Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 120: Assuming Duty in Lixian (plus 150 votes)_l

Chapter 120: Chapter 120: Assuming Duty in Lixian (plus 150 votes)_l

Translator: 549690339

Cheng Xinhua nodded very pleased. Nie Zhenbang conducted himself with a calm and mature demeanor, not like a typical twenty-two-year old youth. He appeared somewhat mature and when silent, he seemed to be the same age as people in their mid to late twenties. Beforehand, Cheng Xinhua had concerns about such a young local Party and government leader. Even though Nie was only holding a deputy position, it still involved the welfare of local citizens. However, after observing Nie, Cheng Xinhua felt relieved.

Moreover, Nie Zhenbang spoke with a good sense of propriety, which indicated his sincerity to Cheng Xinhua. This further pleased Cheng. Nie Zhenbang was introduced through Li Yifeng, Cheng Xinhua was uncertain about the specifics of their relationship and didn’t probe further. He couldn’t pry into a leader’s affairs and thoughts, he could only speculate on his own. From the fact that Li Yifeng would send his own son to accompany Nie, it suggested that their relationship should be close. He had heard that Li Yifeng’s deceased mother’s surname was Nie, could it be a clue?

Cheng Xinhua could also understand and comprehend; Li Yifeng only had one son, and everyone amongst his other brothers and nephews were incompetent. Li Yifeng naturally needed to cultivate someone.

Upon considering this, Cheng Xinhua smiled and nodded, saying: “So you’re Nie Zhenbang, quite impressive. This time in taking up your post in Lixian, you’ve shattered Bazhou’s record as the youngest deputy-sectional level cadre. In a young man, it is important to have a calm demeanor. But you should also have unrestrained motivation and spirit.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded and immediately said: “Secretary Cheng’s critique is valid. I will definitely rectify it.”

Rule of thumb among local leaders is that they like to instruct in every matter, this way it gives a sense of their leadership capability. In reality, this was just superficial talk. If Nie hadn’t demonstrated calmness, then there would likely be a different criticism.

After having dinner at Cheng Xinhua’s house in the evening, Nie Zhenbang took the initiative to leave. He needed to be different from Li Yunfan, after all, the relationship between Li Yunfan and Cheng Xinhua was evident. If he also stayed at Cheng Xinhua’s house, it would seem somewhat inappropriate.

Early the next morning, Nie Zhenbang paid another visit to the Bazhou Municipal Committee. This time, Cheng Xinhua’s attitude towards him had changed slightly from yesterday. Compared to yesterday’s courteous and cordial demeanor, today’s Cheng Xinhua had more of a superior air about him.

This was inevitable, yesterday, there was Li Yunfan there, setting a different dynamic. From today onwards, it would be a purely hierarchical relationship. Even with Li Yifeng’s greeting, propriety had to be observed. This was a principle within the system.

Looking at Nie Zhenbang, Cheng Xinhua showed a slight smile, and said with satisfaction: “You look well. Certainly the old leader’s recommendation. In this stint at Lixian, do well. If you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me. I’ve already arranged things on the Organization Department side. Later, you can go directly to the Organization Department and report to Minister Fang. He will handle your arrangements.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded, then laughed and said: “Secretary Cheng, then I will be leaving first.”

Watching Nie Zhenbang’s receding figure, Cheng Xinhua also seemed lost in thought. The impression Nie Zhenbang gave him was too calm, to the point he didn’t seem like a twenty-two-year-old youth. Logically, someone his age who has already become a deputy-sectional level cadre, should be exuding an air of confidence and ambition. However, Nie Zhenbang’s attitude was as if everything was taken for granted. Whether Cheng Xinhua said he needed to be more energetic or anything else, Nie Zhenbang was very polite on the surface, yet, Nie didn’t seem to fear him at all. Nie Zhenbang was not an ordinary guy.

On the Bazhou to Lixian Highway

A black Santana zipped along. The roads in the northwest were quite decent. At the moment, the Bazhou Municipal Committee member, Organization

Department head Fang Gushan, and Nie Zhenbang sat in the car together.

Fang Gushan, around fifty years old, was balding, thin, dark-skinned, and had a unique charm typical of a man of the northwest. He spoke Mandarin with a heavy northwest accent and said to Nie Zhenbang with a smile: “Zhenbang, you must be psychologically prepared for your new position in Lixian. Conditions in Lixian are complicated. You should observe and listen more, and talk less during your tenure, after all, you’re not part of the standing committee. Sometimes, you need to keep a low profile.”

In principle, Fang Gushan as a member of the Municipal Party Committee, wasn’t required to be so courteous to Nie Zhenbang. But like Nie, Fang also belonged to Cheng Xinhua. Fang Gushan had also weighed and considered Cheng Xinhua’s sudden arrangement of Nei Zhenbang’s position. By doing so, it was also a way to get closer to Nie Zhenbang. After all, there is a common saying in the officialdom, one should not despise a youth for his poverty. Given Nie’s age and his deputy-sectional rank, anyone with discerning eyes could see that he was an individual with a strong background. Such a person may skyrocket someday. Building a good relationship at this time would certainly be beneficial.

As soon as the car entered the territory of Lixian county, on the roadside, several cars were parked, and over a dozen people were already waiting. Upon seeing this, Fang Gushan also smiled and said: “Zhenbang, let’s get off the car together. I’ll introduce you to the leaders of Lixian.”

As Fang Gushan got out of the car, a middle-aged man in his fifties stepped forward smiling: “Minister Fang, welcome, welcome. You’re a rare guest who we could hardly invite.”

At this moment, Fang Gushan also started to laugh, “Secretary MO, I’ll remember this statement. From now on, if Old Fang ever becomes diligent, don’t try to blame me for it.”

Speaking of which, Fang Gushan turned his head towards Nie Zhenbang and said, “Comrade Zhenbang, allow me to introduce to you the ‘landlord’ of your Lixian County, Comrade MO Zhihai.”

At this moment, MO Zhihai, the permanent member of Li County Party Committee and secretary of the committee, also turned his gaze towards Nie Zhenbang. Nie Zhenbang immediately smiled back, saying, “Secretary MO, hello. I look forward to your continued support and guidance in my future work.”

Hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, MO Zhihai also started to smile widely, revealing his yellow, smoke-stained teeth.

As for Nie Zhenbang, MO Zhihai merely nodded in acknowledgment before turning to address Fang Gushan, “Minister Fang, if it weren’t for you escorting Comrade Nie to his position, we would hardly have the honor of your esteemed presence. This time, no matter what, you must stay with us for the night.”

MO Zhihai’s attitude surprised Nie Zhenbang. Was this the level of a county party secretary? Could he, without any background, have a minister of the organization department, like Fang Gushan, personally escort him? Not giving him any face in front of Fang Gushan, MO addressed him as ‘Little Nie’. To know, he was also a deputy bureau-level official. Although there was a large age difference, the official hierarchy exists here. If he was more friendly, he might’ve called him Comrade Zhenbang. If less polite, he could’ve used his full name, but addressing him as ‘Little Nie’ was somewhat disrespectful, especially in front of the municipal committee leaders.

Fang Gushan, a standing committee member of the municipal party committee and minister of the organization department, supervises the official appointments within Bazhou City. Impolitely put, even MO Zhihai’s position falls under Fang Gushan’s jurisdiction. So, MO Zhihai’s behavior was somewhat inappropriate.

The expression on Fang Gushan’s face wasn’t pleasant, however, he did not express his displeasure at this moment. MO Zhihai’s paternalistic style was notorious. Also, he was reaching retirement age. After this term, he would definitely be reassigned to a position in the municipal government or the Political Consultative Conference for a comfortable retirement. This has boosted MO Zhihai’s arrogance even more.

“Old MO, by saying this, you’re literally roasting me over a fire. Which official in Bazhou City doesn’t know that coming here to your place inevitably causes trouble?” said Fang Gushan as if jokingly.

Subsequently, Fang Gushan continued to introduce Nie Zhenbang, “Comrade

Zhenbang, this is the Deputy Secretary of Li County Party Committee and County Mayor Wu Zhixiong.”

Wu Zhixiong, about fifty years old, also came forward when Fang Gushan introduced him, proactively laughing, “Welcome Comrade Zhenbang, a bright scholar from Jingcheng University, I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

The hands of Wu Zhixiong were unusually rough, not at all like those of an official, such people generally aren’t highly educated, they have worked their way up step by step from the grassroots level, even from the countryside. Nie Zhenbang also respected such officials and stepped forward to shake hands with Wu, “Mayor Wu, you flatter me. As a young person who has just started his career, there is still much I need to learn from a reliable leader like you.”

After exchanging pleasantries by the roadside, the group then got into their cars and drove towards Li County. Li County, located on the edge of the Xibei basin, was quite a spectacle as the convoy flowed into the Li County Party Committee auditorium.

At this moment, inside the massive auditorium, cadres from all the towns of Li County had already taken their seats. There was a banner hanging across the stage inscription – ‘The Leaders’ Meeting of Bazhou City and Li County.’

As Fang Gushan and the leaders from the Li County Party Committee filed into the hall, everyone attending the meeting stood up in respect. With the Party and Government in the lead, no one was foolish enough to remain seated.

On the podium, Fang Gushan naturally took the central seat, with MO Zhihai and Wu Zhixiong flanking him on either side.

Nie Zhenbang was also seated on the stage at this moment, looking at the officials of Li County below. Upon seeing Nie Zhenbang’s youthful face, whispers spread throughout the meeting.

Next to him, MO Zhihai coughed. The meeting room immediately quieted down which demonstrated MO Zhihai’s authority in Li County. Only then MO Zhihai began talking, “Now, let’s welcome standing committee member of the municipal party committee, Minister Fang of the Organization Department, to announce the municipal party committee’s appointments.”

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