Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 119 The Alien Creation

"You, come here".


Arnold almost reacted instinctively but it took all his wits to stay still. Like a statue, he forced himself to stay completely still as he looked ahead.

His heart was already on his throat as he expected another come here to verify that he was busted, but what he heard next surprised him.

Thud! Thud!

From the nearby roof, 2 warriors in blue uniforms jumped down.

As soon as they landed, they heeded the orders of the warrior who seemed to be their superior as they walked towards him.

Their superior who was clad in black uniform addressed them.

"Increase the security around the core machine".

"Yes, Black Master Einstein".

Arnold still stood as still as a rock as all this went on. The next moment, a hand touched his shoulder, almost making him to shout but another hand was quick to block his mouth.

"Shhh…" Christensen whispered into his ear. "They've not found you yet".

Arnold heaved a huge sigh of relief as he sat down carefully to recover himself. Christensen turned to face him. "What did you see?"

"Look for yourself".

Christensen and Sansa took turns to look at it.

Christensen's eyes widened in astonishment. "Is that…, a machine?"

The ground vibrated as this powerful machine tore it open with force.

It was like a drilling machine but much more gigantic. This 5-meter-tall machine had a drill that dug into the ground, and its drilling was what induced the vibration on the ground like an earthquake was imminent.

Underneath it, just before where the drill dug into the ground was a rainbow glowing orb that Christensen could barely see through the hole.

"What is a machine?" Sansa asked in horror as she looked.

"They're alien weapons, the Summoner Academy has one". Christensen turned to look at her. "My father once went to the academy headquarters, he told me about it, he described it to be exactly like this one".

"Are alien real?"

"…" Christensen was short of words to reply with.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that we probably found what is powering the Titans back to life. If its alien weapon, it is possible…"


Christensen barely finished before the wall of the house through which they peeked at the machine was smashed open by a massive fireball.

A psychopath of the Clown Society dressed in red uniform, a Red Master led a group of 8 Blue Masters who were clad in blue uniforms into the building.

"Intruders!" The Red Master reported first through a weird metal device.

"Contingency plan B, shoot the signal!" Christensen roared as he mounted Leo and ordered him to be on the defensive.

Arnold blended into the shadows as he hid while Sansa climbed the stairs up. The orders were given and they were executed so impeccably like they already simulated the practice a hundred times over.

The psychopaths tried to stop Sansa but Christensen was having none of it.

"Roar!" Leo roared as he pounced on them.

He may have lost his frost powers, but his basic strength was still there.

Bam! Bam!

Almost immediately after Christensen attacked, Arnold appeared out of the shadows as his fists punched 3 Blue Masters, obliterating the life out of them.

The ground shook as Titans were already marching towards the building.

Amid the sudden chaos, Sansa finally got to the roof of this building only to meet even more psychopaths waiting for her. She avoided instant death, giving herself the opportunity to aim at the sky with her bow and arrow.

She released the detonator arrow which flew high into the skies.

Once it flew above all the buildings, it detonated.



Still inside the tower, as soon as they heard the sound of explosion, all the warriors of the Vanguard Squad sprang up as they looked at the explosion.

Legolas reacted fast as he mounted Predator. "They found it".

He turned to face the other warriors. "It's time".

"Let's go find out what brought these Titans back to life".

"You heard him!" Commander Knock roared. "Let's go fight brothers!"


You have activated active ability: Combat Master

You have triggered passive ability: Jungle Cruise


Legolas charged out of the tower on top Predator.

As soon as the explosion went off far away, all the Civilian Titans seemed to be alarmed as they all started marching in that direction. This gave Legolas and the desert tribe warriors the freedom to move as fast as possible.

The summoners rode on their beasts, the Elementalists who could levitated in the sky, while the Pugilists showcased their powerful movement skills as they all exploded with speed towards the location of the explosion.

Since they were not hiding while running, it took them only a few minutes before they arrived just in time to hear another sound of explosion.


Christensen and Leo were flung away by the massive fireball that also scorched their skin, Arnold used the opportunity to sneak into the shadows again.

As for Sansa, she was already bloodied all over fending off the psychopaths of the Clown Society that were on the roof.

Unlike Christensen and the others, they didn't have to hide behind a building to see. As soon as they arrived in the open, they laid their eyes on the massive machine that kept on drilling into the ground and sapping energy.


You have entered a mana-filled region!

All your attributes, skills, and abilities have improved by 50%!


They finally saw the culprit that had a high chance of being the device that powered the undead Titans, the only problem was that it was well guarded.

This was the palace of the Ancient Titan city after all.

Legolas observed through his virtual interface.


[Black Master Einstein!]

[Gender: Male]

[Main Class: Elementalist!]

[Grade: C]

Level: ???

[Attributes: ???]

Health Points: ???

Mana Points: ???

[Active Abilities: ???]

[Remark: An extremely dangerous psychopath of the Clown Society.]


This was the residing Black Master, a well-known one that Legolas remembered, things were not looking bright.

Legolas held no candle up to this superhuman warrior, this was a warrior that outclassed him in literally every area. Before this warrior, he was a ghost.

The question marks in his mana points, health points, others and the virtual interface remark told Legolas all that he needed about this superhuman warrior, this guy was an end game boss-level character.

The Civilian Titans kept on charging towards them as the vicious Warrior Titans led the charge with their large strides that was extremely dangerous.

"On me!" Commander Knock ordered as the 70+ survivors of his Vanguard Squad all gathered around him, forming a circular battle formation.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The Titans finally clashed with them as a great collision of powers began. In just a few seconds though, the winning side showed, the Titans.

Legolas shifted closer to Commander Knock in the middle of the formation.

"We can't afford to stay in one place and fight a defensive battle".

"Then you have a better plan to survive?" Commander Knock snapped.

"Not yet, but we still need to deduce the truth behind the undead Titans".

"Can't you see it yet, it's that big weapon".

Legolas turned as he pointed at the weapon. As soon as he laid his eyes on the gigantic machine, some memories from his previous life came back to him.

Legolas was now curious to verify them by going in to see personally.

"Even if it is the machine, we don't know its mechanisms or how it works yet. We need to get as much information as possible to give your elders a better and easier chance at devising a plan to send the Titans back to sleep".

Legolas looked Knock in the eye. "There's no use in holding back anymore".

"If we give our all, get to the bottom of the truth and escape with the truth, that will be the best outcome of all".

"The enemy is an extremely powerful Grade C Elementalist, we can't succeed with our current strength".

"I know that your father gave you a trump card".

"Use it now so that some of your comrades can survive".

"How did you…?"

"It doesn't matter". Legolas kept his gaze on this Commander's eyes.

Commander Knock took a deep breath as he looked all around him. Seeing the suffering warriors who died at the ruthless hands of the Titans and psychopaths, he sighed and made his decision.

He put his hand in his pocket before bringing a potion.

Commander Knock looked at Drog and Legolas. "Protect me when I'm out".

Without hesitation, he downed the contents of the potion.

The effects of the potion were instant.

"Ahhh…!" "Roar…!"

Commander Knock's skin literally tore open as his body started beefing up at a crazy speed as he screamed and roared. In 5 seconds, he became an entirely different beast, he became a 2-meter tall Gorilla.


Gorilla Knock roared as he beat his chest loudly.

The next moment, his brown eyes stared at the machine that kept on drilling deep into the earth. Without hesitation, he exploded with speed towards it.

"Follow and protect your Commander!" Legolas yelled as he also made his move, the usual style to keep himself alive.


You have activated active ability: Beast Integration

Beast Integration Successful!

You have fused with Predator

[Base Control Level: 48%]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[Overall Control Level: 63%]

You are in a region with concentrated dark energy!

Predator's powers have been massively augmented!

[Overall Control Level: 95%]


The overall control level increased even more.

Legolas followed directly behind the Gorilla while the remaining survivors of the Vanguard Squad led by Drog and Aegon followed behind him.

Drog was fired up. "Kill the Titans!"

"Kill the f*cking Clowns!"

"Destroy that alien creation!"

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