Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 233: Once again Meeting ryuto

Chapter 233: Once again Meeting ryuto

"Hey you are Shio's student right!?" came a voice from behind Kenichi as he was taking a walk, he turned his head only to find out that one who called him was none other than Jennifer.

"Ah! You are Ms. Jennifer right!?" Kenichi said easily guessing the identity of the lady who was the only girl he remembered that showed interest in Sakaki Shio.

"Yes, Yes that's me!" Jennifer said nodding her head then she asked, "What are you doing here!?"

"Oh! I am just out for a walk that's all." replied Kenichi casually, "But! What are you doing here!? Shouldn't you be walking around Master Sakaki and enjoying your time with him!?"

Jennifer blushed a little as she asked "Did Shio told you!?"

"No i just heard it from somewhere!?" replied Kenichi.

Jennifer turned sad hearing Kenichi's answer and said "He is really bad you know! He doesn't want to keep the promise he made with me!"

"It isn't that he doesn't want to keep the promise it's just that he cares about you and doesn't want to get hurt that's why he is pushing you away!" Kenichi said.

"What do you mean by that!?" asked Jennifer.

"You must know that my master Sakaki is quite famous in the underworld and that's not a good thing. The number of enemies he have are more than the fingers in your hands and all of them are strong. So just think if he married you, then you would also become a target for his enemies which will be bad for you and for him" explained Kenichi as he saw an expression of understanding on her face.

"So he just doesn't want to hurt me that's all. But I can take care of myself, even if I am not as strong as him or some of his enemies, I can train myself so that I don't become a burden to him" Jennifer stated.

"Yes that's what you have to do, anyone involved in the underworld can't have a normal love life, you have to work hard. Show your partner that you will become strong enough to not only protect yourself but also protect him or her when the time arises." Kenichi said

"That's some deep words! thank you I will not give up" said Jennifer with a smile on his face.

As they were talking Kenichi heard few footsteps coming there way and when he turned his head to look at the direction from the footsteps were coming he saw a platoon of guards coming his way.

"What are you doing here!? Why are you not patrolling as you should!?" asked Jennifer not wanting to be seen as an acquaintance of Kenichi and blow her cover.

"Captain Jennifer!? We are here on the orders of Master Fortuna!" said the guard Captain not wanting to face the wrath of captain Jennifer

"What orders!? Why wasn't I informed!?" Jennifer sai in apprehension as she slowly reached for her gun if her identity was exposed.

"It is nothing serious just personal business of Master Fortuna! He wishes to see Kenichi Shirahama" stated the guard Captain as he gulped in fear.

Jennifer was surprised to hear that as she haven't seen the fight she didn't knew how good Kenichi was but she knew what that means

"Oh! The island master wants to meet me! Let's go then even I am interested in meeting him." Kenichi said with a smile on his face but if anyone from shinpaku alliance saw him then they would shout at Niijima as currently his smile was the same as him.

Jennifer wanted to stop them but after Kenichi signals her to don't do anything she stops herself and decided to find Sakaki and tell everything that happened here with kenichi excluding the Talk that they had.

"So what is this Offer that your Master Fortuna wants to give me" asked Kenichi.

"Master Fortuna will tell you about it by himself!" replied the guard Captain.

Kenichi shook his head as he already knew what he wanted to offer and though it was a little early but he didn't have any problem with taking care of that Master Fortuna today only.

As Kenichi was walking with the guards he saw two people whom he haven't seen for a long time and decided to talk with them a little so he started walking towards them.

"Where are you going!? We have to go this way!" said the captain guard pointing towards a different direction then the one Kenichi was walking.

"I know! But I just saw someone whom I haven't met for a while and want to talk with them a little" Kenichi replied as he continued to walk away from them.

The Guard Captain had a tick mark on his forehead as he and the other guards surrounded him pointing there spears at him as the guard captain said "Do you think we don't understand that you are trying to run away!? Just keep walking the way you are supposed to or you will get hurt"

"Oye, Since I decided to be nice you guys think that you can walk all over me" Kenichi said in a grim voice as he released his ki towards. Except the guard captain who only sweated the others lost their grip and two of them went on their knees as well.

"Stay here! I will be back after I have talked with my friends" said Kenichi as he walked away without caring about the guard as he knew that they won't have the guts to point that spear at him once again.

Kenichi walked towards the direction where he saw his old friend and said "Why the hell are you in wheelchair!? Do you like getting pushed around!?"

The person he was talking to was none other then his old friend Ryuto Asamiya and her girlfriend Rimi.

"Hey how can you speak with Ryuto-sama like that he is injured after his fight with you!" Rimi said.

"I know I was there but I also know that he should be able to walk on his legs by now but it looks like he is just enjoying your treatment that's why he like this" Kenichi said standing in front of Ryuto moving his hand for a shake which Ryuto reciprocated.

"It's been a long time Kenichi!" Ryuto said as he shook hands with Kenichi but when he tried to let go, he couldn't as Kenichi was holding onto his hand tightly.

"Yes! Yes it has been Ryuto"

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