Purple Romance

Chapter 86: 86 Spring, Kobby and Rivals 2

Chapter 86: 86 Spring, Kobby and Rivals 2

Maria woke up after a night's rest and went out to the hall after washing up. She had nothing much going around since she was ordered by a certain someone to take a week off and rest.

Maria saw the table with her breakfast on it and smiled. She walked to the table and barely pulled out the chair when the doorbell started ringing continuous making her to frown. She wondered who was so impatient at the door so early in the morning. Kobby had left to work already after dropping off Tiana at the school.

Maria opened the door and was about to speak when she saw Rihan in front of her. Their two faces had contrasted expressions on them. The former looked surprised while the latter looked happy holding a basket of fruits.

''Rihan?'' Maria mentioned the name subconsciously. It was probably because Rihan made quite an impression on her when they met first at the hospital or maybe it was also because she was the subject matter of her discussion with Kobby the other night, but her name rolled out of Maria's mouth rather easily.

''Hi, Maria'' Rihan said shyly and chuckled ''I came bearing fruits'' she added.

Maria came back to her senses and stepped aside politely allowing Rihan into the hall ''come in please''. Maria was used to being polite if not, based on what Kobby told her about this lady, she would have asked her to leave immediately. Kobby held a special place in Maria's heart. It could be said that all the love she couldn't give to Lexis were transferred to Kobby and Tiana, so whoever dare to hurt either of them were already her enemies.

''Thank you'' Rihan said and entered the hall.

''Sit down'' Maria told her. Rihan looked at the table and saw the food that Maria had opened before.

''I didn't know you were about to have breakfast? Sorry for intruding on you so suddenly'' Rihan said apologetically and Maria was almost tempted to tell her to leave if she was really sorry. Coming to someone's house unannounced was rude especially when that person wasn't really a friend nor an acquaintance.

"No, don't worry. But, is there something I can help you with? How did you know my house?" Maria asked rather straightforwardly.

"I heard from Lisa that you were out of the hospital. Since the last time, I haven't really gotten the time to visit you again because I was busy getting settled. So, I came to visit you today since I was free. I didn't know the types of fruits you liked so I got a basket of a lot of different ones. Where should I put it?" Rihan said and asked along.

Maria looked at the fruits having the urge to reject them but not the heart to actually reject them. It all steamed from the fact that this woman betrayed her family 10 years ago, so she didn't have a good impression about her. That day she ran after Kobby coupled with the fact that she had the boldness to come back and want to be with him again disgusted her.

At first Maria thought she was just a bystander and had no say in her affairs, that's why she didn't say anything that day when she spoke with Mona Lisa about her affairs, but now, it was safe to say that it somehow involved her because Kobby was her family.

"Just put them on the table" Maria said casually and went to the table to finish her meal. She still had her medicine to take on time and she wasn't going to allow this intruder to mess up her plans. She already made plans to go shopping with Calia and she knew Calia was going to call her any moment from now. She really wanted to use that as an excuse to get rid of this supermodel who was out to get back with her family. Maria didn't like her and she was sure Tiana wouldn't either.

"You can have your breakfast, I will just watch some TV and wait for you to be done" Rihan said shamelessly. She could sense from Maria that she wasn't welcomed. She didn't know if Kobby told Maria about their past or not but she was sure Maria now knew who she was and what she wanted.

"Sure, make yourself comfortable" Maria told her and sat on the dining table. She fetched her yam congee that Kobby made earlier and was about to put it in her mouth when she heard Rihan saying.

''Is that a picture of you, Kobby and his deceased wife?'' Rihan asked while looking at the picture giant photo of Kobby, Lexis and Maria that hanged in the hall. They all had smiles on their faces as at the time the picture was taken.

Maria still remembered that day so well. It was the first day Lexis and Kobby moved into this house and was having a housewarming party. It was just the three of them and they had fun together and took that particular photo afterwards.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. I was just curious that's all" Rihan said "go ahead and finish your food. Don't mind me"

Maria furrowed her brows and ate silently. She wasn't the type to be rude on first or second meetings but she wasn't also the type to keep silent over things she wasn't comfortable about. Maria thought about the fact that this woman had a relation to her would be mother in law and decided to entertain her. it was nothing since this was her first visit after all.

Maria ate her breakfast rather quickly and washed the dishes before getting a glass of juice for Rihan.

"Here, a glass of juice" Maria said and handed the glass to her while sitting across her.

"Thank you" Rihan said and tasted the juice and smiled "this is fresh juice right?" she asked and Maria nodded her head.

"Yes, Kobby doesn't like to buy carbonated juice outside so he makes them himself for us" Maria told her.

"Right. He is still the same even after 10 years" Rihan said and Maria frowned after hearing that statement.

"'Back when we were together at school, he used to ask me to refrain from having too much carbonated juice outside. Sometimes, he would even make me home made juice. He was such a nice guy" Rihan said.

"I see; then why did you cheat on such a nice guy?" Maria who couldn't suppress her feelings anymore decided to ask.

''Huh?'' Rihan wasn't expecting such a straightforward question so she was a little taken aback. Maria didn't give her the chance to mull over things and stood up looking at her wrist watch.

"I have an appointment with a friend at 10:00AM and its already 9:30AM. Thank you for coming to visit me and bringing me fruits but I hope that you won't do that again next time. I have a feeling that you want to use me to get closer to Kobby so I'm sorry but I have to be upfront with you. I hate being used to closer to another person and I'm not going to pretend that I don't know anything about you and Kobby, so please, don't use me''

''I'm sorry if my sudden presence makes you feel that way. I just thought that I could visit the daughter in law of my godmother'' Rihan said.

Maria opened her mouth to speak and her phone buzzed. She turned and looked at the phone on the sofa and it was a call from Calia.

''Excuse me'' Maria said to Rihan and answered the call.

''Hello, Calia''

"Miss Lee, I'm downstairs. Should I come up first?'' Calia said excitedly over the phone.

"Sure, I still have to change, so you can come up first" Maria said and hung up.

"Was that Calia?" Rihan asked.

''Yes?'' Maria answered.

"That's great. I am close to Calia. I hope that when she comes, you won't still think that I am trying to use you to get closer to your brother. I really didn't have that intention'' Rihan said.

"Is good if you don't have such an intention'' Maria said and the doorbell rang. Maria went right away and opened the door and Calia hugged her tightly.

"Miss Lee, I missed you so much" Calia said and saw Rihan just then. "Rihan?"

''Hi, Calia'' Rihan smiled and waved at Calia.

"You two already know each other so there is no need for introduction" Maria told them and they all sat down.

''I didn't know that you were acquainted to my sister in law?'' Calia said and looked at Rihan.

''Not really. I also got to meet Maria when I visited the hospital'' Rihan said.

"I see, so you came to visit Miss Lee?" Calia asked and her eyes landed on the photo on the wall. This was her first time of entering into their apartment. It was even the first time she had being to that area. She looked at Lexis specifically and murmured.


"Huh? Who?" Maria asked and Calia stood up and walked to the photo. She traced her fingers on Lexis' face as she spoke.

"Miss Lee, who is this woman? Where can I find her?" Calia asked

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