Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 163: Saori's Kidnapping

Chapter 163: Saori's Kidnapping

After continuously healing Katase's illness Kenichi have become better at using his Ki to heal people which was clearly showing effects as he could feel the two girls injury healing more specially their head injury cause of which they were unconscious.

"Umm... ahh" groaned Raichi as she slowly started to regain consciousness and after half a minute later Tsukasa also started to regain consciousness.

Kenichi continued to heal the two until they were fully conscious and there head injury was healed.

"Huff.. huff... haa... you two are fine right.....huff.." Kenichi asked as he took deep breaths.

""We-We are sorry!!"" said the two girls at once when they saw Kenichi and collected their thoughts.

"We couldn't protect aunt Saori!" Tsukasa said.

"sniff.... she was so good to us and we wanted to protect her...sniff... but" Raichi explained while crying a little, "but they sent a Matter class sword user martial artist! and we couldn't do stand against him!"

"It's ok Raichi, Tsukasa I know you wouldn't be here if you hadn't tried your best to protect my mother. But I need to know what happened there to figure out how to help my mother" Kenichi stated.

"Yes!" Tsukasa said, "It was in the morning when we met aunt Saori.... "


"So you are going to make your son's favourite dishes today" asked Raichi

"Yes, he went on a trip with his friends and will be coming back today from there. Although he lived at the dojo most of the time but I specifically told him to come home for the dinner as I wanted to surprise him with his favourites since it has been quite some time that I made all of his favourites" Saori said with a smile.

"Is there any reason for all this!" Tsukasa asked.

"Actually there is! My son has gotten some beautiful girls by his side who are like daughter to me and every one of them has a unique personality which makes my son happy. Though truthfully I may start to like them more then my son in the coming time as they will be my daughter-in-laws" explained Saori smiled.

"Oh so this is because your son has chosen girls with good personalities by his side" Raichi stated.

"Exactly!!" Saori chirped.

"I am sure they will be happy to hear that!" Tsukasa said.

"Happy!! oh happy isn't the word you should use!" came a deep voice from in front of them as they saw a man reaching almost 2 meter carrying a curve sword on his back with large smile on his face.

"It's terrified! yeah that's what you should use!" he finished .

Tsukasa and Raichi's body got tensed when they saw the man in front of them as they weren't able to sense him until he spoke meaning he was a lot better than them and the amount of killing intent he released when he finished his words showed that he wasn't here to become their friend either.

"Who are you!?" asked Saori as she wasn't able to understand the situation fully. A grown man who was around 1.95 meters standing in front of them with a sword and blocking there tore to move forward but she didn't knew the reason for that.

"Is it something that my husband did that you are here for!?" Saori asked.

"My name is Arata Nakamura and I am from Yami's weapon division but I am not here because of your husband. It's your son who have made few people upset and they don't like being upset" said the now identified Arata.

"YAMI!! What is Yami doing getting involved in doing someone's bidding" Raichi asked as she went into defensive mode along with Tsukasa as there opponent just became more dangerous.

"Haa! A man got to eat and fullfill his wishes as well and when there is someone who is giving up so much money for free I will take that thank you" said Arata as he took out the sword from his back and said "Now Mrs. Saori Shirahama you can either follow me on your own or I will kill your bodyguards and then forcefully take you with me! your choice"

"Bodyguards!? They are not my bodyguards. They are just two lovely girls whom I have get know recently" stated Saori but then she saw Raichi and Tsukasa walking up from behind her in totally different clothes.

Raichi and Tsukasa had stripped there normal clothes and there battle gear that they wear wearing underneath it was shown they even wore the guards and helmet that they kept in the bags.

Raichi in her skaters suit with her helmet and glasses included and Tsukasa in her Ninja suit with guards covering her joints.

"You are not taking her from us without a fight!" Tsukasa said.

"Hehe that's what I was hoping for" said Arata as he rushed towards the two the same way they did.

Arata slashed the sword horizontally and the two dodged them with Raichi jumping above in the air while Tsukasa crouching down so that the two could attack from two different positions.

Arata smiled as he said "You will have to do more then that" blocking Tsukasa's kick with his leg and Raichi's kick with the sword, he pushed Raichi back with his sword while his other leg kicked Tsukasa on her stomach throwing her back as spit came out of her mouth.

Raichi did a backflip in the air after getting pushed from Arata's sword and checked on Tsukasa who was coughing but slowly standing up

"Unlike some weapon users I also use my body to fight" said Arata with his smile.

"Tsukasa-chan are you alright" asked Saori as she started to walk towards her.

"No! don't come Saori-san it's dangerous here! stay there Tsukasa has handled worse then that" Raichi stopped Saori.

"But-" Saori wanted to say something but got interrupted by Tsukasa.

"I am fine! *cough* Don't worry about me!" she said as she once again went into battle stance.

"Haha I really hit the jackpot this time" Arata said.

After which he once again moved while the girls went into defensive as they instead of wanting to take him down just decided to waste time so that backup could reach to them.

Even then the fight was one sided no matter what they did they weren't able to gain upper hand and the time that was getting wasted was all because Arata was enjoying torturing the girls.

He was injuring then but not with such a server one that they could not fight again....

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