Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 137 - 137 Sustainable Development (Request for Monthly Ticket)_1

Chapter 137: Chapter 137 Sustainable Development (Request for Monthly Ticket)_1

Translator: 549690339

The old man’s sudden feel, not only stunned Nie Zhenbang, but also startled other leaders. This was beyond general communication, it carried weight concerning the development and future of the nation. It involved major national affairs. Participating in such matters at such a youthful age was not child’s play. A wrong decision could lead to irreversible damage.

The old man added with a smile at this moment, “Don’t be surprised. Everyone has a responsibility for the rise and fall of a nation. In our time, we were passionate youngsters during the revolution. You all have experienced that era. You should understand this. Ambition is not related to old age, living to be a hundred without ambition is meaningless. Take Zhenbang’s words as a reference. Being wrong is not the fear, implementing the wrong policies is.”

Since the old man had given his approval, the present leaders couldn’t object. The highest leader smiled and said, “Zhenbang, since the elder has personally signaled you, you are free to share your ideas openly and exhaustively. Now, this is not the Politburo Standing Committee. It is a family gathering, you can speak your mind.”

With the approval of the highest leader, Nie Zhenbang felt reassured. After organizing his thoughts, he said, “Respected leaders! Grandfather! I think you should all be aware of the current concept of economic development in the world, that is, sustainable development.”

Sustainable development, initially defined, was formally proposed at the United Nations Human Environment Conference in Stockholm, Sweden, in the 1970s. In the early 1980s, Brown from the United States, also published “Building a Sustainable Society”, effectively giving a solid definition to this concept.

Just now, talking about domestic reform and economic development, Nie Zhenbang felt profoundly moved. In his past life, many local governments pursued political merits one-sidedly, neglecting environmental issues and evolving into a distorted mindset of surrendering everything for economic development. This led to a continuous deterioration of the domestic environment. Desertification, sandstorms, extreme weather, and various other issues occurred frequently. If we could rectify our development mindset from the beginning, it would benefit both the nation and its people.

In fact, last year, a Jingcheng declaration on environmental protection was launched in cooperation with some developing countries. This year in Rio de Janeiro, the Huaxia government solemnly signed the Declaration on Environment and Development. At this time, the new generation of national leaders was gradually paying attention to environmental protection. However, the concept of sustainable development had not been systematically proposed yet.

Seeing the thoughtful expressions on several leader’s faces, Nie Zhenbang knew, he couldn’t stop speaking at this point. Decidedly, Nie Zhenbang continued freely. “In my understanding, sustainable development should mean satisfying the needs and wants of the current generation without harming and compromising the needs and development of future generations.”

This concept, upon presentation, brightened the eyes of several leaders, and the highest leader nodded approvingly, “Good, the definition of this term is explained very well. Ensuring present development while leaving ample natural resources and environment for future development and living needs.”

The chief domestic administrator and the present leader both nodded approvingly, “This concept is innovative and unique. It makes a lot of sense upon further thought. Presently, the demand for development is high in our country. However, many officials in local areas are neglecting natural resources and causing extensive damage. This is unacceptable. Ten, twenty, or even several decades later, we cannot leave this beautiful landscape damaged for the next generation. We must preserve it.”

Since the topic had already been broached, Nie Zhenbang candidly disclosed a suggestion, “Respected leaders, besides environmental protection, there is something else we can learn from Japan. Nowadays, Japan has sealed all of its domestic mineral resources for the future generations. Even while fulfilling its current developmental needs, Japan imports large amounts of iron ores, oil, and other strategic resources from overseas, reserving them.”

Nie Zhenbang’s words plunged all the leaders into deep thought. However, it appeared that they did not rate Japan’s strategy as highly. Japan’s national conditions, demands, and international environment were different from ours. Not everything that works for Japan would work for us. Some resources are under embargo by western nations against our country.

From the side, the old man, sensing an unusual atmosphere, smiled and said, “Zhenbang’s words are indeed worth pondering over. It shows he values being prepared for a rainy day. This is a proverb invented by our Huaxia people. But now, Japan is ahead of us. Our domestic resources should be exploited with planning and control. We should also encourage domestic companies to go overseas, increase income and decrease expenditure, prioritizing the former.”

The present leader pondered for a moment and then nodded. No matter the resource, no matter how vast the reserves, there will come a day when these will be exhausted. As for other nations and races, we cannot govern those, as long as it’s guaranteed that the Huaxia people, including future generations, are not affected, that’s enough.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, the present leader did not hide his admiration. In the presence of the elder lead, there was no need for hollow pretenses. Thus, the present leader also said with a smile, “Zhenbang, it’s impressive that you have such a mindset. Even though you are located locally, you are still conscious of the nation. This mindset should be maintained and encouraged.”

After spending some time with the elder, the leaders got up and left. Seeing the backs of the leaders, Nie Zhenbang could only leave his fate to the heavens. He had said everything he needed to, and whether the leaders considered them or not was beyond Nie Zhenbang’s control. But he had faith that it would have some effect. Hopefully, this time, the nation’s development wouldn’t be the same as before.

Nie Zhenbang stayed for lunch at the elder’s place and then left. At this moment, after retiring, the old man no longer lived in the Forbidden City. He did not go to Xiangshan Villa either, but had moved to a courtyard house.

Nie Guodong, his uncle, also had his own house in the Military Commission complex, and Zhenbang’s father was usually based in Yanbei.

At this moment, as Nie Zhenbang entered the living room, Old Cai had already set up the chessboard on the coffee table and beckoned with a smile, “Zhenbang. How about coming over and having a game with me?”

By the end of the game, Nie Zhenbang had lost completely. Seeing Nie Zhenbang’s condition, Old Cai started to laugh. He then said, “How do you feel? Pressured, aren’t you? I’ve been watching your performance lately. Very good. Just now, the old leader called me. He had a lot of praise for you. It seems it’s time for me to discuss the future plans with you.”

Hearing Old Cai’s words, Nie Zhenbang’s heartbeat quickened. The implication was obvious. The old man had never formally stated his position in this way before. While, indeed, the Nie family treated Nie Jialei and Nie Zhenbang fairly in their political careers, there was never a clear statement of preferential treatment.

And now, the old man’s statement indicated that he had made up his mind. Compared to Nie Jialei’s achievements, Nie Zhenbang was much more outstanding. At 26, Nie Jialei only held an entry-level position. But Nie Zhenbang was already an assistant commissioner.

At this level, the distinction between chief and assistant isn’t that apparent. More importantly, Nie Zhenbang’s network was far superior to Nie Jialei’s, which was the crucial factor for Old Cai’s decision.

“I believe you understand what I mean. This New Year, I will announce it to the whole family. You need to prepare yourself. Besides, you need to consider how you’ll handle the situation with your older brother. Now, the Nie family future rests on your generation,” Old Cai said, suddenly serious.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang’s reaction, Old Cai smiled, “No pressure. And don’t be too smug either. This is just a formality. How far you go depends on yourselves. Remember when you asked about the precious desk and bookcases in the study of the Forbidden City? I told you back then, it’s up to you whether we can regain our place there.”

Nie Zhenbang immediately nodded gravely, “Grandfather, don’t worry, I will try my best. I believe both my older brother and I will strive hard. We won’t let you down.”

As soon as he walked out of the living room, Nie Zhenbang was about to go to his room when Nie Jiamin suddenly appeared and beckoned to him.

Just as Nie Zhenbang approached Nie Jiamin, he whispered, “Little brother. I know a good place. How about I take you there? Interested?”

Near the New Year, Nie Jiamin had also returned from Xibei. Although the brothers were both in Xibei, their interaction was minimal.

Seeing Nie Jiamin’s mysterious look, Nie Zhenbang laughed. True to his reputation as a notorious trickster in Jingcheng. He had just returned and he’s already found a “good place”.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang also laughed, “What good place is it that you’re being so secretive about?”

At this moment, Nie Jiamin merely smiled and didn’t explain. Instead, he dragged Nie Zhenbang outside, walking and talking, “Why do I feel like you’ve become a worrywart since becoming a leader, little brother? Amongst our friends in Jingcheng, aside from those outside the system, who isn’t an official or assistant official now? You can relax completely. Just follow me. Do you think I would harm you?”

Nie Zhenbang was practically pushed into the car by Nie Jiamin. The car started quickly and headed towards the suburbs of Jingcheng. Half an hour later, it pulled up in front of an abandoned factory.

Looking at the dilapidated factory, overrun with weeds and seemingly deserted for at least five years, Nie Zhenbang was taken aback. He turned to Nie Jiamin, “Brother, is this the ‘good place’ you were talking about?”

PS: First of all, I’d like to congratulate EdisonZXL for the generous donation and becoming the new leader of this book. It’s the first time one of my books has two leaders. I believe there will be more leaders in the future. Secondly, I want to thank you all for your support. Currently, the number of monthly tickets is 455, merely 15 away from 470. I believe tomorrow will be another explosive day. I’m happy to write more for you. Let’s hope for more fervid support.

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