Purple Romance

Chapter 92: 92 Spring to bring me you 2

Chapter 92: 92 Spring to bring me you 2

Maria arrived home and saw Kobby and Tiana playing video games in the hall.

''Aunt, welcome back'' Tiana said while concentrated on her game.

''Thanks, T'' Maria went into her room and put the books away before returning to the hall.

''You kept long in the library. I was about to call you'' Kobby said as Maria sat on the dining table. She opened the food that Kobby covered with a plastic basket cover.

''I stopped by the office to help Paul with some work'' Maria said as she picked the spoon to fetch the soup ''is this mine?''

''Yes, I had to reheat it twice before you arrived. Hurry up and eat'' Kobby told her and turned. He frowned at the scores on the screen and turned to Tiana ''T, did you just cheat your way out of the game?''

''No, I didn't. Don't ask me anything else, I am going to bed. Dad, don't forget the date I told you about'' Maria turned and looked at them.

''Date? What date?'' Maria asked.

''I met a really beautiful and kind aunt. She is single so I want dad to go on a date with her'' Tiana said.

''But, I never promised to go on any date with her? T, dad can take care of himself'' Kobby said.

''Aunt is getting married soon and will not stay here with us. You need a woman; I need a mom. Dad, don't worry, this woman that I specially chose is a top grade''

''Top grade?'' Maria asked and picked her bowl of soup that she poured the rice in and went to the hall ''Kobby, why do I feel that, the words Tiana brings out these days are especially not words a 4th grader should speak?''

''Aunt, I read and browse the internet. My dad is a top notch doctor; he deserves a woman who is also capable. This woman is a designer and she asked me to be her model and I accepted it with the condition that she will go out with you. Dad, you can't say no to me this time''

Kobby and Maria looked at each other before turning to Tiana.

''T, dad already has someone he likes'' Maria blurted out.

''Really? Who? It isn't that model, right? Dad, I don't like her'' Tiana said.

''She is not that model'' Kobby said at once.

''Then, how about you also go out on one date with this woman I chose before you make your decision. In any case, if I don't like that woman, what will you do?'' Tiana asked.

''Tiana, stop being forceful. I am not going to meet any woman I don't know, okay? Kobby said and Tiana moved to Maria's side scared.

''T, go to your room and sleep. Aunt needs to speak with dad, en?'' Maria said to Tiana.

''Yes, aunt'' Tiana looked at her father before going inside. Kobby pursed his lips and sighed.

''Okay, T is out of the way. Care to share whatever is eating you up? You scared Tiana'' Maria said and placed the empty bowl on the table.

Kobby got up from the floor he was sitting on with Tiana and sat on the sofa across Maria.

''The hospital director called me into his office today when I arrived. Guess what he said to me?'' Kobby asked and looked at Maria.

''What did he say? Did you do anything wrong?'' Maria asked back and Kobby shook his head.

''Turns out Rihan is his niece and he wants me to have dinner with him on Friday together with Rihan'' Kobby said and Maria frowned.

''That woman is really despicable. Is she now trying to use her uncle to get you to be with her? That is really so low'' Maria said.

''You know, about the symposium that is coming on Saturday? He suddenly mentioned it again to me this morning saying that he has lots of hope and confidence in me. Maria, what is wrong with people with money?'' Kobby asked.

''Is not everyone with money that acts that way. Both uncle and niece are just crazy. Rihan, that woman just made me hate her even more. After cheating on you and running away, she had the guts to even appear before you and now she wants to use her uncle to make you accept her again. Tell me, what did she tell you when you went outside with her that day? You didn't look good when you came back inside''

''What could she say? She wants me back, but I don't want to have anything doing with her. I already told her to not appear in front of you. but, she will be working with Calia. I don't want her to sow any misunderstanding between us': Kobby said.

"Calia is a rational person. I will also make sure I tell her not to listen to anything that woman says, but, Kobby, you really should cut things off with her once and for all. I can foresee that woman being a big obstacle and I only hope that she doesn't turn out to be another Karen Kash that is out to disrupt our lives. If you really like Calia, then, don't keep her hanging on the side.

Oh, right. There is something I didn't tell you before. Calia and Lexis have met before. did you know that?'' Maria asked.

''No, how did they meet? Was it 8 years ago?'' Kobby asked curiously.

''Yes, apparently, Lexis was her muse and the reason why she decided to be a jewellery designer. I didn't get to ask her the details but, you can ask her the next time you meet. Kobby, I don't know about anything else, but if they really met, then, this might be a sign that Lexis is cheering you on. Is being 8 years already. Even Lex wouldn't want you to remain single for the rest of your life. Think about it and give this a go. Calia is a really nice person and I am sure Tiana would love her too''

''Thanks, Portia''.

''You are welcome''

''So, how is the preparation coming up?'' Kobby asked ''I really admire your bravery and determination. It looks like it won't really be long before this place becomes empty without you''

''That is why you should hurry and date too. Look how happy I have become': Maria teased.

''Don't worry, I will date soon and even overtake you'' Kobby said.

''Then, shall we have a go at the game to see who will win?'' Maria said.

''Call, I will bring some drinks. We can have that while playing'' Kobby said and stood up.

''Even better'' Maris said and also went to put the bowl away.

Soon, they were engrossed in their game and played into the night.

Next day.

Saint hotel

Lavender hall

Calia walked into the hall and saw the setup for the jewellery show and nodded her head. She was satisfied with the work the interior designer did with the hall. Marvel walked to Calia holding a tablet. She showed something on it to Calia and Calia nodded her head.

''Marvel, I found a child model. I will bring her tomorrow after I get permission from her father'' Calia said.

''That fast?'' Marvel said.

''Yes, I met her and we became friends'' Calia said as they walked to the platform.

''You meant her and became friends? Miss, how old is she?' Marvel asked.

''She is 8 years old'' Calia responded.

''8 years, and you became friends with her?''

''Yes, why? Do you think I can't do that? I can even make friends with a baby in her mother's womb'' Calia said and Marvel chuckled.

''Calia, you are here?' Rihan walked out of the entrance on the platform that had being set up. She stopped and looked at Calia from head to toe and the latter also looked at her. their faces held shocked expressions.

Marvel looked at the two women and murmured ''wow, big news. They are both wearing the same type of clothing''

Calia's brows creased and her eyes twitched for a second as she watched Rihan walking down towards them. She was wearing the same clothing as herself. It was a yellow jumpsuit with a purple belt around the waist. Calia cussed internally. It was really true that rivals liked the same things, even the same man.

''Wow, I didn't expect to see you in this? I didn't even think this jumpsuit was so easy to come by. This was the latest season of jumpsuit that Designer H made last month. I heard she only made three pair and they got sold out the moment they were out. Out of the three, she personally gifted this one to me'' Rihan said and Calia could see the sarcasm behind her speech.

''I see, well I also happen to have the other two. If I had known there were supposed to be three, I would have either given it up or simply bought all three so that no one would think I wear clothes that everyone wears'' Calia retorted and felt happy with herself.

Marvel, who was standing aside felt the negative vibes emitting from the two and wondered what had happened. They clicked on their first meeting, so what could have gone wrong. They were clearly taking a jab at each other but in a rather subtle way.

Both Calia and Rihan laughed and turned to look at the platform. They were both being professional at that moment.

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