Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Yi Feng pondered for a moment and felt that going there would do no harm, so he nodded, “Alright, then I’ll freeload a meal off Boss Zhao tonight.”

Zhao Xingye, hearing Yi Feng’s agreement, immediately showed joy, “Haha! Good, then I’ll call now to reserve a private room.”

Zhao Xingye happily ran to use the landline phone.

“Brother Feng, are we really going to have this meal?” Wang Tie was somewhat hesitant, looking a bit nervous.

He had never been to a dinner party before and was afraid of saying the wrong thing and making a fool of himself.

“Don’t be nervous, just follow my lead and don’t talk too much,” Yi Feng said calmly, his smile full of confidence.

In his previous life, he had dealt with many dinner parties and business meetings, often dining and drinking with various leaders and company CEOs.

In China, most business deals are sealed over the dining table, and the culture of dining together has become firmly bound with business culture.

No wine, no feast; no wine, no deal; that’s the rationale.

“Tie, go buy me two bottles of pure milk,” Yi Feng instructed.

“Huh? Brother Feng, you don’t need to drink two bottles of milk, do you?” Wang Tie scratched his head, puzzled.

“Just go buy it, I’ll tell you later,” Yi Feng smiled.

“Uh, okay, I’ll go now.” Wang Tie complied and ran out to buy two bottles of pure milk from a convenience store.

Yi Feng quickly finished off the two bottles of pure milk.

Zhao Xingye came out from the inner room, his chubby face beaming with joy, “Little Brother Yi, don’t drink so much milk. I bought two bottles of good wine, save some room to drink a few glasses later!”

Yi Feng grinned, “My tolerance isn’t great, so let’s take it easy.”

“Hehe, no problem, if you get drunk, I’ll book a room for you guys to rest!” Zhao Xingye’s eyes sparkled.

The purpose of inviting Yi Feng for a meal was still the same: to persuade Yi Feng to join him in expanding the repair business.

He had once thought about recruiting people for computer repairs, but couldn’t find anyone.

Computers had not yet become fully popular, let alone finding people skilled in computer repair. Most who knew how to repair went to work as technicians in large computer factories, and others went to work for high salaries at electronics institutes.

Talents in this field were scarce.

So, the only way to expand the repair business was to have Yi Feng as a technical advisor, pulling in students with relevant majors from Guangxi University of Science and Technology to teach them, allowing these students to also possess certain repair skills.

Only then could they expand and grow stronger.

Therefore, this dinner was very important to him. To persuade Yi Feng, he went to great lengths to invite Huang He from the employment office, sparing no expense to host at the Xinxiang Restaurant, the best and most expensive restaurant in Guangxi.

“It’s about time, let’s take a taxi there,” Zhao Xingye said with a smile.

“Wait, I’ll make a call back home to let them know,” Yi Feng said.

He took out his cellphone and dialed Gu Muxi’s home landline.

After a few rings, the call connected, and Gu Muxi’s crisp voice came through.

“Hello, who is this?”

“Hehe, Gu Muxi, it’s me.”

“Eh, Yi Feng? You’re not coming back tonight?”

“I’ve got something with Wang Tie, tell mom and dad we won’t be coming home for dinner.”

“Hm? Not coming home for dinner? Okay! Are you guys going to the internet cafe to play?”

“No, just… hanging out in the city center.”

“Hmph~ Okay, but next time I want to go too!”

“Sure, I’ll take you out when it’s your birthday next week.”

After chatting for a bit, they hung up.

Yi Feng weighed his cellphone in his hand, appreciating the convenience it offered.

Then Yi Feng, Wang Tie, and Zhao Xingye left the house and took a taxi to the Xinxiang Restaurant in Guangxi.

Xinxiang Restaurant had been open for nearly eight years in Guangxi. Although its history was not as long as other old restaurants like Taotaoju and Baiweilou, its excellent taste and suitable ambiance for business made it the top choice for business discussions in Guangshi.

Upon arriving at the entrance of Xinxiang Restaurant, Yi Feng and Wang Tie saw various luxury cars parked nearby, including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Cadillac, and others.

In this era, owning a small car was already a sign of wealth, and those who could afford luxury cars were mostly millionaires.

“Wow, so many luxury cars!” Wang Tie was dazzled, his face full of envy.

Having seen many luxury cars, Yi Feng was not particularly impressed, “Close your mouth, don’t be too envious. We’ll be able to afford such cars in the future.”

“Little Brother Yi, let’s go in. The private room is already booked,” Zhao Xingye said with a smile.

The three went up to the third floor, which housed a large dining hall, a rest area, and private rooms along the corridor on the right.

Led by a female waitress, they entered a spacious private room with a round table that could seat ten people.

While Zhao Xingye was ordering, Yi Feng went downstairs to buy two packs of soft Zhonghua cigarretes.

Just as Yi Feng returned and the tea was served, the door to the private room opened, and two people walked in.

“Ha ha, long time no see, Boss Zhao,” a middle-aged man with a slick back and a pot belly greeted cheerily.

“Teacher Huang, hello!” Zhao Xingye quickly got up with a welcoming smile.

They shook hands warmly, exchanging pleasantries like old friends, but each had their own ulterior motives.

“Come, Teacher Huang, let me introduce you. This is my younger brother, Yi Feng, whose computer repair skills surpass those in the Dianke Building. His level is absolutely high!” Zhao Xingye introduced Yi Feng to Huang He.

“Teacher Huang, I’m Yi Feng.” Yi Feng stepped forward to shake hands, smiling modestly yet confidently.

Huang He scrutinized Yi Feng closely.

Seeing Yi Feng’s youthful appearance, even slightly immature, but exuding confidence and composure in every move, he was immediately impressed.

“Ha ha, so you’re the talented brother Zhao talked about, truly accomplished at a young age!” Huang He chuckled, his eyes squinting into slits.

“I dare not claim to be talented; fixing computers is just a hobby outside of my studies,” Yi Feng modestly replied.

Zhao Xingye noticed a young man beside Huang He, appearing to be in his twenties, and asked, “Teacher Huang, who is this?”

Huang He introduced, “This is Lu Bing, we work in the same office. He’s a graduate of Ke University and was also my student.”

“Hello, Boss Zhao.” Lu Bing’s demeanor was somewhat arrogant as he shook hands with Zhao Xingye, then glanced at Yi Feng with a hint of disdain.

He had come hoping to exchange computer technology knowledge after hearing about a computer repair genius at the dinner, but was disappointed to see Yi Feng.

Just a kid, what level of skill could he possibly have?


“Hello.” Lu Bing extended his hand to Yi Feng, uttering the words coldly.

Zhao Xingye shook his head internally, finding Lu Bing too arrogant.

Yi Feng smiled, shaking his hand, “So, you’re a senior from Guangxi University. I’ve heard that Guangxi University always produces excellent tech talents, something I greatly admire.”

Yi Feng’s compliment elevated Lu Bing as a tech talent.

Lu Bing’s lips curled into a proud smile, clearly enjoying the praise.

“As long as you work hard, getting into Guangxi university shouldn’t be a problem. May I ask which university you’re currently attending?” Lu Bing asked, adopting a condescending tone.

Huang He frowned slightly but said nothing.

“I’m currently a student at No. 1 Middle School, preparing for the college entrance exam in two months,” Yi Feng said with a smile, not hiding his status.

“Oh, then welcome to apply to the University in the future. Though it’s difficult to get into University, there’s still hope with some effort,” Lu Bing said, his tone becoming even more indifferent upon learning Yi Feng was still in high school.

Not even a university student, what kind of genius could he be?

It seemed Zhao Xingye was not very reliable to organize a gathering for such a person.

Lu Bing’s face showed a look of disdain.

Huang He laughed off the awkward moment, “Let’s not stand and talk, come, let’s sit down and have some tea first.”

Everyone took their seats, with Zhao Xingye, understanding the situation, inviting Huang He to take the main seat and Yi Feng to sit on Huang He’s left.

Zhao Xingye personally poured tea for everyone.

After taking a sip, Huang He praised, “This tea is good, Boss Zhao, what kind of tea is this?”

Zhao Xingye was startled; he didn’t know much about tea and had simply asked the waitress to bring the most expensive one.

“Ah, Teacher Huang, I’m a simple man and couldn’t tell what tea this is. I forgot to ask the waitress, should I go ask her now?” Zhao Xingye said, a bit embarrassed.

“This should be Xinyang Maojian, and it’s pre-Qing Ming tea,” Yi Feng suddenly spoke up.

Huang He was surprised and asked, “I thought so too. Brother Yi, you could tell just by smelling it? Are you also a tea enthusiast?”

Yi Feng took a sip of tea, smiled modestly, and replied, “I have a bit of knowledge, but I wouldn’t say I’m an expert.”

“Pre-Qing Ming Xinyang Maojian tea, once brewed, has thick and slightly shorter leaves, a light yellow color, a quality only found in the tender buds of spring tea. This top-quality tea, in my opinion, can only be matched by the special grade Dongting Biluochun.”

“Both have a similar taste, but the aroma differs. Xinyang Maojian tastes astringent at first but leaves a sweet aftertaste, while Dongting Biluochun is more fragrant and aromatic, leading to the saying, ‘No mountain too high for Biluochun’s fragrance, a hundred miles intoxicated.'”

Yi Feng spoke eloquently, drawing from a wealth of knowledge, calm and composed.

Huang He and Zhao Xingye listened intently, nodding in agreement.

Huang He engaged Yi Feng in a lively discussion about tea, finding a kindred spirit.

“Haha, Brother Yi, you’re truly well-versed. Let’s have tea at my place sometime; we can discuss further!” Huang He said, finding a new friend in Yi Feng.

“Teacher Huang, I’m flattered. But let’s wait until after the college entrance exam,” Yi Feng replied with a smile.

“Of course, studies come first, no problem!” Huang He smiled, his eyes squinting.

The more he observed Yi Feng, the more he realized this young man was extraordinary.

His demeanor was confident yet humorous; how could this be a naive student?

He seemed more like a seasoned veteran of the business world.

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