Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 50 - 50 Soviet Union Crown Prince Party_1

Chapter 50: Chapter 50 Soviet Union Crown Prince Party_1

Translator: 549690339

“Excuse me, are you Comrade Kim Jungsung’s group? I am General Aselev’s aide-de-camp, Vladimir Nemofov.” The leading officer saluted Nie Zhenbang and then inquired.

With the translation from Liu Kun beside him, there was no problem in communication between Nie Zhenbang and Nemofov. Nie Zhenbang stepped forward and extended his hand: “Colonel Nemofov, I am Kim Jungsung.”

Although Liu Kun had already stated this on the phone, outside, Nie Zhenbang still used his pseudonym. After all, at this time, the thaw between China and the Soviet Union had just begun. Not only would being too open affect Aselev, but Nie Zhenbang himself was also likely to run into trouble.

After all, in this era, the Soviet Union’s KGB was a world-renowned intelligence organization.

The group hurriedly boarded the military vehicle, and after turning two main streets, they entered a military restricted area. This was where the Soviet

Union’s General Staff was stationed. As the Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Aselev was also qualified to live here.

The car stopped at the entrance of a Soviet-style villa. As soon as Nie Zhenbang got out of the car, he saw a white-haired old man at the door greeting him with a smile. Before Nie Zhenbang could speak, Aselev said with a smile: “My child, welcome. How is your grandfather? We haven’t seen each other for thirty-two years since 1954.”

Nie Zhenbang also greeted him. Regardless of Aselev’s friendship with his grandfather, his grandfather had many connections in the Soviet Union, but he only introduced Aselev, which showed that their relationship was extraordinary. Now it seems that Aselev personally receiving him in such a situation further proves Nie Zhenbang’s guess.

Then, Nie Zhenbang also smiled and said: “Grandpa Aselev, thank you very much for your warm hospitality. This is something my grandfather asked me to give you.”

With that, Nie Zhenbang took a photo from his pocket. It was a black and white picture. There were no people in the picture, just a scene of an explosion. The huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, radiating almost dazzling brilliance. The surrounding sky faded in comparison.

Seeing this photo, Aselev laughed. It was just an ordinary photo, but the old general treasured it and put it in his pocket. At this moment, Aselev seemed to be lost in memories and murmured: “Nuclear weapons, I heard that you made them long ago. I didn’t expect that Mr. Nie is still so competitive. That time, we, the Soviet Union, really wronged you.”

Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang was also stunned, in the 1950s, the event of the Soviet Union withdrawing all experts indeed wronged them.

“My child, let’s not discuss this anymore. Come, come in. To welcome your arrival, our whole family is quite eager.” Aselev then chuckled.

Following Aselev into the spacious living room of the villa, there were already many people sitting in the room. A few middle-aged people huddled together, whispering from time to time. A group of young people, ranging from a few years old to their teens or twenties, also directed their gazes towards Nie Zhenbang.

Aselev coughed and then laughed: “Children, this is Nie Zhenbang from

Huaxia, and the grandson of Uncle Nie.”

The middle-aged people might all have met Nie Zhenbang’s grandfather. In fact, two of the slightly older ones had already come over.

“My God, are you Guowei’s child? You’ve grown so big.”

“Peter, of course, back in the day. When you and Guowei first met, you were both only five years old. But now, you’re a father of five children. Do you think it’s still like when you were playing with Guowei in Huaxia?” said a middle-aged man next to him, laughing.

A traditional Russian feast. Even though the Aselev family had been very sincere, Nie Zhenbang found himself somewhat listless. The whole thing felt like a formality.

Maybe he had been too naive. Originally, Nie Zhenbang thought that once in the Soviet Union, he could just pick anyone from the streets, win them over, and get whatever he wanted. But it was only after he arrived in the Soviet Union that Nie Zhenbang realized he had overestimated the situation.

The Soviet Union at this time, although somewhat chaotic, was not quite as chaotic as it would be in a few years. The military and government systems were still running efficiently. People’s emotions were high, but they had not yet reached a boiling point. Right now, it was still simmering.

During this time, Comrade Yeltsin, the main architect of the Soviet Union’s collapse, was just beginning to be recognized by Gorbachev and had been appointed as the Secretary of the Communist Party of Soviet Union. He was a candidate member of the Moscow City’s First Committee Secretary.

Moreover, it is estimated that by October of this year, Comrade Yeltsin would be sent by Comrade Gorbachev to the Building Committee to serve as the first chairman.

Without Yeltsin stirring up trouble in Russia, the regime of the Soviet Union was still more or less stable. However, a few years later, as Yeltsin gradually became more powerful, the Soviet military and political officials began to feel threatened. They gradually began to accept bribes and sell anything within their reach.

With these worries in mind, Nie Zhenbang naturally had little appetite. When he left, it was a well-known uproar in Jingcheng. If he went back downcast like this, losing face would be the least of his problems. If his and the Nie family’s reputation were negatively affected, it would, in turn, affect the entire reformist faction. This was Nie Zhenbang’s biggest concern.

Just then, the young lad sitting next to Nie Zhenbang, who appeared to be about twenty-three or twenty-four years old, leant over towards Nie Zhenbang, and spoke softly in his ear, “Nie, it is a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard my father talk about your father. They were good friends. I think, as their descendants, we should continue this friendship. Let me introduce myself, my name is Ganokovich. My father is Peter from Sukhoi Design


Next to him, Liu Kun translated Ganokovich’s words, and then added, “Third brother, this is a member of the Soviet Union’s ** , right?”

**? Sukhoi Design Bureau? Upon hearing these two terms, Nie Zhenbang was taken aback, and his thoughts suddenly became clearer. Yes, since there are no other leads at the moment, the ** approach might be a good option. And conveniently, the Peter with whom his father had a close relationship was from the Sukhoi Design Bureau. Surely, with the old man Aselev around, his position must be significant. This is the company that designs the Su-series

fighter aircraft. If they can get detailed information, the domestic military

research units could leapfrog the current stage and catch up immediately.

With these thoughts in mind, Nie Zhenbang turned to Liu Kun and said, “Kun, tell him right away that I am also delighted to meet him. And to honor the traditional friendship between our two families, I would like to invite him out.

He can choose the place.”

When Liu Kun translated Nie Zhenbang’s intentions to him, Ganokovich laughed and replied, “Zhenbang, you’re too kind. Tonight, let’s have fun at a nightclub.”

This young man certainly didn’t waste any time. He took the opportunity and jumped right on it. However, Nie Zhenbang wasn’t upset. He had brought plenty of money for this trip, the purpose of which was to spend it. At the moment, he couldn’t have hoped for a better response from Ganokovich. He laughed and said, “Of course. I’m curious to experience Soviet nightlife. Ganokovich, I’m relying on you to arrange my time in the Soviet Union. Don’t worry; money is not a problem.”

PS: Thanks to the generous rewards from my two book friends, I am crazy and I fall in love with you on purpose.

The explosion today, the fourth update is sent out..

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