Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 177: The Stubborn and Stubborn Homeowner (Fourth Update, Seek Support) _1

Chapter 177: Chapter 177: The Stubborn and Stubborn Homeowner (Fourth Update, Seek Support) _1

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, Zhang Chubin was looking a bit helpless with a troubled expression on his face. He looked at Liu Wenqing and started to speak, “Secretary Liu, I… ”

Liu Wenqing waved his hand and continued, “Comrade Chubin, I have also reviewed Director Nie’s planning proposal, and from the perspective of fairness and justice, Director Nie’s considerations are indeed feasible. Furthermore, whether the team is stable and united largely hinges on you. Party secretaries manage the party, and county heads manage affairs. The development of the economy and the people’s livelihood is indeed Nie’s responsibility. What you need to do is to ensure the stability and unity of the team and provide a protective umbrella for the economic development of Li County. That is your job. Don’t get things out of their proper order. If Li County has achieved good results, you as the county party secretary can’t be left without credit.”

Liu Wenqing subtly reminded Zhang Chubin not to interfere with Nie Zhenbang in economic development. All he needed to do was to do his own party committee work properly. When the time came, when Li County made great progress, Nie Zhenbang would take the credit, wouldn’t county party secretary Zhang Chubin also receive recognition?

As for Nie Zhenbang’s background, Liu Wenqing would not mention it. On the one hand, Zhang Chubin’s level is not suitable for knowing too much, otherwise, it would not be easy to arrange work in Li County. On the other hand, Liu Wenqing cared about face. If it got out, it would be unavoidable that some people would say that the dignified city party secretary was afraid of Nie Zhenbang or of who sat behind Nie as his support. Liu Wenqing would naturally not do this. He pretends not to know now and subtly hints to his subordinates as long as they don’t completely fall out with Nie Zhenbang. In Liu Wenqing’s opinion, Nie Zhenbang doesn’t care about being a county party secretary.

Because at this moment, Liu Wenqing had already seen that the gold plating of Nie Zhenbang had an essential difference from the ordinary higher-ups’ children. Nie Zhenbang is a truly capable and competent person. Liu Wenqing can rest assured with Li County in his hands. Even, Liu Wenqing is certain that Li County may even become an important chip in his promotion.

Seeing that Zhang Chubin still seemed a little confused, Liu Wenqing’s face also darkened, he seriously said: “Comrade Zhang Chubin, reform and opening up, not only in the economy but opening up in thinking is even more important. I very much admire Director Nie’s ability. You don’t need to have any psychological burdens. Do your county committee work well. Fully support Director Nie’s work. This is your current important task. Also, on the personnel issues in the Li County Development Zone, our municipal party committee team discussed it. Preliminarily, we have selected Comrade Nie Zhenbang as the Secretary of the Development Zone Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee. The municipal party committee’s idea is to let Yan Yujiao, Vice Director of the City Economic Committee, take the post of Vice Director of Li County Government and concurrently serve as the director of the Management Committee of Li County’s Economic Development Zone.”

At this moment, Zhang Chubin was in absolute despair. Originally, he even thought that Secretary Liu could intervene directly to help him secure the financial power. But hearing these words, Zhang Chubin was left without a thought. Liu Wenqing’s words couldn’t have been clearer. His task was to support Nie Zhenbang. What would happen if he didn’t? Liu Wenqing didn’t say, but Zhang Chubin could tell. If he didn’t support Nie, perhaps he wouldn’t even be able to hold on to his own position.

Furthermore, the last personnel arrangement made by Liu Wenqing was even more shocking to Zhang Chubin. Nie Zhenbang was serving concurrently as the Secretary of the Development Zone Working Committee. This meant that he was in control of the real power of the Development Zone. Moreover, Yan Fengjiao was transferred to Li County. Yan Fengjiao was also a legendary figure in Bazhou City. Though she was the last of the three deputy directors of the city’s economic committee at the age of thirty-six, regardless, she was still a vice-ministerial level official. This was unprecedented in the history of Bazhou, before the arrival of Nie Zhenbang.

It was rumored that Yan Fengjiao had some relationship with Liu Wenqing. Although there was no concrete evidence, there would never be unfounded rumors in officialdom. Now it seemed that Liu Wenqing was willing to put Yan Fengjiao in Li County, which clearly meant he meant to take credit for this.

At this time, it was pointless for him to say anything more. Saying too much would only earn him a bad impression of neglecting the overall situation from Liu Wenqing. Hence, Zhang Chubin also stood up and said, “Secretary Liu, I understand. I will surely follow the spirit of your and the municipal party committee’s instructions. Fully support Comrade Nie Zhenbang, ensure team unity and stability, and promote the economic development of Li County and the Development Zone.”

While Zhang Chubin was in Bazhou city, at the moment, Nie Zhenbang was in his office reviewing the data submitted by the Planning Bureau.

The new development zone had just started, and many stalls were not fully equipped yet. For example, various departments of the development zone such as industry and commerce, taxation, public security, municipal administration, and sanitation were all preparing hurriedly. Before the municipal party committee issued personnel appointments and dismissals for the development zone, Nie Zhenbang couldn’t decide to equip the institutions fully on his own. Hence, the tasks of the demolition office were temporarily hung up on the Planning Bureau.

Looking at the demolition data submitted by the Planning Bureau, this time the land requisition in the development zone involved several villages of Shengli Township. A total of over 310 households were affected, involving nearly 2,000 people.

At present, widespread land requisition had not yet begun. At present, the demolition being carried out was related to the houses involved in the construction of several new roads. In addition to the expansion and hardening of the national highway, two more horizontal roads needed to be built. This demolition was mainly for road building and involved a total of 32 households. The form of demolition adopted was nearby demolition. After all, such a scheme is the easiest to accept for local residents. They would still be close to their circle of relationships. On the one hand, this was one reason. On the other hand, Nie Zhenbang wanted these dozens of households to become a model for demolition, a real benchmark for demolition. In his previous life, Nie Zhenbang had also heard of many violent demolitions. The real concern began with the national ban on violent demolitions. If this kind of demolition model was established, future demolition works could follow this standard, being just and transparent. This could prevent any confrontation.

At this time, the phone on Nie Zhenbang’s desk rang. The urgent ringing of the phone indicated it was already off-work hours. There were very few people in the whole of Li County who knew he was still in the office.

Picking up the phone, before Nie Zhenbang could say a word, the voice of Ma Danaiu, the head of the planning bureau, came from the other side: “Director Nie, we’ve run into trouble in the demolition zone. There’s a household refusing to move, and the situation is at a standstill. Several of our staff members tried to persuade them, but they were sent away. Could you maybe come over and take a look?”

Nie Zhenbang knew Ma Dainiu; he was a Mongolian with a Han Chinese name. He was an able and devoted official in his forties who did his work properly. Nie Zhenbang had no worries about him; this was why he had entrusted the crucial task of demolition to Ma Dainiu.

Upon hearing Ma Dainiu’s words, Nie Zhenbang was taken aback. If he said they were beaten, they must have indeed been beaten. Nie Zhenbang trusted Ma Dainiu’s subordinates. Before the demolition work began, he had emphasized the principle of strictly prohibiting barbaric and forced evictions, not to mention violent ones. The government workers were there to talk and persuade. But how could there still be stubborn residents under these circumstances? Nie Zhenbang found it all head-spinning.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang stood up and said into the phone: “Director Ma, first inform the county hospital to urgently treat the injured. I’ll be right there.”

As he left the office, Yi Jun also stood up: “Director, I’ve already notified Xiao Wang. The car is downstairs.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded, recognizing that Yi Jun’s responsiveness was improving. It was essential for a secretary to be quick on his feet in such situations and not wait for orders all the time. Sometimes, he should be able to foresee issues and handle them beforehand.

As the two of them walked out, Nie Zhenbang instructed: “Xiaoyi, call Director Chen from the public security bureau. Ask him to send some people to accompany me to Shengli Township.”

The car had just left the urban area of the county when several police cars rolled up behind it. One moved to the front of Nie Zhenbang’s car, turning on its siren to clear the way. At this moment, a call came through from Chen Le.

“Director Nie, what’s the problem? Surely the demolition household isn’t revolting, is it?” As soon as he got the call, Chen Le rushed over. The development of Li County was a top priority. Chen Le dared not take it lightly.

Nie Zhenbang waved his hand, laughing lightly: “It’s not that serious. I believe the people of Li County have at least that much awareness. As for the specifics of the situation, I can’t say right now, let’s get to the scene first.”

After driving two kilometers on the main road, the car turned left onto a newly constructed road. About five hundred meters ahead, a large crowd had already gathered.

At this moment, all the other houses along the highway had been dismantled for reconstruction, except for this one, which stood tall. The whole house was intersecting with the road. If a detour was to be made, it would disrupt the overall impression of the development zone. In front of the house, a sixty-year-old man was ranting: “My nephew is my nephew, I am me. He is the township head of Shengli Township. I farm my land. We have nothing to do with each other. This house, I won’t tear it down. Generations of my family have lived here. If you tear it down, where am I supposed to live?”

At this moment, Ma Danaiu also went up to him, smiling: “Old Man Zeng, the government is paving this road. Look around. There wasn’t a road here before. The government is building it for the convenience of the locals. With the compensation money, you can build a new house in the resettlement zone.”

No sooner had the words left his mouth than Old Man Zeng snorted: “Humph, don’t think I don’t know. How is that little bit of money enough? One hundred thousand. Give me the money, and I’ll tear down the house and leave right away.”

Hearing these words, Nie Zhenbang’s face darkened as well.

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