Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 230: GOKUEN

Chapter 230: GOKUEN

When Kenichi released his Ki, Takeda and the others learned the difference between them. Even though they had seen it before but none of them were as knowledgeable as they are now at that time. Takeda clenched his fist as he looked at Boris at the YOMI booth who was equally shocked at Kenichi's strength but Takeda knew that he was still not at the same level as him.

"Should we be worried that Kenichi has publicly revealed his control of his Ki?" whispered Kensei.

Akisame shook his head, "It was bound to come out eventually. It just means that we will have to teach everything we know to Kenichi fast, increases his training by twofold once more and spar with him from time to time so that he could understand the difference between a Master and Grandmaster"

The other competitors who were watching this fight also faltered when they felt Kenichi's Ki wash over them.

"Pain for a long time or an excruciating pain right now! I have decided the later so congrats you will be getting the taste of the first Martial Arts that I ever created" Kenichi said as he changed his battle stance.

It was a mix of Karate and Taekwondo, both his legs and hands were in aggressive position confusing many people.

"GOKUEN (Strong Fist)"

"The fuck ar-" before Will could complete his sentence he was interrupted by a fist coming towards his face at a great speed, he raised his Naginata and slashed towards the fist but before the Naginata could reach it, the fist disappeared from there. Then Will felt wind on his left cheek and before he could react a sickening punch landed on his cheek.

*CRACK* came a noise and Will's jaw was broken.

Using his Naginata to support himself, Will turned his head to look at his left but there was no one there.

"Your reaction is slow" came Kenichi's voice from behind Will as he was punched in the liver followed by a punch to his left rib cage and kick to his back. Will's muscle and bones were broken after every hit he took from Kenichi but he still couldn't find him as whenever he turned his head in the direction his voice came or from where he was hit all he saw was dust.

It wasn't just Will but many people from the audience weren't able to pinpoint Kenichi's location and only when he stopped would they be able to catch a glimpse of him. Many contestants who were close to the ring and had the whole view of the ring were only able to catch his shadow.

Even the YOMI had to narrow their eyes and focus to catch on Kenichi's movement.

"Ahhhh..." shouted Will as he couldn't speak with a broken jaw only to find himself flying upwards with a little caved chest as when Kenichi appeared right in front him and he tried to cut him down Kenichi ducked and did an upward kick, kicking him in the chest.

Will's body was in the air when kenichi himself jumped as well appearing above Will and did a cartwheel to kick on his chest.

*BOOM* Will's body crashed on the ground creating a crater of the size of his body, pindrop silence no one spoke a word.

"And the winner of this round is Ryozanpaku!" announced the announcer, causing the captivated audience to wildly applause for them, "What an incredible match! The other competitors will be hard-pressed to match this one."

"Oh come on, is he still a disciple!? How can he take the title of History's Strongest Disciple when he isn't a disciple anymore" Rachel said, "How will I even able to get this much limelight!?"

"You are right! Though he may have just entered the Low Master Class but since he has already become one he can't be called a disciple anymore" Tirawit said.

"But he was the History's Strongest Disciple and he remained an undefeated one, so now no one can take the title of History's Strongest Disciple since it will belong to him only" stated Boris.

"No, not everything is based on power and skill" said Sho distractedly, "My master has always told me that the most important factor is the tenacity for victory."

"If we can beat him, then we can take the title" stated Ethan.

"Hoho, looks like Ogata was right this young man isn't just a simple prodigy. He is more like a super prodigy! It seems like this got more interesting" chuckled Carlo.

"I want him" drooled Fortuna, "I want him, I want him, I want him for my collection!"

"Goodluck with that! Let alone the masters and Invincible Superman you will have to go through, the chances of you being able to even beat him are not high as well" thought Carlo


As soon as the result was announced Kenichi started to walk back towards his booth while the medics came and dig out Will Coopers body to take him for multiple plasters for his body.

"Master! What martial art style did Kenichi used!?" asked Ukita fro his Jujitsu master Akisame.

"Hmmm...Kenichi called it Strong Fist (GOKUEN) which from the name only you can understand is the exact opposite of his Gentle Fist. From the fighting style and his moves I can guess that this style is the purpose of which is to cause external damage and break bones unlike Gentle Fist which does internal damage. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent with great speed not giving them chance to react and from the way I see it it can only be used by extremely physically powerful peoples." explained Akisame

"This style is Kenichi's personal one as well!?" asked Takeda in surprise.

"This is the style which Kenichi used when we were in middle school in the Underground Arena but because this style was all about smashing the opponent and breaking their body, so he stopped using it." Saeko explained to others.

Everyone was surprised to hear that piece of news about Kenichi's life as they don't know much about that.

"What are you guys talking about!?" asked Kenichi

"We were just talking about you!" Renka said while pouting, "We were talking about how you are a selfish man to hog all the good fights!"

"Ha ha ha... fine then you and Miu can take on the fight for next round, I won't participate in it OK"

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