Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 82 - 82 Meeting with the President 1

Chapter 82: Chapter 82 Meeting with the President 1

Translator: 549690339

Chapter 82: Meeting with the President

A Boeing 737 airliner from Iraqi Airlines, after a long haul flight, slowly circles the skies above Baghdad Airport.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang and Long sit together in the First Class Cabin. Overlooking the cityscape of Baghdad, Nie Zhenbang becomes somewhat emotional. Going forward, this will be the true battleground. Also, he will confront a figure who will be remembered as remarkable by future generations.

At this moment, Long is still fretting over Nie Zhenbang venturing into danger: “Third Master, you shouldn’t have come. Look at this city, it’s the capital. Pockmarks from bullets can be seen everywhere, this place, it’s really too dangerous. To be honest, I don’t have much confidence either.”

Meanwhile, Nie Zhenbang responds with a smile, “Long, you’re overthinking it. Confucius once said, ‘Prevent calamity beforehand to avoid further distress. Be aware and tread cautiously. A gentleman won’t stand under a dangerous wall, how could one ignore it?’ This doesn’t mean one cannot venture into dangerous territory. It advises us to anticipate problems and take action before they occur, decisively deciding to retreat before danger emerges.”

Speaking up to this point and seeing Long’s half-understood expression, Nie Zhenbang shakes his head. Discussing Confucius with Long, a military man, seems to prove somewhat challenging. Immediately after, a resolution and confidence flash across Nie Zhenbang’s features: “Long, a man, a grown man, how could he cower at home? With this mindset, what achievements can we make? As they say, a worthy man has his heart set on the wider world. Back then, if our generation of revolutionaries had the same mindset, would Huaxia exist now? Since our predecessors built our current achievements with their blood, we, as the new generation, should also have the same ambition and courage, forging a prosperous era for Huaxia.”

At this point, Nie Zhenbang pats Long on the shoulder, laughing: “Alright, alright, Long, you can relax. I assure you, this time, there won’t be any danger.”

After establishing communication with the ground tower, the plane slowly starts to descend. At the same time, it proceeds to the runway for landing.

When the plane steadily parked in the apron of Baghdad Airport, numerous soldiers already filled the apron. The entire airport was practically under martial law.

A convoy of HMMWV (Humvee 80s model) off-road military vehicles parked next to the plane, led by a young Arab man.

As Nie Zhenbang descended the flight stairs, the young man approached. The man appeared to be around twenty-one years old. His eyes were very cold, emitting a brutal glare constantly, filled with a sort of religious fanaticism.

When Nie Zhenbang descended, the man examined Nie Zhenbang. Seeing Nie Zhenbang being younger than him, the man promptly saluted and said, “Mr. Nie from the distant East, I am Uday Hussein. On behalf of the President, we welcome your arrival.”


Nie Zhenbang was taken aback. This was a famous figure. The guy who next year would beat to death his father’s trusted bodyguard with a single strike. As

Lao Sa’s first son, he held an undisputed right to inheritance in the Arab world.

Pity that Uday was too brutal. Dealing with someone like him, it’s tolerable to keep up appearances, but as for any deeper associations, Nie Zhenbang would steer clear of him. Subsequently, Nie Zhenbang responded with a smile, “Mr. Hussein, hello. Thank you for your warm welcome. Thank you for the

President’s magnanimity.”

The convoy travelled through Baghdad city and stopped in front of an utterly inconspicuous house. Now is the critical moment of the Iran-Iraq War. At this moment, Iran’s pressure left Iraq breathless. If not for the support from the

United States from behind, Lao Sa would have been unable to hold on already. Naturally, Lao Sa held his personal safety in the highest regard.

Under the gaze of several solemn-faced soldiers, two bodyguards approached

Nie Zhenbang as soon as he entered the building. They said to him in English,

“Sir, please raise your hands. We need to conduct a routine search.”

Nie Zhenbang and Long both understood a bit of English. Nie Zhenbang’s English knowledge came from his previous life’s school studies. Long, on the other hand, had learned English back when he was in the military, due to certain special needs.

At this moment, hearing the mention of a body search, Long stepped forward first. He adopted a defensive posture, his expression serious, and said firmly, “A body search? That’s impossible. Mr. Nie is not your prisoner, he is a guest of your president.”

The scene suddenly froze. At this moment, Uday walked in from outside, a flash of disgust passed his face as he looked at the bodyguards. He then said in a deep voice, “Kamel, what are you doing? You always just try to please my father. Don’t you know this is a distinguished guest from the distant East? Get lost.”

Seeing Uday’s reaction, Nie Zhenbang couldn’t help but laugh. No wonder Uday lost his inheritance rights and was forced out of the center of power in the future. He was reckless and impulsive, brutal, arrogant, and indulgently luxurious. He was a completely mad tyrant.

At the same time, Nie Zhenbang looked at Kamel with interest. This confidant of Lao Sa’s, who loyally makes up for his master’s consumption, might have already started planning to take a mistress for Lao Sa. Sadly, Kamel didn’t know that next year because of this, he’d be sent to heaven by Uday with a single strike.

With Uday’s intervention, Nie Zhenbang and Long managed to avoid having their bodies searched. After passing through several doors in the building and descending a set of stairs, they were faced with an exquisitely grand door.

At this moment Uday also stopped, looking at Nie Zhenbang, he said, “Mr. Nie, please enter. The president is inside waiting for you.”

Upon opening the door, they found Lao Sa seated in a wide chair. He didn’t even bother moving but watched Nie Zhenbang intently. As Nie Zhenbang was sizing him up, Lao Sa was scrutinizing Nie Zhenbang. After a while, Lao Sa finally spoke with a smile, “A guest from the East. Thank you for your sympathy and friendship towards Iraq. I’ve heard from Abdullah that your family is an elite one in the East. You’re able to help us get arms, right?”

Seeing Nie Zhenbang, Saddam was a bit incredulous. Inwardly, he was cursing at Abdullah for believing in the words of a mere child.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang chuckled, Lao Sa’s expression was a classic. His nonchalant demeanor and the lack of enthusiasm towards him suggested that he still didn’t believe in Nie Zhenbang. Perhaps it was due to his youthful appearance, which made him look twenty y.o. Had Lao Sa known that Nie Zhenbang was only seventeen plus, he probably wouldn’t have given him an audience in the first place.

Thinking this, Nie Zhenbang shook his head, “Mr. President, please forgive my audacity. I’m unable to assist you and your country in acquiring weapons.”

After saying this, Nie Zhenbang checked Lao Sa’s expression. The dictator who dominated Iraq was poker-faced. Nie Zhenbang marveled inwardly at the composure of this ruler; an ordinary person couldn’t compare.

Then, Nie Zhenbang continued, “However, as you know, my family in Huaxia, in the East, has a bit of status. Coincidentally, my grandfather happens to be a longtime friend of Deputy Chief of the Soviet Red Army, General Aselev.

Through General Aselev, we have contacts with Soviet Minister of Defence, General Mikhail. This allows us to secure various weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union.”

Nie Zhenbang was adorning a borrowed plume at this moment. These words were half-truth and half-fabrication; however, they seemed reasonable. Purposefully, Nie Zhenbang used ‘we’ instead of ‘I’, giving Lao Sa the illusion that the business partner would not be Nie Zhenbang, but others – maybe a family or a team.

At this moment, Lao Sa stood up for the first time, projecting an enthusiastic attitude, “Welcome, my young friend..”

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