Reborn Master vs. School Beauty

Chapter 35 Game

Li Qiang was suddenly startled, and thought: "How did I turn into such a ghost like appearance, a dignified Soldier King is like a pervert, is this even possible?" He immediately said: "I’m sorry Dr. Chen, I was impulsive. At my age, it’s easy for me to not control my emotions, I shouldn’t have done that."

Chen Yue looked at Li Qiang, her face still had the same smile as usual, with a look of understanding, she smiled: "It’s alright, you’re still in your adolescence, I can understand, but I will not do it again! "Eh, where did Xiao Xue go?"

Li Qiang said: "She has gone to class, it’s time for me to leave as well. Goodbye Dr. Chen."

Li Qiang wiped off the sweat on his forehead as he walked, and thought to himself: "I really nearly screwed up this time, what’s wrong with me now?"

However, when he thought of Chen Yue’s enchanting appearance, Li Qiang couldn’t help but feel an itch in his heart.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and Li Qiang impatiently picked up the call. Ba Guang’s voice sounded from the other end of the phone, and he asked: "Are you still going to school? Since the outing was a failure, I was quite depressed. Why don’t you come out and play with me? I’ll take you to a good place. "

Li Qiang laughed out loud and said: "You brat, you actually skipped classes, didn’t Teacher Liang beat you to death?" Ba Guang said: "Teacher Liang said that we did not succeed in this trip, and did not let everyone down, so we might as well take a day off, don’t you know?"

Li Qiang was impatient: "Alright, speak frankly if you have something to say, what do you want to do?"

Ba Guang laughed: "Actually I want to take you to play a game, but I’m a bit tight on the money, I need some your sponsorship."

Li Qiang said unhappily: "Hey, hey, hey. Kid, how old are you, and you’re still playing games? This kind of shit isn’t worth the money, I don’t want to help you. " He was about to hang up.

Ba Guang anxiously said: "Don’t, listen to me, the game that I want to play, is a VR web game, the scenes and people inside are just like real, if not I won’t be so immersed in it."

Li Qiang laughed bitterly: "No matter how real a game is, it’s still a game. You should quit as soon as possible.

Ba Guang said helplessly: "It’s just because we don’t have much to play in the real world, that’s why I wanted to change the way we play. Come over to my place later, I’ll take you for a stroll in the game and guarantee that you’ll feel the same way."

Li Qiang laughed: "Aren’t you trying to get me to lend you money? Alright, I’ll go take a look at your place later."

Ba Guang said: "Don’t go to our building. I don’t live there right now, I will give you another address, and that is my other house. Come over here."

Li Qiang was surprised: "Your family is actually so rich, and you have other properties?"

Ba Guang stammered, and hung up without any further explanation.

He came to Liangqiu Ying’s office, wanting to talk to her a little more. He wanted to explain what had happened today clearly, but before he even entered the door, he heard a man and Liangqiu Ying speaking inside. Ba Guang was already speaking to each other.

Li Qiang’s heart stirred, and he thought to himself: "Who is Xiao Ying talking to? "Does she already have a boyfriend?"

He could hear that the man’s voice sounded a little urgent, "Qiu Ying, just give it to me this time. We’ve known each other for a long time, but it doesn’t seem like we’re in a relationship. Don’t you know how I usually treat you?"

Liangqiu Ying was slightly unhappy: "I respect you for being a righteous man so that we can interact, I have already explained the matter to you clearly, we will only give our bodies to you on the night of the wedding, do not take any actions, do not destroy the position that you hold in my heart."

"God knows when you’re going to marry me. I’ve asked you to marry me a few times already, but you always refuse to accept me because of your work. How long do you want me to wait?" There has to be a deadline. "

Liangqiu Ying said angrily: "Are you forcing me? Marriage is a person’s freedom, and this is not a debt repayment, so what is the time limit?! " The man said, "I’m not forcing you. Qiu Ying, we are a natural match. I won’t let you down. Do you know that I’ve become a laughingstock in the eyes of my friends? "

He only heard a series of loud noises, it was clear that the man was stripping Liangqiu Ying’s clothes off, and Liangqiu Ying was doing her best to stop him, even saying no, but crying sounds could be heard.

Li Qiang sneered in his heart, "This man must be a bastard, all perverts are of this nature, to actually dare to force himself on an overlord in the office. If it wasn’t for me hiding my identity, I would have definitely killed this guy and dare to bully my Xiao Ying, he really doesn’t want to live anymore!"

He could not ignore this, of course. He knocked loudly, and there was a flurry of activity in the room, and the door was opened. Behind her, there was a young man standing there. He was wearing a suit with a famous brand on it, and he did not look too bad, but his face was pale, and his eyes were filled with hostility. There were also dark circles around his eyes, he did not look like a good person.

That brat was enraged, staring at Li Qiang, obviously because Li Qiang had messed up his plans, he scolded him, "Kid, where are you from, this is the teacher’s office, what are you knocking around for?! Get out of here! "

Without waiting for Li Qiang to speak, Liangqiu Ying angrily turned her head and stared at him, and said loudly: "This is my student, he has something to look for me for, what do you care! Hurry up and get lost, I don’t want to see you again! "

That person could not get angry with Liangqiu Ying, he could only glare at Li Qiang a few times before swaggering out the door.

The moment Li Qiang suppressed his anger and entered the office, Liangqiu Ying suddenly threw himself into his arms and started crying sorrowfully.

Li Qiang did not expect Liangqiu Ying to be like this, and was immediately at a loss of what to do. He gently caressed Liangqiu Ying’s hair and comforted her: "Teacher, don’t be afraid, is that pervert bullying you? Do you need me to call the police? "

Liangqiu Ying sobbed: "No need, I was mistaken about the person, I never thought that he was that kind of person, this time I made a fool of myself in front of you, you can’t be looking down on teacher, right?"

Li Qiang anxiously asked: "What are you saying, teacher is the person I respect the most, how can I laugh at you? I am truly unworthy for teacher, that guy is too much of a bastard, I must find him for trouble!" As he spoke, he wanted to go out and teach that kid a lesson.

Liangqiu Ying’s face became red from anxiety as she tried her best to hold him back: "No, absolutely not. How could I let my student cause trouble? Besides, Diao Peng is the chairman of the Fallen Leaves Group, you can’t mess with him with money and power."

Li Qiang sneered in his heart, "Who does that Diao Peng count as in front of me, Li Qiang? Anyone is but an ant that can be crushed at any time in my eyes, a Soldier King." He pretended to sigh and said, "Teacher, since you are looking around, what do you want me to do? I just want to stand up for you, teacher. "

Liangqiu Ying lowered her head and thought for a moment. The autumn wind rippled in her eyes, as the two thin cherry lip s deeply engraved themselves on Li Qiang’s face, and said: "I’ll thank you first, I just hope that you won’t bring up this matter again. I will take care of my own matters. "Oh right, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Liangqiu Ying’s bashful and cute look, the fire in Li Qiang’s heart lit up once again. What she did not know was that the Azure Dragon Jade Ring in her hands was also secretly releasing red light. He couldn’t help but hold onto Liangqiu Ying’s delicate body tightly and suddenly kiss towards her cherry lip.

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