Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 256 256

Tenku, Wang Ruyue, and the other two girls saw a huge creature suddenly appear from behind one of the hills in Kasamatsu Park.

Several Realizers from the organization's headquarters quickly evacuated the visitors before the battle broke out. They had to protect those people because it was their duty as Realizers. Of course, not all Realizers thought that way, as the others focused on their mission and ignored the visitors.

"Isn't that a Wyvern? But why do I feel something strange about the monster's condition?" Setsuka narrowed her eyes at the monster flying in the sky not far from them. That creature was a Wyvern, a sub-species of the dragon. But she noticed that the monster wasn't in its normal state because its scales were blood red, and the power it released exceeded its level.

If the Wyvern's eyes were also red, Setsuka would have thought the monster had gone into a berserk state. But the Wyvern looked calm and didn't attack the place blindly.

"Look above the monster's head! Someone is standing there! Who is it!?" Wang Ruyue raised her voice and pointed at the Wyvern's head.

Setsuka and the others looked where her finger was pointing, and their faces turned grim when they found a black-robed person with a blood-red mask on top of the monster's head. He was the terrorist of the Ghost Nebula, and his rank was not low. In other words, that person at least had the power of a Moon phase Realizer.

Wang Ruyue was from China, so it was only natural that she would not know about the terrorists from that organization. But Setsuka, Kaede, and Kirika had dealt with the people from the Ghost Nebula several times, and the appearance of the blood-red masked person put them on high alert. The girls felt that something big was going to happen to Amanohashidate.

On the other hand, Tenku didn't care about the person in the blood-red mask above the Wyvern's head. He looked at the surroundings and unleashed his divine consciousness to the max. Tenku remembered that the terrorists from Ghost Nebula usually paired up when they went on a mission. Therefore, he tried to find the other organization members. But no matter how hard he searched, Tenku couldn't find anyone else suspicious in the area.

"Is that person beyond the reach of my spiritual sense?" Tenku muttered, and his face became solemn. He looked towards Miyazu Bay as he faintly sensed a strange presence there. But then it quickly disappeared.

"What's wrong?" Setsuka asked after she heard his voice. Then the rest of the girls also turned their eyes to him.

"Ah, no. I felt something from the direction of Miyazu Bay, but it quickly disappeared. You guys better be alert and ready to fight at any moment because that masked guy didn't come alone." Tenku warned the girls.

"We understand." Setsuka, Kirika, and Kaede answered in unison.

"Why do you look so serious? Is that person dangerous?" Wang Ruyue looked at Tenku and asked.

"I will explain the matter to you. But we better get out of here before those Realizers force us to leave Kasamatsu Park." Tenku looked around the place and found several Realizers helping to evacuate the visitors.

The girls nodded in response to his words and moved closer to the Wyvern's location. Tenku used an Array plate to hide their presence so they wouldn't be seen by the Realizers from the organization's headquarters.

Kaede and Kirika were shocked when they saw Tenku's method of hiding their presence, while Wang Ruyue and Setsuka acted casually since both of them already knew about it.

After Tenku and his group got closer to the Wyvern's location, they found many Realizers from the organization's headquarters had gathered at that place and surrounded the blood-red masked person. They walked closer to them and found Chizen among the people.

They wanted to know the purpose of the Realizers coming to Kyoto. Tenku and the others wanted to hear what they were talking about because they were curious about Chizen's mission.

"You better give up! You won't be able to escape since we have surrounded this area! Surrender yourself in a good way and return the thing you stole from us! If you're still stubborn, we'll kill you on the spot!!" A middle-aged man shouted at the masked person above the Wyvern's head.

He was the leader of the Realizers from the League of Heroes headquarters in that mission, and he had powers in the Planetary phase. His name is Isao Koyama, and he is Chizen's senior.

"Huh? What kind of thing are you referring to, Isao? I don't know about this. Didn't we come here to help you catch the terrorists from the Ghost Nebula?" The person who responded was a tall and slightly thin man. He was Subaru Iwata, the leader of the Realizers from the Holy Union. Subaru has strength on par with Isao.

"Yeah, I didn't hear about it when the League Of Heroes requested reinforcements from us. What is the meaning of this, Isao? Is your organization hiding something from us?" A beautiful woman with a sexy and seductive body looked at Isao and said suspiciously.

She was Kasumi Shinohara, the leader of the Realizers of the Belial Alliance. Like Isao and Subaru, her powers are also in the Planetary phase. Kasumi was displeased that the League of Heroes had been hiding something from them.

"I'll explain that matter after we catch that person." Isao looked at the two people and said seriously. He could tell them about it in front of many Realizers because it was a secret of the League of Heroes.

But before Subaru and Kasumi could respond to Isao's words, they heard the voice of a masked person on top of the Wyvern.

"Hahaha! How ridiculous! Did you two come to this place knowing nothing? Are the Realizers of official organizations so stupid?" The blood-red masked person laughed. He is one of the five colonels in Ghost Nebula, and his code name is Theta. Although his strength was only in the Moon phase, he didn't look scared or panicked when dozens of Realizers surrounded him. Moreover, three were high-level with the Planetary phase, but Theta faced them calmly.

The Realizers from Holy Union and Belial Alliance were furious when they heard that. They wanted to reply to Theta's words, but Subaru and Kasumi quickly stopped them.

"What do you mean by that?" Kasumi narrowed her eyes and asked.

"Do you not know why the Realizers of the League of Heroes chased me so aggressively from Osaka to Kyoto?" Theta asked in return and smiled playfully.

"Too much bullshit! If I knew about it, would we ask you?" Subaru raised his voice in anger. Without Theta hovering in the air, he would have attacked and beaten him black and blue.

"Hahaha! It means that the people of the League of Heroes have taken advantage of you! They lacked a Realizer to capture me and requested reinforcements from the other two organizations under the pretense of capturing terrorists! But they don't tell you their true purpose because you will refuse to help them if you know about it!" Theta laughed again like they were a joke. Subaru and Kasumi frowned after hearing his words.

From the start, they had felt something was wrong with the mission because the League of Heroes had asked for it to be kept secret. That organization asked for help from the Holy Union and the Belial Alliance to catch the terrorists from the Ghost Nebula who had been wreaking havoc in Osaka.

But they don't want it to be known by the public. Thus, the mission didn't exist in any organization's forum, and only certain Realizers could participate.

Subaru and Kasumi felt something was wrong with that. But they didn't question it any further because the higher-ups from their organization had agreed to help the League of Heroes.

"Are his words true, Isao?" Subaru turned his eyes to Isao and asked. If the League of Heroes intended to use them, then he and the Realizers of the Holy Union would withdraw from the mission, and they would seek an explanation from the relevant parties regarding this matter.

Kasumi also looked at him and waited for his answer. She had the same thoughts as Subaru. Kasumi and the Realizers of the Belial Alliance will leave Amanohashidate if the League of Heroes proves to be using them for its interests.

"Don't believe his words! He said that to sow discord among us! So please don't go with anything he says! We better catch him now! He might try to run away when we argue about this matter!" Isao said angrily. He frantically rejected Theta's accusations against the League of Heroes.

But his answer only made Subaru and Kasumi even more suspicious. Therefore, they didn't do as he said. After all, their ranks were the same in the mission. So Isao couldn't command them. They must clarify the League of Heroes' purpose before continuing the mission. Then Subaru and Kasumi turned their attention back to Theta.

"So what is the purpose of the League of Heroes chasing you? Then what thing did Isao mean?" Subaru asked.

"They want..." Theta smiled and wanted to answer Subaru's question, but Isao's voice interrupted him.

"Stop! Don't talk nonsense! I will kill you if you dare to slander the League of Heroes!" Isao roared at Theta. He couldn't let Subaru, Kasumi, and the Realizers in that place hear that information.

"Ahaha! It looks like someone is scared! In that case, I'll shorten it! He's after me because he wants to take back the serum I stole from the laboratory in Osaka!" Theta finished her sentence quickly, not letting Isao interrupt his words again. He had to tell the matter to the Realizers of the Holy Union and the Belial Alliance to damage the relationship between the League of Heroes and the two organizations.

"Serum? What serum do you mean? Why is the League of Heroes so eager to take that back?" Kasumi asked seriously because she felt that the serum wasn't simple. It has made the League of Heroes panic and want to get it back from the hands of terrorists with the help of two other organizations.

"If you say any more nonsense, the League of Heroes will hunt you even if you have to go to the ends of the world! We will give out a terrible punishment for causing trouble in Japan! We will wipe your organization off the earth!" Isao roared before Theta opened his mouth again.

"That sounds scary. Unfortunately, I don't care about your threats. If it was that easy to do, wouldn't the Ghost Nebula have disappeared a long time ago?" Theta sneered.

"You!" Isao was furious because Theta ignored his words. Theta didn't care about him and looked at Subaru and Kasumi.

"That serum has the effect of evolving monsters." Theta said and then smiled broadly.

"What!?" After hearing his words, Subaru, Kasumi, and the Realizers from the Holy Union and the Belial Alliance were shocked. It's not just them who feel that way. Tenku and the girls hiding nearby were also dumbfounded after learning that information.

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