Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 875: the end of the war is coming

  Chapter 875 The end of the battle is coming

   When the light and shadow effects caused by various spells gradually receded, Charlemagne put the Shield of Aggramar on his chest, and cautiously walked two steps forward to check the situation.

  At this moment, Aggramar had bowed his head and half-kneeled on the ground. Taeshalach, who was holding tightly in his right hand, also dropped his hand and fell to the ground. He seemed to have completely lost consciousness.

   "Well done! Children of Azeroth, leave the rest to us."

  Aman'Thul's majestic voice sounded from outside the hall of the soul of the world, and the four titans who seemed to have recovered some of their physical strength slowly walked in from outside the door under the care of Eonar.

   After Charlemagne and the others recovered their weapons and exited the center of the platform, the five titans surrounded the fainted Aggramar, and each stretched out their hands to press on his dark red skin.

   "In the name of the Pantheon, expel the corrupted power from Aggramar, wake up, Aggramar, the avenger of the Pantheon!"


  Silver rays of light representing the power of pure order emanated from the five hands of Aman'Thul at the same time, and Aggramar, who was enveloped in it, woke up immediately, trembling all over his body as if he was bearing severe pain.

  The red corrupted power was purified from Aggramar's body almost visible to the naked eye, and even made a "squeaky" sound like ice and fire when it clashed with the power of order.

  About five minutes later, Aggramar's skin regained the bronze color unique to metal, and the flame light in his eyes also turned into a beautiful blue.

   "Phew... what a long nightmare."

   Aggramar who came to his senses immediately shook his head with a wry smile. With Eonar's support, he staggered to his feet, obviously unable to recover his combat power for a while.

   Aggramar turned his attention to the group of people who fought him just now, "Thank you for stopping me, otherwise I don't know how many wrong things I would have done for Sargeras."

Aggramar looked at the shield in Charlemagne's hand, and a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes, "This shield was used by me before I obtained Taeshalach. I left it on that planet to stabilize Azeroth. I didn't expect... One day we can see it again.”

  Charlemagne didn't know what Aggramar meant, but he took the shield from his hand and handed it to the Avenger knowingly.

   "Aggramar, since you are already awake, return this shield to its original owner. To be honest... I am not a full-time fighter after all, and the frequency of using it is quite low."

Aggramar smiled and waved his hand, "No, I haven't used the shield for many years. I can teach you how to use it after everything calms down. Since this shield has fallen into your hands, you should use it well." Bar."

Kazgros also nodded to Azadas and said, "At our level, it doesn't make much difference whether you have an artifact or not. I'll leave this hammer to you to study how to use slowly. I hope he can treat Aize well." Russ' future could help."

When the All-Father explained to Elisande how to use the Eye of Aman'Thul, Gorgonnas took the Tidal Stone from Queen Azshara, and he easily glued the broken stone to the The tidal stones that were together were re-kneaded into a whole.

   "The Pillars of Creation we left behind were originally intended to help Azeroth reach maturity smoothly. Since these artifacts have fallen into your hands by chance, it's up to you to make good use of these Pillars of Creation."

   After finishing speaking, Aman'Thul turned his head and looked at the five companions beside him, "My fellow citizens, let us grab Argus' star soul from the world soul in front of us. The Pantheon should also be reopened."

   "Yes, Father of the Gods."

  As Aman'Thul's hands shining with purple light were raised first, including Aggramar who had just recovered a little under Eonar's care, all of them reached out and lifted them up at the same time.

  On the floor in the center of the Soul of the World, a huge ball of light with unstable red and blue light gradually appeared. Aman'Thul and the others stretched out their hands with serious faces and enveloped it in a cloud of silver light.

The Father of the Gods explained to Charlemagne and others, "This is the tortured star soul of Argus. We want to bring him back to the Pantheon for purification. As long as the problem of the star soul of Argus is solved, the Burning Legion is famous. The infinite resurrection ability will completely disappear."

  Eonar also said solemnly, "Warriors, I'm afraid I will need your help in the future. It's really hard to say how Argus will react after condensing and forming. Please come with us to the Pantheon."

  Charlemagne, as the spokesperson of Azeroth, nodded and agreed, "No problem, please let us make some arrangements."

   "Go ahead."

Charlemagne turned his head to look at Alleria, Tyrande and the others behind him, "Go back to the Enterprise with Maraad and wait, we will return to the spaceship after the problems of Argus and Sargeras are resolved superior."

  Charlemagne kissed all four of Aurelia's foreheads one by one, "When the time comes, we should go home, back to our Azeroth."

   Tyrande gave her husband a big hug, solemnly looked at Onyxia and said, "Oni, Charlemagne can only be taken care of by you temporarily, and you must ensure his safety."

  The Black Dragon Queen patted her plump chest and assured, "No problem! Leave the master to me!"

  Charlemagne flicked her forehead angrily, "Stop bragging, I still need your protection? Just don't hold me back."

  Malfurion, Elisande and the others were unable to participate in the next action. After bidding farewell to Charlemagne and the others, they left the Hall of the Soul of the World and headed for the docking point of the Enterprise.


  Charlemagne turned his head and looked at the few people around him, including Illidan, Velen, Turalyon and Azshara.

  Halduron was unfortunately wiped by the aftermath of Taeshalach in the battle just now. Although he has been healed by Eonar, his spirit is still a little sluggish. Turalyon asked him to go back and temporarily command the Legion of Light.

   "Let's go! If there are no accidents, this should be the real last battle. If you solve it early, you can go home early."


Velen sighed somewhat sadly, and then said with a firm expression, "Our real home is completely hopeless, and now... Azeroth is the new home of the Draenei, and I will do my best to protect her. "


  The corner of Illidan's mouth curled slightly, "My long-awaited destiny is finally coming, let me accompany you to the end."

  Turayang came up and patted Charlemagne on the shoulder and said, "Let's work together to overcome this final difficulty, victory will surely belong to us!"

  Queen Azshara did not participate in the speeches of the few people, but with an expectant smile on her face, she folded her arms and shrugged.

  Charlemagne chuckled, turned his head and said to Aman'Thul who was waiting patiently, "Father of the Gods, we are ready, please go!"

   Thank you book friend "Book friend 20170715155706505" for your support.




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