Purple Romance

Chapter 94: 94 Spring to bring me you 4

Chapter 94: 94 Spring to bring me you 4

"No, that won't be necessary. I already feel apologetic for making your phone to fall. I don't want to owe you again. I hate owing people I don't know debts'' Marvel said.

''That makes the two of us. I also don't like owing people, so I have to take you home or else Calia will not let me hear the end of it. Also, it seems your leg is twisted a bit'' Max said and looked at her long legs. Marvel wore short trouser pants that stopped at her thighs. She looked down and saw that her left leg really did bruise a little.


''Do you want me to carry you out instead? There are quite a number of people here?'' Max said and looked at her.

Marvel shook her head and took a step walking out and Max chuckled before following her out. His laughter was like ripples cutting into Marvel's soul. She felt very nervous despite it been their first meeting.

Max followed her patiently and when they reached outside, his driver was already there with the car. Max pointed at the car and personally opened the backseat door for Marvel. Marvel nodded and got into the car and Max also got in. His driver was surprised but reacted quickly minding his own business. This was the first time in the past 10 years that he had worked with Max that he was allowing a woman into his car.

Inside the car, Marvel moved to a corner of the car, leaning by the door, not daring to look at Max.

''Miss secretary, do I make you nervous?'' Max suddenly asked and Marvel looked at him briefly before turning her face away. Did he really need to ask? His aura was too powerful for a country girl like her to handle. Marvel didn't say anything and also refused to look at him.

''I asked you a question, Miss little secretary?'' Max said again and Marvel looked at him and frowned. Why did he keep calling her ''Miss Little secretary?''

''My name is Marvel, not Miss little secretary'' Marvel said softly and heard a soft chuckle. It was from Max. She suddenly realised that the man beside her had a nice voice and his laughter really turned her on in a weird way. Since when did she become a pervert who revered in people's voices? Marvel shook her head and looked away.

Max watched her every expression and saw a hint of stubbornness in her eyes and smiled. He looked at her waist and was reminded of how his hands fitted perfectly around her waist and shook his head. Since when was he this attentive to a female. He decided not to think further and closed his eyes and leaned on the seat.

Marvel noticed he was quiet and turned. She saw that his breathing was becoming sturdy and smiled. He must have fallen asleep, she thought.

20 minutes later, the car pulled over in front of her apartment and Marvel got down and left. Max was still asleep so she didn't wake him up and just left and the driver drove out of the area. Their encounter was just for a while but it left a deep impression on both of them but none of them wanted to admit nor think about it. they were two people who lived different lives and had nothing in common.


Calia rushed into the caf and saw her little friend sitting at a table alone and she went to her.

''Tiana, forgive me, something came up, but I came here as soon as possible. Where is your father?'' Calia asked and Tiana pointed at a figure that was approaching. Calia stood up and calmed herself down before turning to say, ''hi, I am sorry came late''

Calia and Kobby looked at each other with shocked expressions.

''You are Tiana's father?'' Calia asked.

''You are Tiana's pretty aunt that she wanted me to go on a date with?'' Kobby asked and Tiana looked at them and also asked.

''Do you two know each other?''

''Sit down'' Kobby said and joined them on the table.

''Tiana, I didn't know Dr. Brian was your father?'' Calia said.

''You two already knew each other? That's good. See, pretty aunt. I told you my father was a catch. What do you think? Isn't he worth you leaving that crush for? Dad, I told you she was a pretty and kind person. Don't you feel that she fits to be my stepmom?'' Tiana said and Calia flushed. Kobby just smiled and leaned back on the chair relaxed.

''So, Miss pretty aunt. Am I worth you leaving your crush for? As my daughter said, I am not bad at all?'' Kobby teased Calia.

''What kind of coincidence is all this?''

Calia asked and chuckled.

''This is not coincidence. This is fate'' Kobby said and Calia looked at him with a bewildered expression.

''Dad, now that you know her, is it okay for me to be her model?'' Tiana asked.

''Yes, I approve of her. I also think that she will really make a good stepmom'' Kobby added and Calia blushed and casually picked a mug of coffee and drank from it and heard Tiana saying.

''That's my dad's mug. Yours is in front of you''

Calia looked down and saw her own mug of coffee still untouched and flushed. She placed the mug in her hands on the table and pushed it towards Kobby and a reddened face.

Kobby chuckled and looked at her and caught her gaze. he maintained his gaze on her and casually picked the mug Calia just pushed towards him and took a sip of the coffee, he even sipped on the exact spot that Calia's lips touched. Calia gulped and felt her body heating up. she looked away immediately. When did he become such a playboy? Making her all flustered.

''Let's go'' Kobby said and placed the mug down and stood up.

''Where are we going dad?'' Tiana asked as she also got down from the chair.

''Didn't you want to go on a date with this pretty aunt? That is what I am going to do'' Kobby said and Calia choked on her saliva and flushed. Date? Were they going out on a date? She asked herself.

''Dad, you are really going out with pretty aunt? That's great. Then, I will call aunt Maria and wait here till she comes for me. I won't be a light bulb'' Tiana said.

''I already called aunt Maria to come and fetch you. she is outside waiting, let's go': Kobby said and held Tiana's hand. When he walked past Calia and saw that she didn't show any signs of movement, he touched her hand and held it walking out with them. Calia looked at their hands and the way he led the way and couldn't help but smile. They looked like a family of three.

Maria stood outside by a taxi as she watched the three walking towards her. she couldn't help but smile. They really did look like a family of three.

''You look perfect together'' Maria voiced her thoughts out and smiled at Calia's flushed expression.

''Aunt, let's go fast. Dad needs to go on a date with pretty aunt'' Tiana said and opened the taxi and hopped into the backseat.

''Okay, I won't ask and I won't say anything. You two, have fun, but make sure you are ready for tomorrow. Don't spoil my day for me'' Maria said referring to her proposal party which was the following day.

'Take care' Kobby said. They stood and watched till the taxi went away and he turned and walked with Calia towards his car. their hand still intertwined.

When they got to the car, Kobby opened the front seat and turned to Calia saying 'your car?' he asked.

'I will have someone send it home for me later' Calia said and Kobby nodded before helping her into the car. Calia sat in the car and touched her beating heart. Kobby soon joined her and drove away.

Not far away, Rihan stood and watched with clutched fists as the car drove into the road. She had previously followed Calia and found out about their meeting here. She saw how Kobby's daughter seemed to adorn Calia and got angry. She bit her lips and looked at the retracting car with coldness.


Calia kept glancing at Kobby as he drove on the road. He noticed her burning gaze on her and chuckled before saying ''if you look at me with those eyes, I'm not sure I will be able to drive without doing anything to you''

Calia looked away and saw that they were at a graveyard. She turned and looked at Kobby with a questioning gaze.

''Whatever you are thinking is right'' Kobby told her and Calia looked at him again.

''Stop the car'' Calia said startling him

''Why? We are almost there'' Kobby said and Calia shook her head.

''No, just stop the car''

Kobby pulled over and turned to face her ''what is it Cal?'' he addressed her rather intimately.

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