Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 151: Meeting

Chapter 151: Meeting

"Miu will you be alright?" asked Kenichi, "Didn't you said that you have a phobia with places where snowfall is high and the trip in the mountain is definitely one of them"

"What!? There is something like that and both of you didn't told me about this!?" Saeko asked.

"It's not like that Saeko!? Miu had this phobia because She lost her mother in a snow storm and I only got to know about it recently on her mother's death anniversary" stated Kenichi.

"So it hasn't been much time since you got to know about it!?" Saeko commented.

"It's true and I wasn't thinking of hiding it from you Saeko, it just didn't came up" said Miu.

"It's fine but will you be OK with going up in the mountain" Saeko asked.

"I don't know but I do have Kenichi, you and even Renka will be there and I always feel safe around Kenichi so there's that" Miu said with a smile


Kenichi was finally being called to have a meeting with those corporate enemies of him and he decided to not take Niijima with him as he didn't wanted to show all his cards to his enemies and Niijima was a trump card against those Businessmen.

"Are you sure, you don't want me to come with you Kenichi!?" asked Niijima as both of them sat in the meeting room of Shinpaku Alliance alone. "Those guys definitely aren't the friendly type of bunch"

Kenichi shook his head as he said "I know and that is one of the reason of me not taking you there. Who knows what happens there!? As you say it might even be a trap but I am pretty sure that I would be able to save myself from them but if you are there..!"

"Then I would become a burden I get that but you should at least take someone with you from the alliance, they can be there as a sign of support that you are not alone." Niijima said.

"Let it go Niijima, I know I am not alone and they don't need to know that I am not alone." Kenichi said as he stood up and walked towards the exit, "Ok, I am going now don't want to be late for my meeting with those people. I will tell you what we have to do after this meeting is done"

"Good Luck" Niijima smirked.

"You alien bastard had to curse me!" Kenichi joked as he exited the room.

Kenichi took his motorcycle to the address that he had been called, it was a hotel named 'Royals' at which the meeting was held. Passing his keys to the valet he entered the hotel where he was welcomed by three amazingly beautiful concussion females.

"Hello Mr. Kenichi, my name is Lucy and I am secretary of Mr. George Smith" Lucy introduced herself in Japanese.

"Welcome to hotel Royals Mr. Kenichi, my name is Julie and I am secretary of Mr. Mike Williams" said Julie.

"Our Bosses were waiting for your arrival Mr Kenichi. I am Emma and am secretary of Mr. Stuart Johnson" said Emma, "Please follow us to the VIP room"

"After You" said Kenichi in fluent English.


In the VIP room three middle aged men wearing expensive suits were talking with each other while behind them were 6 men in black suits well built were standing and keeping an eye for any danger that may occur suddenly. Clearly showing that all 6 of them were Bodyguards of the 3 men sitting in the room.

The door opened and from it came the three secretaries of the three men followed by Kenichi, who entered the room with his hands in his pockets as he analysed everyone in the room.

First he looked at the men sitting in the room followed by the 6 bodyguards after which he mumbled under his breath "6 seconds at most....."

"Oh! We have been waiting for you Mr. Kenichi Shirahama! I am George Smith the man who owns Smith industries" said George introducing himself to Kenichi but the other two were not as enthusiast as him.

"Hello Mr George! I am Kenichi Shirahama, Owner of Gauche Industries" said Kenichi as he shook hands with George. The other two men's mouth twitched when Kenichi introduced himself as the owner of Gauche Industries.

After that the other two introduce themselves, Stuart Johnson being the owner of Johnson Industries and Mike Williams being the owner of Mike Cold & Steel Industries along with that he was the one who owned the rest of the 18% of shares of Gauche Industries.

Same as Gauche! Mike also started his company unlike Stuart and George who were inheritors of Family business and both of them Gauche and Mike had been friends early in the business who later became rivals Gauche also owned some shares of Mike's company but he gave them in charity which Mike bought for himself becoming the sole share holder of his company while Gauche's companies 18% were still in his hands.

"So Mr. Mike are you here to sell me the 18 percent shares that you have of my company" Kenichi asked as he sat on a sofa.

Mike's mouth twitched again after hearing that comment but he didn't showed much of it on his face and said "On the contrary I am here in hope to buy the Gauche Industries from you!"

"Oh!" exclaimed Kenichi dramatically and looked at the other two men and asked, "Then Why are the two of you here!?"

"So to see that if our offer is much better then Mr. Mike's in hope to buy your company" answered Stuart.

"Well I am sorry to inform you gentlemen but I don't plan to sell my company at all" Kenichi said.

"Now Now there is no reason to be hasty at least listen to what we have to offer then you can decide. I am sure thee must be something you will like in our offer" Mike said with a smile on his face.

"Yes! and if you don't like them then we can discuss further!" Stuart added.

"Well then let's listen what you have to offer"

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