Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Vol 2 Chapter 194: : The last lesson (4 more)

Vol 2 Chapter 194: : The last lesson (4 more)


The door of the ward was severely slammed.

Du Zhaohui came out with a black face, Ahua didn't know what the father and son had said, so he didn't dare to inquire.

This was the last time Du Zhaohui saw Du Xingrong.

Half a month later, Du Zongrong died in the hospital. Attorney Cheng announced Du Zongrong's will in public.

"All the shares in the Hongrong Group under Du Sheng's name belong to his eldest son, Du Zhaohui, as well as the shares held by Du Sheng in his own name, as well as two commercial property units..."

Du Xingrong also had two concubines. The second wife and third wife were both promulgated by HK's new marriage law. They are legal concubines, and of course they are qualified to listen to Du Xingrong's will.

Those who came together were Du Zhaohui's half-brothers and sisters. More than a dozen people stood in a pile, squeezing the room.

The only thing that can't come is Du Zhaoji.

There is no way, Xiao Zaiji is in jail, and he can't read his will in prison.

Once Du Tsung-Rong died, Du Zhaohui had to act as a filial son, and he could not ask the Hong Kong media to write about the Du family, so he allowed the Du family abroad to return to Hong Kong.

Du Zhaohui didn't care about the specific clauses that Lawyer Cheng was reading. He heard that the shares of the old man's Congrong Group belonged to him, and other properties were added to Du Zhaohui.

But it was this addition that made the rest of the Du family envy, and even glared at Du Zhaohui.

Don't suffer from widowhood but suffer from unevenness. Compared with Du Zhaohui, the other Du family members have received too little!

The old man is really cruel.

He left the company's shares, shares under his name, as well as the Du Family Mansion Villa and two commercial office buildings to Du Zhaohui.

There is nothing left for the second aunt and third aunt...It is emphasized in the will that all the things he gave to the two aunts before his death belong to them.

In fact, it is quite a lot. Du Xingrong is not a very stingy person, especially willing to spend money on women.

But the second concubine and the third concubine were still disappointed.

Those things belonged to them in the first place, Du Xingrong also emphasized in his will that it was really unnecessary to take off his pants and fart.

If you really think about them, you should give them more inheritance!

As for Du Zhaohuis pitiful half-brothers and sisters poor family properties, the gifts they received before are not counted. Du Tsung-Rong only left an extra property for each of them. Regardless of men and women, the size is the same, all of them are about 2,000 square feet. "Mansion".

2000 square feet, it is considered a mansion for ordinary HK people, and what is it for the young masters and ladies of the Du family who are long in wealth!

That is, the area of more than 180 square meters, no matter what, it is not linked to the luxury house.

But the real estate is really only this house!

In addition, children who have reached the age of 18 can receive 5 million Hong Kong dollars in cash at a time.

Underage people can receive 50,000 living expenses per month until they are 18 years old. If they dont receive 5 million Hong Kong dollars in total by the age of 18, then make up the rest at one time... This is really very good. To be fair, the youngest child of the Du family was born to Liu Keying. He is 9 years old this year and costs 600,000 Hong Kong dollars a year for living expenses. It is 4.8 million for another 8 years. After the other party reaches 18 years old, he can still claim 200,000 Hong Kong dollars at one time. .

To be honest, there are not many wealthy people like Du Xingrong who divide the family property. Tang Jinyun wants to leave the family property to his eldest son Tang Yuanyue, who also left shares for his second son, third son, and wife.

As for Du Xingrong, he basically left all of his family business to Du Zhaohui.

5 million plus a 2,000-square-foot property, the total is less than 10 million.

Compared with the part left to Du Zhaohui, these children got too little, and other people would naturally be dissatisfied with Du Zhaohui and also dissatisfied with the will.

Du Zhaohui has a thick-skinned face, and he doesn't realize that he is taking too much.

This is not what he forced the old man to compete with natural selection, the strong to survive, only he is the most suitable to take charge of the Zhengrong Group!

What makes Du Zhaohui most happy is that this will directly ignores Du Zhaoji. Du Zhaoji does not have a 2,000-square-foot property and 5 million Hong Kong dollars in cash.

The second aunt glanced at Du Zhaohui and chose to shut up.

She also wanted to take too much money, but the second room took too much money. Du Zhaohui, the wolf, would definitely not let the second room go. It's better to keep the money in her hands. The second wife still has some shares in Asia. She took the money from the sale of Chaoyang Real Estate's shares to HK to buy a house. Real estate speculation is the easiest way to buy a house... Deep down, the second wife does not believe that the mainland economy will be better than HK, and she is more willing to buy a house in HK.

The third wife looked at her second wife and gritted her teeth. "Lawyer Cheng, can the credibility of this will be guaranteed?"

Lawyer Cheng nodded:

"The will was definitely signed by Du Sheng when he was conscious. Not only I was present, but also witnessed by the lawyers of two other law firms, and there was on-site video to support it. If the third wife has doubts about Du Sheng's will, he can apply for an investigation. . Of course, I personally do not recommend the third wife to do this. Du Sheng was decent on Hong Kong Island before his death. He did not want to be talked about after his death... So if the investigation proves that Du Shengs will is not fraudulent, I will Acting for Du Sheng to execute the supplementary clauses of the supplementary will."

The third aunt was too stunned.

"What supplementary terms?"

"In the name of Du Sheng, recover the many'gifts' that Du Sheng gave to the third wife. If it is the other children of the Du family who raise questions, then cancel the property they can inherit."

This operation is too irritating.

Even Du Zhaohui wanted to applaud.

Cruel and cruel, he cut off the possibility of internal fighting in the Du family, and questioned the unfairness of the will on the premise that he might lose his existing property. If you lose the gambling, you will have nothing...

This is the last lesson the old man taught him?

In order to ensure that the family business he worked hard would not be dismembered and diminished, the old man treated women who had slept with him for many years, even his own children.

The third wife really wanted to scream.

The second wife also subconsciously squeezed her handbag, "Lawyer Cheng, those real estate and jewelry were given to us by Du Sheng, can they be recovered?"

Why recover? There are a lot of wealthy people in Hong Kong who divide their family property, and I have never seen one who does not leave a dime to his wife!

How could the court support such a ridiculous supplementary clause.

Obviously the third aunt wanted to make trouble, and the second aunt was in danger.

Attorney Cheng patiently explained that the effect is that the real estate and jewellery are conditionally gifted. Although HK recognized the polygamy and multiple concubines system in the past, in the old society, the treatment of concubines was originally different from that of his wife. If Du Yurong was originally married She is still alive, and Du Xingrong will not leave her a dime, and the original partner is still eligible to apply to the court for re-dividing the inheritance...

"Second wife, third wife, if you listen to my advice, you two will not want to see me activate the supplementary terms."

This risk is too great.

Attorney Cheng didn't feel that the employer was unfeeling.

What is passionate and unfeeling, the boundaries are not so clear!

It is not impossible for Du Xingrong to leave more money for the other three rooms of the Du family.

But Mr. Du will certainly not tolerate it.

It's better to keep it as it is and don't challenge Mr. Du's bottom line.

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