teeth as they left. "Arrogant bastards".

The Hand of the King fidgeted. "Your Grace, but…"

"My decision is final!"

"Yes, Your Grace".


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