Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 155: Letter!

Chapter 155: Letter!

"Did you even heard what I said" Niijima said.

"I heard you, but do you have any other way to increase my strength then this, then tell me I am all ears" retorted Kenichi.

As they were talking both of them heard their teachers commenting about how some rich important foreigners that had rented half of the mountain.

"So he did come" Kenichi muttered.

"Huh! Did you said something Kenichi" Niijima asked.

"No nothing! Say whom do you think these foreigners are" Kenichi asked.

"If you are thinking about those foreigners being your business friends then don't worry they are not. From what I gathered, the employees were talking about a rich foreign person with dark skin, and there was the mention of Tidat. So yes, it's most likely someone from there." Niijima replied.

Kenichi nodded his head as he remembered reading the first meeting Jihan and Kenichi had in the story.

"Well let's enjoy ourselves, as the times will become troublesome in the future" Kenichi said.

"Should you even be here?" asked Natsu as he slid to a stop next to them, "With Yami and Yomi's open declaration of war, why are you so carelessly taking part on this ski trip?"

"Relax, we got this" smiled Kenichi, "My masters didn't had any problems with me coming here as they promised to have at least one to look out while I am here and I have two masters who came so there won't be any problem"

Miu giggled as she looked in the direction where the two resident grand masters of Ryozanpaku were.


Back at Ryozanpaku

"Weren't you supposed to go with them!?" shouted Sakaki.

"No, I said I would definitely go if there were headed to the hot springs!" fired back Kensei defending himself.

"Well It's alright as both Shigure and Apachai left during the night towards the mountain to look after Miu and Kenichi!" Elder said.

"Umm... Elder do you think that they would be looking after Kenichi and Miu or instead Kenichi and Miu looking after them!?" asked Sakaki.

"Don't worry even if they become childish sometimes they won't let anyone to harm Kenichi, Miu and their friends" Akisame stated, "They are the type who don't forget to enjoy from time to time"


Shigure and Apachai were snowboarding on their handmade snowboards and were enjoying it and that too when Apachai would come crashing down when he tries to stop.

Shigure was even better in snowboarding them Miu and the others only after few times and though Apachai wasn't great at stopping he himself had some skills to show off.

"It's good that they are enjoying themselves" said Kenichi.

"Yes, though Apachai was always cheery and hyper active, I have never seen Shigure smiling like this before" Miu stated.

"Well of course you haven't, it was me who brought that smile on her face" said Kenichi with as smirk on his face.

"Well that even I won't refute as you are the type who loves to solve problem of others" said Saeko as she grabbed Kenichi's hand tightly.

While they were talking, a small foreign girl named Sham was analyzing the situation before her. Her initial plan was to feign innocence before tricking Kenichi off a cliff. Her allies would distract Kenichi's friends so they wouldn't notice her. However there were far more people that were people that were stubbornly sticking around him. Not only that but each on of them were martial artists, which raised the difficulty. Except for the weird pointy ear person, he was just weird.

[Fall Back.] muttered Sham to her allies, [Situation has proven difficult to use plan A. Tell his majesty that plan B may be required]

[Acknowledged.] nodded her allies.


"Weird" Kenichi muttered as night fell upon them "Where is my promised ambush!"

"Huh! Ambush! What ambush are you talking about!?" asked Niijima.

"Oh nothing I was saying that this would be the perfect place for Yomi to ambush me!" Kenichi said.

"Would you stop cursing our luck! There is no way I want anything to do when we are in a snow mountain. You know how dangerous it can be!" Niijima said.

Kenichi, Niijima and Natsu were all sharing the same room while Miu, Renka and Saeko had their own. However, Natsu was currently at the gift shopping looking to buy a small souvenir for Kaede.

"Excuse me, but someone left this letter for you," said one of the staff, presenting a letter for Kenichi.

"Thank you" thanked Kenichi as he took the letter from the staff.

"Wow this is the third letter that you have got Kenichi, but sadly till now none of them were from women!" Niijima crackled.

Kenichi smiled at that as well glancing at the letter to see elegant handwriting addressed to him. Taking a deep breath, he opened the letter.

[Dear Peasant,

You are hereby invited to come to my manor. Be grateful, as I do not allow just anyone to enter my manor. Participation is mandatory, otherwise, it would look like that you look down on me which can't happen even more so when my subjects are around me, hence come or your classmates will suffer the consequences. I will graciously allow you to have other people with you just so that you won't feel unsafe. Just come out to entrance of your current lodgings, and my servants will escort you to my current residence.

From, the supreme king of Tidat, ruler of all his subjects,

Radin Tidat Jihan]

"Hmm.... This guy had guts! Challenging and threatening me at the same time" Kenichi said.

On the other hand Niijima was shaking though it was unclear weather it was due to fear, anger or he was just feeling cold.

"FUCK!! Why!? Why did you had to curse yourself Kenichi!? This ones all on you!" Niijima said

"Oh come on don't be a pussy you know that I will deal with the situation easily" said Kenichi.

"Why are you not taking this seriously man!? Who knows what trap there will be for you!? This person is clearly an arrogant bastard shouldn't you think of a way to use that against him!"

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