Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 133: The Entire City Mobilizes_1

Chapter 133: The Entire City Mobilizes_1

Chapter 133: Chapter 133: The Entire City Mobilizes_1

Translator: 549690339

The Vice Chairman of the Autonomous Region was attending in person, as was the Deputy Minister of Agriculture. More importantly, the news column “Daily at Seven” from Court TV station was coming too, along with a special documentary. This was a great chance to make a public appearance, even though the host was Nie Zhenbang. Still, as a county head, even the perpetually silent Mo Zhihai saw it as a valuable opportunity. Appearing on Court TV would make national headlines. It could also count as a significant contribution in one’s political career.

No wonder Wu Zhixiong took it so seriously. Even someone in Liu Wenqing’s position was likely to be unsettled by this.

Hurrying to the door, Wu Zhixiong suddenly turned back. He looked at Nie Zhenbang and asked, “Zhenbang, is this for real?”

It seemed Wu Zhixiong was still a little incredulous because the news was mind-blowing. It was simply a foundation-laying ceremony, not a production commencement celebration. Yet it had such high attendance. He dared not imagine what the completion ceremony would look like.

At the moment, Nie Zhenbang also said with a smile, “Director, it’s undoubtedly true. I stake my party discipline on it.”

Seeing Nie Zhenbang’s serious demeanor, Wu Zhixiong nodded. After a moment’s hesitation, he looked at Nie Zhenbang and said, “Zhenbang, come with me now. Tonight, let’s report to Mayor Ding and Secretary Liu immediately.”

After considering for a while, Wu Zhixiong decided to take Nie Zhenbang along. After all, Nie was the most informed about the matter. If the superiors asked questions and he ended up knowing nothing, it would be better to bring Nie himself.

As soon as they got in the car, Wu Zhixiong took out his mobile phone. The first number he dialed was Ding Aiguo’s.

At this time, Ding Aiguo was also preparing to leave work. Listening to Wu Zhixiong’s words, Ding’s face turned serious. “Zhixiong, you’re not joking, are you?”

Ding clearly understood the implications more than Wu did. After all, it wasn’t easy to be featured on Court TV. Even the Autonomous Region government occasionally made an appearance. As for the municipalities under its jurisdiction, on average, only one or two appeared per year across Xibei. Hence, this was very significant for Bazhou.

Wu Zhixiong chuckled bitterly at that moment. “Old leader, would I joke about such a thing? Director Nie is with me right now, and we’re on our way to you. Could you wait for me in your office?”

Upon hearing that Nie Zhenbang was also with him, Ding Aiguo seemed to believe it. After hesitating for a moment, he said, “Don’t bother coming here. You both go directly to Secretary Liu’s place. I’ll be there shortly.”

One hour later, just as their vehicle entered the urban area of Bazhou City, before the driver could ask where to go, Wu Zhixiong proactively instructed, “Li, head to the Municipal Committee.”

At this moment in Liu Wenqing’s office, Ding Aiguo and Liu sat opposite each other on the couches. It was obvious from their faces that they were both pensive and pleased.

Footsteps sounded outside, and Ding Aiguo, who went to the door first, said to Liu Wenqing, “Secretary Liu, it seems Wu Zhixiong and Nie Zhenbang are here.”

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, followed by Liu Wenqing’s deep voice commanding, “Come in!”

As the door opened, before either Wu Zhixiong or Nie Zhenbang could speak, Ding Aiguo asked Nie, “Is what you’ve said true, Nie?”

Liu Wenqing managed to laugh at this point. “Mayor Ding, calm down. Let Nie and Director Wu catch their breath first.”

Nie Zhenbang looked at Ding Aiguo and Liu Wenqing, and then recounted the whole situation. At the end, he added, “Secretary Liu, Mayor Ding, I’m sure about this. Liu Kun, the president, whose father is the current First Deputy Secretary and First Director of the National Engineering Committee, might become the Minister of Machinery Industry next year. The Agriculture Ministry’s involvement is his initiative. On the Autonomous Region’s side, it’s Qian Jin, son of the Secretary of the Urumqi Municipal Committee. As for Court TV, a friend’s uncle is the station’s director. That’s a promise from my friend.”

Nie Zhenbang’s words stunned the two bosses of Bazhou City Party Committee. The way Nie used names suggested he had profound connections. For someone to interact with these people, Nie must not be an ordinary person.

Paying less attention to Nie’s background, Liu Wenqing focused on the matter itself. Leaders from the region, central ministries, and the media from Court TV were all coming. This was a rare opportunity for Bazhou. It was an excellent chance to present itself to the nation and showcase the city’s progress.

The rhythmic tapping of fingers on the wooden armrest of the sofa went silent as Liu Wenqing spoke next, “Old Ding, In regard to this matter, I think it’s time for us here in Bazhou City to take action. I will let Li Qingde notify the standing committee members who stayed home to have a temporary meeting to discuss the preparations for the guest reception. What do you think?”

Immediately after, Liu Wenqing made a final decision and said, “Old Ding, I think this is a great opportunity and a significant event for our Bazhou City. As the directive has already been handed down from above, even though the autonomous region administration will notify us, we could already take action beforehand since we obtained the news in advance. Otherwise, we will be passive if things happen to wait for us.”

After a short pause, Liu Wenqing turned to Ding Aiguo, his voice diplomatic, “Old Ding, I believe it’s necessary to mobilize various departments such as hygiene, municipal services, and public security. What do you think?”

At this moment, Ding Aiguo nodded his head, then remarked, “Secretary Liu, I completely agree with your views, better safe than sorry. Let’s prepare fully on our end to ensure we showcase the best of Bazhou to the country. We need to present the most beautiful side of Bazhou to our people.”

At this time, the standing committee members of the Bazhou City Committee, who had just received the notice, sat in the meeting room with puzzled faces. Some of them had formed groups and began to whisper among themselves.

At that moment, Liu Wenqing and Ding Aiguo entered the room together. This scenario stirred up whispers amongst the people, wondering when the relationship between the secretary and the mayor had become so close. Although the cooperation between Liu Wenqing and Ding Aiguo had always been good, they often had disagreements. Yet, they seemed to have grown closer recently.

It was the same during the addition of standing committee members in Li County. And the same scene was repeated now.

Cheng Xinhua, however, looked serene. Nie Zhenbang had called him earlier, so he knew why Liu Wenqing and Ding Aiguo wanted to hold a standing committee meeting.

Once everyone had settled down, Liu Wenqing tapped on the table. He went straight to the point, “Comrades, I’ve gathered you all here at this late hour because there is an issue that needs to be announced.”

After a brief pause, Liu Wenqing continued, “I just received a phone call from Secretary General Xiao of the Autonomous Region Government Office. A week from now, Vice Chairman Niu of the Autonomous Region, as well as Xie Laixi, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, will be attending the foundation laying ceremony at Li County’s Farmer Welfare Company. Additionally, Court TV station’s “Daily at Seven” will be covering the ceremony.”

The moment these words were spoken, a chorus of discussions broke out in the meeting room. Liu Wenqing was quite understanding. Since the establishment of Bazhou City, the highest-ranking official who had visited was only the Secretary-General of the Autonomous Region Party Committee. Neither the Party Secretary of the prefecture nor the Chairman of the Autonomous Region had ever visited Bazhou, which was a rather big irony.

However, this time, if the Court TV station comes, and central ministry leaders are present, it’s possible that the Party Secretary of the district and the Chairman of the Autonomous Region will also come. Moreover, having the coverage of Court TV would be a great honor for Bazhou City.

Tapping on the table again, Liu Wenqing said solemnly, “Alright, everyone, settle down. That’s how things stand. Now, the primary issue is that everyone in the city has to be mobilized. The hygiene department, health bureau, education bureau, all counties and districts in the city, and all units, should be divided into sections for area-wide hygiene cleanups. Furthermore, traffic and municipal services have to take action. The maintenance and repair of roads along the route, the maintenance and cleaning of streetlight facilities within the city, all these should be implemented. On the public security end, Secretary Li Yong can lead these matters. Arrangement of the leaders’ traveling routes, arrangements for lead cars, as well as accommodation matters and security issues during the leaders’ stay in Bazhou City, all need to be settled.”

After finishing, Liu Wenqing turned to Ding Aiguo on his side, “Old Ding, do you have anything else to add?”

Ding Aiguo nodded, cleared his throat habitually, and said, “I think the comrades present all understand Secretary Liu’s proposal. This event is a rare opportunity for us all and for Bazhou City. From my end, there is nothing I need to stress. But let me emphasize once more that we must seize, and make the most of, this opportunity. We must present the brand-new face and spirit of our Bazhou City to the whole nation.”

After the meeting, the following day, all of Bazhou City began to take action. Each of the several counties and districts under Bazhou City jurisdiction also began extensive cleaning work. After all, no one knew whether the leaders might suddenly decide to visit. If they did and found things unprepared, it would be too late.

In the city area, all the burnt-out streetlights had been replaced with new bulbs. The whole Bazhou City now looked like a city that never sleeps. The roads leading to other cities also underwent refurbishment.

A few days passed in a flash. At this moment, Nie Zhenbang and Liu Kun, together with Mo Zhihai, the Secretary of the Li County Party Committee, and County Mayor Wu Zhixiong, as representatives of Li County, joined the leadership team of the Bazhou City Committee and Municipal Government.

At this moment, Liu Kun’s pager suddenly rang. After ending the call, Liu Kun spoke, “Leaders, I just received news. Vice Minister Xie and Secretary Jiang Zhenquan of the Autonomous Region Party Committee left this morning.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Wenqing’s phone also rang. As he checked the number, Liu Wenqing was stunned, it seems Liu Kun’s information was correct, surprisingly, it was a call from the Autonomous Region Party Committee Office.

PS: Now we have 394 votes, and we’re nearing 400. Old Cai keeps his word — if we hit 400 votes before midnight, there will be a 15,000-word update tomorrow. Brothers and sisters, we’ve taken another hit. They’ve already told us why the flower is so red. Brothers and sisters, do you have the confidence to hit back?!!

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