Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 57 - 57 Preparatory Party Member_1

Chapter 57: Chapter 57 Preparatory Party Member_1

Translator: 549690339

Nie Zhenbang has always been resolute and decisive in his life. Wal-Mart Supermarket, if it was like a big “melting pot”, it wouldn’t necessarily be unsustainable. However, the art of business relies on specialization. In this epoch, Huang Guangyu’s vision to operate a specialized appliance store, which could attract a multitude of customers, is decidedly correct.

Nie Zhenbang immediately issued orders and, given his influence in Wal-Mart, Yang Anbang and Xiao Yali naturally had no objections. As for Nie Jiamin, a nominal shareholder, he had not been seen for a long time. It was heard that he had suspended his studies at the Yu Ying School and went to Xibei. This was his final preparation before joining the military.

Soon after, Yang Anbang and others incorporated a brand new Wal-Mart Holdings Group in Hong Kong. Yang Anbang still held fifty percent of the shares. Xiao Yali held ten percent. The remaining forty percent were distributed amongst Nie Jiamin’s mother, Huang Yuerong, who held fifteen percent, Ye Shuxian who held twenty percent, and Nie Ziyu who held the final five percent.

Below Wal-Mart Holdings Group, two departments were established, one was the current flagship Wal-Mart Supermarket, and the other was a newly established Gome Electrical Appliances.

As the actual person in charge of Gome Electrical Appliances, Huang Guangyu held twelve percent of the company shares, becoming the largest shareholder after Yang Anbang and Nie Zhenbang. At this point, it may appear that Nie Zhenbang was at a disadvantage, but in the future, everybody would come to realize how astute Nie Zhenbang really was.

Converting the shares into the mother’s names of the two families was also one of Nie Zhenbang’s considerations for the future. At face value, two people were participating in stock ownership, although these were the shares of their sons. However, to outsiders, this seemed like a union of the Nie, Yang, Huang, and

Ye families. In China, it would be an existence akin to an unbeatable superpower that no one dared to trifle with.

Moreover, Nie Zhenbang, knowing the evolution of the future development, understood that in the future, the state would introduce a policy to strictly prohibit state officials and military personnel from participating in commercial operations. As individuals who aspired to advance in political and military circles, Nie Zhenbang and Nie Jiamin could not wait until then to separate themselves from the business world. If they did, they would be at a disadvantage.

By acting this way now, they could preemptively solve future issues, which was the main reason Nie Zhenbang insisted that Huang Yuerong and Ye Shuxian hold shares.

With the existence of Wal-Mart Holding Group’s connections, plus the backing of the financially robust Wal-Mart Group, the operation of Gome Electrical Appliances was swift.

Still on the main street outside the Front Gate, preparations were underway for the first Gome Electrical Appliances store, covering tens of thousands of square meters of business area. Even before its opening, it was causing quite a stir.

Meanwhile, due to the existence of a dual-track system, there were essentially plans for domestically produced appliances. Nie Zhenbang, exploiting his connections, contacted these appliance manufacturers to work overtime. This policy was permissible.

As a result, supply was guaranteed for ordinary, low-priced appliances. Simultaneously, a large quantity of various appliances was imported through the Yun family of Hong Kong, aiming to make Gome Electrical Appliances a hit right from the start.

At this time, Nie Zhenbang was already seated in the president’s office at Jingcheng University.

For this trip to Jingcheng University, Nie Zhenbang kept a low profile. He wore ordinary clothes, rode a bicycle and did not use a car or a driver, he arrived on his own.

Indeed, this had been one of Nie Zhenbang’s long-cherished wishes. In his previous life, Nie Zhenbang was disabled. Every time he saw people leisurely riding bicycles around the campus, Nie Zhenbang was extremely envious. This time, upon hearing from his father that Jingcheng University had called and asked him to visit the school, Nie Zhenbang naturally wouldn’t miss this opportunity to fulfill his wish.

The president of Jingcheng University was Professor Shi Yongchang, a well-known education scholar and mathematician in our country. Upon seeing Nie Zhenbang come in, Professor Shi put down his work, looked up at Nie Zhenbang, smiled and said, “Student Nie is here. If I hadn’t called your superior officer, we wouldn’t be seeing you all year round.”

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang felt a bit embarrassed being teased by a respected headmaster. Profesor Shi, who had spent his entire life in education and research, exuded no worldly desires and was a true scholar, deserving utmost respect.

As a principal, Professor Shi was well aware of Nie Zhenbang’s background. At this point, Nie Zhenbang didn’t appear flustered. He immediately laughed and replied, “Principal, it seems like you’re chiding me. Perhaps I should visit the school more often? Come and see you more?”

It was simply a matter of visiting a few more times, and Professor Shi laughed heartily, waving his hand and saying, “Let it be. I have heard of your merits. You’re quite a self-made person. Moreover, I have seen your scores from last term. First in the Chinese department. You are highly appreciated by Professor Qian, the head of your department. Given this, I don’t have much to say.”

After a short pause, Professor Shi continued, “Zhenbang, this time, I called you here mainly to see what Nie Zhenbang, who is known only by his reputation at Jingcheng University, is really like. Also, the party membership application you submitted has been carefully considered by the party branch of your Chinese Department and the school party committee. The school has agreed to your application. Go check with Secretary Wang. He is the secretary of the party branch. I will not be involved in this as I am not part of the party.”

Professor Shi was a democrat and a member of other parties in the country. This feature is unique to Huaxia. Even though the party in power dominates, the multi-party system gives others the right to participate.

Although Professor Shi was the principal, he did not have the authority to decide Nie Zhenbang’s party membership.

Upon hearing this, Nie Zhenbang was surprised. He hadn’t filled out a party membership application. Suddenly, he was supposed to become a member of the party in the university. He was only 17 years old. At this age, he became a probationary party member, skipping the step of becoming an active party member. After a one-year probation period, he could become a full-fledged party member. Becoming a party member at 18 would offer Nie Zhenbang an innate advantage on his future political path.

If his guess was correct, the party membership application must have been done by his grandfather. Indeed, the elderly are certainly more cunning. Applying for party membership at this time would be just right for his graduation.

Once again, he found the office of Professor Wang, the party secretary of Jingcheng University. Professor Wang has a background in economics, and is currently quite accomplished in this field. In the domestic economy field, he is undoubtedly one of the top experts. This era’s university is not as superficial as the later ones. The leaders of the school are generally scholarly, and the air of administration is not as strong.

Upon seeing Nie Zhenbang, Professor Wang signaled for him to sit down and then began speaking, “Nie Zhenbang, from now on, you are an honorable probationary party member. I hope that in future work and study, you will constantly require yourself as a party member. Modest and prudent, pragmatic and enterprising, make contributions to our country’s socialist construction.”

Of course, these were some formalities and cliched speeches. After finishing, Professor Wang laughed at himself, touched his bald head, and jokingly said, “I get nervous whenever I have to use these formalities for procedures. Forget all these, Nie. I’m interested in having a discussion with you about market economics. Although you’re studying Chinese, I think you have an economic talent. The supermarket you’re managing is very advanced and impressive. Do you have any interest in pursuing a masters’ degree after graduating?”

Nie Zhenbang was truly stunned at this point. considering the credentials of Professor Wang, commonly assigned to PhD students, but who was now suggesting that Nie Zhenbang pursue a Masters’ degree, constituted an unparalleled opportunity. Even with Nie’s current background, if Professor Wang did not want to accept him, not even personal pleas from his grandfather would likely sway him.

Reflecting on this, Nie Zhenbang realized that he had indeed reaped a rebirth bonus. In any era, the initiator is always successful. He pioneered a new model of market economy operation in the country; this was an initiative. Being noticed by Professor Wang was not surprising.

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang felt no shame. Since he was reborn, he might as well be brazen for once. Moreover, having a master’s degree would be greatly beneficial to his future. Nie Zhenbang immediately stood up, bowed deeply and said, “Professor Wang, thank you for your praise and guidance. It will be an honor to become your student.”

The two then chatted about some economic issues. The theories from the future in Nie Zhenbang’s mind excited Professor Wang so much that he wished he could accept this student immediately.

As Nie Zhenbang stepped out of Professor Wang’s office and walked downstairs, an employee from the Wal-Mart Group was already waiting at the door. Seeing Nie Zhenbang, he immediately rushed to him and said, “Mr. Nie, Director Yang asked me to inform you that he has already arranged a dinner with the leaders of Jingcheng Automobile Factory and the National Machinery Work Committee. We’re just waiting for you now..”

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