Purple Romance

Chapter 89: Can I kiss you?

Chapter 89: Can I kiss you?

Calia sipped the water Maria brought her and turned to the door as soon as she heard it open. Kobby entered back inside and looked at Maria and Calia.

"I still have to change before we leave, so I will go and change quickly" Maria said and excused herself leaving them alone.

Calia instantly placed the glass on the table and stood up with her bag. She had calmed herself down and was now wearing a smile.

"I was supposed to go shopping with Miss Lee today. I didn't come because I wanted to see you. I knew you will not be home when I arrive but unfortunately you still came back'' Calia rambled on and looked down.

"Don't misunderstand anything" Kobby said to her.

''Huh? Oh, you mean Rihan? Ahaha'' Calia chuckled nervously ''I never would have imagined that such a big coincidence existed'' Calia said lifting her hands, she made an exaggerated width with them.

''Actually, she is my ex-girlfriend'' Kobby tried to explain but Calia cut in.

''I know, from 10 years ago. She told me, just that I didn't think it had anything doing with you. But, don't worry, I won't misunderstand anything. That is between you and her. And this is between you and me, right?'' Calia said with a smile.

''I will take you home, you don't look too well, Calia'' Kobby said.

''You know; this is one of the rare occasions that you called out my first name. it feels nice'' Calia chuckled.

''That is what I will call you from now onwards. You too, should stop calling me Dr. Brian. Just call me Kobby'' Kobby said to her and they looked at each other for a while. They didn't say any words but just stared at each other until Calia asked casually.

''Can I kiss you, Kobby?''

''Huh?'' Kobby said feeling his heart flutter again. his confused expression coupled with the way he suddenly blushed made Calia to laugh.

''I was just joking. You said I could seduce you each time I saw you, I didn't plan to see you today but it so happened that we met. I shouldn't let that chance go without making your heart flutter. Tell Miss Lee to come down, I'm waiting by my car'' Calia told him and walked towards the door. When she reached where Kobby stood, he held her hand, stopping her, he said.

''Do it. The kiss'' Kobby couldn't believe himself.

''I can't. I told you, we will go deeper when we start dating. Kobby, this is cheating'' Calia said and smiled before going out. Kobby stood at the same spot as his heartbeat starting increasing. He almost ran out of the door to find Calia when Maria came out and saw him alone.

''Where is Calia?'' Maria asked and Kobby came back to his senses.

''She said she is waiting downstairs for you'' Kobby said to Maria.

''I see, but, are you alright? I mean, with all that just happened?'' Maria asked and looked at Kobby.

''Yeah, sure I am fine. I came back because I left something. I will pick it and leave right away. Make sure you take your keys along'' Kobby told her.

''Sure, I have mine so you can lock the house after leaving. Bye"

''Bye, be careful, okay?''

''Alright'' Maria smiled and went out.

Kobby went into his room and walked to the window. He pulled away the curtains a bit and looked down. He saw Calia making a call as she stood by her car and Maria got to her. He watched as the two got into Calia's car and went away before he closed the curtains and went to his table to pick what he left behind.

R and V Mall/ Department stores.

Maria and Calia walked around the department stores picking a couple of clothes. They were chatting happily as they tried on the new clothes, shoes and bags.

Maria wanted a total makeover to start her new life with Ad-Din and Calia being a shopaholic at heart couldn't resist the urge to not get herself some things too.

After trying on some new spring season clothes, they entered a lingerie department store and the manager who knew Calia walked to them and smiled happily. Calia was a regular there and each time she came, she would buy a lot of things and wouldn't even ask for discount.

''Miss, you are welcome. You just came at the right time. We have new arrivals and they also included a lot of beach wears in this collection. It came last night and you are our first customer'' the manager said politely and cheerfully.

''Hmm, that is good. But, today, I am not here for me. I am here with my sister in law'' Calia said and pointed at Maria. The manager looked at Maria and exclaimed.

''She is so beautiful. Spring is the season for love and your skin is especially glowing. Whatever you wear is going to enhance it even more''

''You are sure a sweet talker. Let us see the new collection that you have then, Miss Lee, let's sit here and wait'' Calia said and pulled Maria towards a couch in the store.

''Calia, you can just call me Maria'' Maria said to her.

''But, I like calling you Miss Lee. Alright, I will call you Maria. After all, you aren't that older than me anyways'' Calia said.

''Miss, these are the latest of the newest collection. Every piece of lingerie here only has one or two pair in the whole world. I specially selected the most exceptional ones for you to check'' the manager said and beckoned on the sales attendant by her side to bring the basket of lingerie picked.

''Whoa, these look really good. Maria, look at this purple lingerie. It feels like having a purple romance. Pure and sexy'' Calia said and Maria laughed and picked the purple laced lingerie. It looked really sexy indeed and was soft to touch. Maria nodded her head and chose that one.

They spent a lot of time in the lingerie shop before they finally picked the suitable ones for themselves and paid for their stuff before leaving.

''Where are we going next?" Maria asked tiredly.

''Lunch with my aunt. After that, we will go and check the venue for the proposal party. I just can't wait for the day to come. Ad-Din is going to be so shocked and surprised that he wouldn't have anything to say apart from saying 'I do'. Oh my god, I am feeling so happy already''

Calia said and walked along with Maria towards the exit.



Max was busy working in his office when Old Mr. Denarius walked in without knocking. The old man sat on the sofa seat in the large office and spoke.

''Your brother and mother have gone mad''

Max frowned and closed the file on his desk before looking up at the old man.

''Grandpa, what did you do this time? Mom is even calling for an emergency family meeting tonight''

''Is that not all because Ad-Din doesn't want to listen to me? Because of a woman, he wants to sever ties with his family''

''Mom told me a bit of what happened and I also called Ad-Din this morning. Grandpa, what you did is wrong. it has even caused Ad-Din to have a relapse'' Max went and sat across his grandfather.

''Even you are supporting him to rebel against me'' the old man was livid.

''Grandpa, Ad-Din is a grown man and he knows what is best for him. If that woman is still the one he wants to be with even after all these years, then, we should let them be. Nothing good will come out of you sabotaging them. Look at what had happened in the end? Ad-Din is already planning to move out this week to his new apartment because of this'' Max said honestly.

''Max, I just want him to be like you. why does he have to always disobey me all the time? That woman already caused him his life 8 years ago. I am doing this for his own good. That woman has a serious PTSD and is capable of harming herself. I just called her out to lecture her a little and she ended up harming herself''

''I heard you gave Ad-Din money to give to her? Grandpa, is not everything that could be settled with money and you know that. What you did is even against the ethics of your profession. Also, I don't see anything wrong with that woman. She seems like a nice person. Why are you against their relationship?"

''Child, is not that I am against them. I am just angry that, that boy won't give me face. His mouth can really say hurtful things. Also, I didn't really mean to make that woman hurt herself? I was also flustered when I saw what happened but, it had happened already. What can I do?'' The old man said and Max looked at him and realised something. The old man's ego was bruised and he acted rashly. Even though he had regretted his actions, he couldn't bring himself to apologise or acknowledge his wrongs. Max smiled and decided to intervene before the relationship between them became worse.

''He just doesn't understand my thoughts. Do they think I don't regret meddling with your life already? You are in your early forties and still single. Do they think it doesn't break my heart?'' The old man still murmured on displeased.

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