Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 76 - 76 Nie Guowei’s Outburst_1

Chapter 76: Chapter 76 Nie Guowei’s Outburst_1

Translator: 549690339

Chapter 76: Nie Guowei’s Eruption


In the meeting room, a sudden loud sound rang out, attracting everyone’s gaze toward Nie Guowei. At this moment, Nie Guowei had already slammed his pen and notebook down on the table.

The Parker pen was now in pieces from the force. Nie Zhenbang was smirking a little. Secretary Jia’s words earlier had genuinely taken Nie Zhenbang by surprise. However, it was unexpected that the usually benevolent old man would explode in anger now.

Nie Zhenbang was satisfied. At this moment, for the first time, Nie Zhenbang felt a sense of care and warmth from Nie Guowei. Even though at this moment,Nie Zhenbang’s wings had gradually become fuller. Nevertheless, Nie Zhenbang did not mind receiving attentions from others.

At this moment, Nie Guowei stood up and said, “Secretary Jia, don’t you think that you went a bit too far with your remarks? Outrageous. Utter nonsense? I’d like to hear what you believe is different. Are you implying your words aren’t nonsense? A young man, who has been invited by Secretary Li, Mayor Qi, and me, just to express his own viewpoint. He’s not participating in our decision-making and discussion of Nanhai City’s municipal government. What’s there that makes you so heartbroken?”

Secretary Jia was rendered speechless. Nie Guowei’s status is similar to his, just ranking higher. Secretary Jia didn’t take this too seriously, sat down, snorted and said, “Absurd! Since when did a dignified state agency require a child to lecture them? I am a rough man. I don’t know about economics or development. I feel building a branch airport itself is a high-risk matter. And yet you’re talking about setting up an international airport. Where will the flights be routed to? United States?”

Li Qianjin looked serious too. After all, Nie Zhenbang was his invite. But Secretary Jia’s behavior was a true slight toward him. Li Qianjin immediately retorted, “Regardless, it’s still currently under discussion. As a new pathway for all Nanhai citizens, I believe not only do we have the right to discuss, so does every citizen of Nanhai.”

That was typical Li Qianjin. The moment he opened his mouth, he put the hat on Secretary Jia. In this era, there was no such thing as listening to public opinion. Li Qianjin’s idea was indeed ahead of its time.

Mayor Qi also stated calmly, “Regardless, it’s inappropriate for you to use such a tone and attitude, considering your position as a Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, who is in charge of the city’s political and legal work, and your status as an elder.”

At this point, Nie Guowei said in a grave tone, “Secretary Jia, as the saying goes, ‘nepotism isn’t a barrier when recommending a talent’. I think my son Zhenbang’s point is reasonable. Currently, domestic aviation in Huaxia is not advanced. Except for Jingcheng, Hucheng, and a few provincial capital cities that have international airports, all others are domestic branch airports. This situation will gradually change. After the launch of the reform and opening-up policy, since 1979, the Nanxun Chief had designated this area, and in eight years, Nanhai has developed from a fishing village to a metropolis. The speed of this transformation is astonishing.”

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the Standing Committee members started to change. Truly, Nie Guowei was correct. There were several members who had been here since those days, fully participating in Nanhai’s construction. Even now, recalling Nanhai’s rapid development, these members themselves found it hard to believe.

Nie Guowei then continued, “I fully support the establishment of an airport in Nanhai. I think it’s essential as this is the last thing needed to perfect Nanhai’s transport system. Moreover, with the deepening of the reform and opening-up policy, I believe, as our national power increases, Huaxia’s status in the world will also edge up. By then, international exchanges will be frequent. Instead of waiting for that time to make up for our deficiencies, why not take a step ahead?”

Nie Guowei looked at Secretary Jia and sternly said, “My son’s words are based on solid reasoning. Not only did he daringly speculate about Huaxia’s future, but he also provided realistic data analysis. He accurately judged the current and future aviation development trends. I would like to ask Secretary Jia, where did this ‘nonsense’ come from? My Nie family, may not be good at, and may even despise playing power games. But we cannot be wantonly insulted. Today, if Secretary Jia can point out any nonsense in these analyses, I will consider it a lesson for my son. However, if Secretary Jia cannot provide an explanation, I ask that you apologize to my son in person.”

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang gave a thumbs-up to Nie Guowei, praising the old man for a job well done. In front of all the standing committee members, with a seemingly pressure-free tone, he had managed to get Secretary Jia to apologize in front of everyone. This action practically toppled the reputation of Secretary Jia.

Secretary Jia, at this moment, felt like he was in a predicament. In the history of the establishment of Nanhai City, it was unheard of for the Secretary, the

Mayor, and a deputy Secretary, to gang up against another standing committee member. Right now, Secretary Jia looks at Nie Zhenbang with resentment in his eyes.

At this time, the other standing committee members wisely shut their mouths. They were all aware of Nie Guowei’s background. The Nie family was a force to be reckoned with. Moreover, Nie Guowei had another identity, he was the son-in-law of the Ye Family. In Yuedong, the Ye Family’s words definitely carried more weight than the Nie Family. Moreover, what Secretary Jia had done was indeed a little too much.

No one else was to blame. As Li Qianjin had said, the young man hadn’t even participated in the decision-making. Why did he have to jump out so eagerly, if only because he thought the young man would be easy to bully? But when he made the move, he found out he had bit more than he could chew. And now, he had lost face, he deserved it.

Secretary Jia didn’t understand anything really. If it was a matter of criminal investigation in public safety, having worked in the public safety sector for so many years, Secretary Jia might be able to provide some guidance. However, in terms of economics and development, Secretary Jia was a complete layman.

After looking at Nie Guowei, who was glaring in anger right now, Secretary Jia hesitated for a long time before finally saying in a deep voice, “Anyway, I hold reservations on the construction of the airport project.”

Having said that, Secretary Jia gave Nie Zhenbang a glance then opened his mouth, “I’m sorry.” He then turned around and left.

At this moment, anyone would find it hard to accept a dignified secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission having to apologize to a young man, and in front of all the standing committee members of Nanhai City at that. If Secretary Jia could achieve this level of humility, he indeed showed he was a broadminded man.

Nie Zhenbang, however, still had a slight smile on his face, seemingly achieving a state of being pleased or displeased by nothing external. He bowed slightly and said, “Gentlemen, if there is nothing else, I will excuse myself.”

Once Nie Zhenbang had left, Li Qianjin also started speaking, “Alright, comrades. Since Secretary Jia has other things to do, let’s consider him on sick leave. He made his stance clear just now. Rather than delaying, it’s better to carry out things early on. We are currently being watched by the whole country. Since the leaders have put us at the forefront, we should act sincerely and implement the spirit of the superiors’ instructions. Now, I suggest we proceed to the voting process. Those in favor of immediately starting on the international airport, please raise your hands!”

After saying this, Li Qianjin raised his hand first, followed by Mayor Qi. Nie Guowei also raised his hand. At this moment, with the three top leaders of the city’s standing committee raising their hands, other members, such as the Director of Propaganda and the Director of Organization, both known as Li Qianjin’s trusted followers, of course, provided their unstinting support. On the city government’s side, both the executive deputy mayor and member deputy mayor also raised their hands.

Seeing this, a smile emerged on Li Qianjin’s face. With the exception of Minister Wang from the United Front Work Department opposing, the military subdivision commander abstaining, and Secretary Jia expressing reservations, the plan was unanimously passed.

Li Qianjin stood up, seemingly quite satisfied with his influence on the standing committee, and immediately said, “Since we’ve decided, then Old Qi, the city government should immediately set up an airport project leadership group, with you personally serving as the team leader. Deputy Mayor Guo and Deputy Mayor Leng should serve as deputy team leaders. Immediately implement the spirit of this meeting. Prepare the necessary materials. Nie and I will immediately set off for Jingcheng..”

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