Reborn in 2000: Reuniting with the School Belle

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In Beijing No. 1 Hospital.

The ICU was dimly lit and very quiet, with only the beep of machines being heard occasionally.

A middle-aged man with pale skin lay on the bed, wearing an oxygen mask, looking very weak.

A doctor and a lawyer walked in.

“Mr. Yi Feng, the last bone marrow transplant showed some effects, but… your cancer cells have spread throughout your body, I’m afraid…” the doctor hesitated.

“How long do I have?” Yi Feng asked calmly, his voice hoarse.

“Maybe a dozen days… possibly a month,” the doctor said, trying to offer some comfort.

“Heh… Just a dozen days?” Yi Feng sneered at himself, suspecting things were even worse.

“Mr. Yi, your wife, Mrs. Lu Yao, has taken you to court. She demands five hundred billion from your eighty billion inheritance,” the middle-aged lawyer presented a document, warning him against disposing of his assets at will.

Lu Yao, his wife and college classmate, had forced him to sign a will the night he was diagnosed with advanced cancer after seven years of marriage.

Seven years of marriage, and it was only then that he truly saw her true colors.

Money, it was all about the money; all emotions, everything was fake.

Yi Feng’s eyes moistened as he looked at the sternly worded document.

He laughed self-mockingly, unable to stop the tears from rolling down.

After ten years in business, struggling to amass nearly a hundred billion, in the end, he had no one who loved him, nor whom he loved.

Lying in the empty ward, without family or loved ones by his side.

It was pitiful and sad.

Life was but a fleeting dream, an illusion!

“Mr. Zhou, tell her not to worry about the money. Follow my will and donate all my assets to charity, to impoverished mountain areas, to the nation,” Yi Feng said indifferently.

“Yes, Mr. Yi.”

“By the way, Mr. Yi, a woman asked me to give this to you yesterday.” Lawyer Zhou took out something wrapped in cloth from his bag, resembling a book.

The doctor raised the bed so he could sit up.

“Mr. Yi Feng, we’ll leave you to rest now.”

The doctor and Lawyer Zhou left the ward.

The ward fell into silence once again.

Yi Feng unwrapped the cloth to reveal an old diary.

He gently opened it and saw the familiar name, Gu Muxi.

“March 11, 1998, cloudy, Yi Feng dared to let the air out of my bicycle tires, I’m so mad! ‘m going to draw poop on his backpack!”

“May 10, 2000, light rain, that dummy Yi Feng forgot his umbrella and got soaked, he looked so ridiculous, it killed me!”

“June 5, 2000, sunny, preparing for the college entrance exams, he actually fell asleep in class and got scolded by his mom at night. He definitely doesn’t know I secretly tattled on him, haha!”

“July 1, 2000, cloudy, Yi Feng was planning to secretly change his university application. I woke him up with a Shadowless Kick, huh, we agreed to attend the same university, how could he think of backing out?”

“March 6, 2002, cloudy, that stinky Yi Feng… actually got a girlfriend… huh, anyone who likes that stinker must be blind!”

“April 4, 2002, Yi Feng keeps talking about his girlfriend in front of me, so annoying! Ahh! I’m so irritated! {{|└(>o<)┘|}}, it keeps me up all night!”

“Am I… falling for him?”

“Ah, so annoying!”

“May 20, 2005, sunny, today is his wedding day. He wanted me to be the bridesmaid, but I refused and even lied to him so I wouldn’t have to attend his wedding. I wish him happiness for the rest of his life…”

“January 11, 2012, cloudy, he told me over the phone that he has cancer, in its final stage. I felt like my world was collapsing…”

“February 2, 2012, light rain, he has no family left for a bone marrow match. Coincidentally, my match was successful, a one in a hundred thousand chance. Is this fate?”

“I’m willing to endure any pain and pay any price, even my own life, just to save him.”

“But he will never know, just like he’ll never know I love him…”

Yi Feng was moved to tears as he read this.

The mysterious donor was her!

Memories of Gu Muxi flashed through his mind like scenes from a movie.

Playing in the mud together as children, swimming in the river and then getting scolded together; climbing into the neighbor’s yard to steal bird nests, then being chased by the neighbor’s big yellow dog.

Going to school together, coming home together, playing hide and seek, playing video games, day after day, year after year…

He and she grew up together as childhood sweethearts, becoming the most familiar person to each other.

But because they were too familiar, he took her for granted, as if her presence was a given.

However, at this moment, he finally realized he had missed the right person!

This miss was for a lifetime!

He felt endless regret at this moment!

If heaven could give me another chance, I would never miss her again!

“Cough, cough—!”

Intense emotional turmoil caused him to cough violently, blood spilling from his mouth and into his nose.

His consciousness began to blur.

He seemed to see a light appearing before him, a vague light.

At the same time, he felt his body losing sensation, unable to control it.

Is this… the end of my life?

Gu Muxi, I’m sorry.

I hope in the next life, I can still be your childhood sweetheart.

Tears slid from the corners of his eyes as he slowly closed them.

“Yi Feng, wake up, get up!”

“Wake up, the teacher is about to start class!”

A crisp and melodious voice rang in his ears, sounding somewhat urgent.

Yi Feng suddenly opened his eyes to see the classroom, many familiar faces.

Suddenly, a face with fair, delicate features and long, black, beautiful hair tied in a ponytail appeared before him.

Her youthful, vibrant face was like the breath of early spring, refreshing and pleasant.

“Gu, Gu Muxi?!” Yi Feng widened his eyes in disbelief.

What’s going on? Wasn’t I in the ICU?

Wasn’t I dead?

“What are you looking at? Get up quickly, the teacher is coming!” Gu Muxi glared back at him.

Is this a dream?

Yi Feng’s eyes reddened, but he smiled.

He stood up quickly and hugged her tightly.

Even if it’s a dream, I’m satisfied!

“Gu Muxi!”

“It’s so good to see you!” Yi Feng held her shoulders, tears in his eyes, and smiled.

“What? What are you talking about? What are you doing?” Gu Mu Xi looked at him, confused.

Yi Feng’s embrace drew the attention of all the classmates to them.

“I won’t lose you again!” Yi Feng smiled, holding her shoulders.


Suddenly, he kissed her!

In that moment, the entire class was shocked!

Everyone was stunned!

Gu Muxi’s eyes widened, completely petrified…

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