Purple Romance

Chapter 81: 81 The scars that remained... let's now let go of them 1

Chapter 81: 81 The scars that remained... let's now let go of them 1

Calia waved at Rihan and watched as she drove her car away. She turned towards the company building with a smile on her face. She was happy to find someone who could at least connect with her. She felt that she was almost on her way to finding her happiness both in her career and love.


First hospital.

Private ward (Maria's ward)

Mona Lisa watched Maria as she slept and she spoke on the phone to Ad-Din.

''Don't worry, Maria is asleep after taking her medicine. The doctor said she will be fine and ready to go home tomorrow morning. Son, how about you? How is your leg?'' Mona Lisa asked worriedly.

''I'm fine. For now, I can only use the walking aid to move around the room. The pain is still there but is much better than first. Dr. Brian's therapy is quite helpful. He was here this morning and will be back in the evening to go through the therapy with me. Hopefully, I will get better soon and be able to see Maria''. Ad-Din over the phone.

''Is Maria the only one you want to see? What about me your mother? Aye, I really have laboured in vain. My son favours love over his own mother'' Mona Lisa said and used her free hand to cover Maria well with the quilt.

''Mom, you know that's not what I mean. Anyways, thank you for coming and thank you for taking care of Maria for me. I know you are quite busy with your fashion week coming up, yet you still made time to attend to my matters''

''What can I do? One is my father in law, another is my son. You know, I am always on your side, right, son? All these years, you have lived like a lifeless doll, just know that mom is happy that you have found your happiness. Leave the family matters to me and your dad. I will go and meet with your dad and we will talk to your grandpa''

''Thanks, mom. I love you, mom''

''Love you too, son''

''Is that Ad-Din?'' Maria asked after opening her eyes. Mona Lisa who didn't know she was awake got startled and couldn't react early. Maria immediately snatched the phone away from Mona Lisa and spoke on.

''If you dare hang up on me, I will break up with you, Ad-Din Denarius''

As if she knew exactly what he was going to do. What she said made Ad-Din to go silent as the call still stayed connected. Mona Lisa looked at Maria with eyes of admiration.

''How are you doing, Ad-Din?' Maria asked as her voice broke and choked. Her voice sounded fragile as her lips trembled and she fought the tears that threatened to fall out. She tightened her grip on the phone when she didn't hear any response. Her hands shook.

''Is alright if you don't want to say anything. Just listen to me because I have something to tell you. Ad-Din, please don't suffer on your own anymore. You are no longer alone. You have me now, so please, don't hide away and try to handle the pain alone. I know is being so long and that you are probably used to the pain butis there really anyone who is used to pain? There is no one and you don't deserve to hide away because you don't want me to see the pain you are going through.

I just want to say that the pain and the scars that are leftlet's now let go of them and just live, okay?''

Mona Lisa sighed and found herself crying as she heard the words of Maria. what Maria said tugged at her heart and she could feel the physical and emotional pain that they were both going through. She found everything Maria said to be true.

In this world, no one deserved pain. No one deserved to suffer any kind of pain, be it physical or emotional. Sometimes, physical pain was much better than emotional pain. Emotional pain eats into the heart and deeper into your soul. It could turn one's soul empty to the point where they no longer felt any kind of pain.

''Ad-Din, I love you'' Maria added lastly before the call disconnected. Mona Lisa pulled her into a hug as she cried.

''Is okay, Maria. Is alright, everything will be okay'' Mona Lisa wept with her.

''Mrs. Denarius, please, can I ask you for a favour?'' Maria suddenly asked.

''A favour? Tell me, as long as I can do it, why not?'' Mona Lisa said to her.

''I want to propose to Ad-Din. I'm sick right now and can't really do much for myself. You are his mother, you know what he likes, so can you help me organise a proposal party?'' Maria told her.

''Youyou want to propose to Ad-Din?'' Mona Lisa asked shockingly and Maria nodded her head. Did Maria love his son that much?

''Yes, I don't want to be apart from him again. We have already lost 8 years of our lives. I don't want us to waste our time on meaningless things anymore. Please, help me''

Maria held Mona Lisa's hands pleadingly.

''Oh, I will help you. I can see your sincerity. You really love my son and I know he loves you, so yes. I will help you plan a very wonderful proposal for Ad-Din''

''This should be a secret, please. Ad-Din cannot know about this''

''Yes, don't worry, he won't find out. And shouldn't we correct the way we address each other now? You want to marry my son and you still address me so formally. That should be changed, right?'' Mona Lisa said and smiled at Maria.

''Then, mother'' Maria said awkwardly making Mona Lisa to laugh and hug her saying.

''Why do you look so cute when you are awkward, Maria?''

The knock on the door made them to turn towards it to see the one coming in.

Rihan entered the ward holding a basket of fruits and flowers. She stood at the door and spoke.

''Mona Lisa, hi''

''Rihan?'' Mona Lisa said surprisingly and Rihan walked closer to them.

''You left Badmos so quickly that I didn't get time to see you before you left. I called your secretary and she told me your son got admitted at the hospital but'' Rihan looked at Maria and continued ''I didn't know she was a lady?''

''Oh, come and meet my daughter in law. She is the fiance of my second son, Ad-Din. Maria, meet Rihan, one of my models at my agency in Badmos, she is also a younger friend of mine''.

Maria flushed when Mona Lisa immediately referred to her as a daughter in law. She was not married to Ad-Din yet.

''I didn't know your second son got married?'' Rihan said and shook Maria's hand.

''They will be getting married soon and I already approve of them, so she is my daughter in law. In the future, if you want to butter up to me, make sure you get into her good books first'' Mona Lisa said to Rihan and Maria flushed and pursed her lips shyly.

''I see, if you have the blessing of your mother in law, your marriage is halfway successful already. Hi Maria, I am Rihan''. Rihan said and pulled a chair closer to sit.

''Hi, Rihan, nice to meet you'' Maria told her.

''Lisa, I just met with your niece. She is really nice just like you said. We even decided to become friends. We clicked right away. I feel that our friendship is going to last really long'' Rihan said, the joy in her heart transparent on her face.

''Oh, look at you all happy after meeting Calia. Is good that you think that way. Calia is a really nice person and I'm not saying this because she is my niece'' Mona Lisa said proudly.

''Oh, right!! I brought some fruits and flowers for you, Maria'' Rihan said and pointed at the gifts she brought.

''You didn't need to but, thank you anyways'' Maria told her.

''That won't do. This is our first meeting, is only right to come bearing gifts. And also, Mona Lisa is my mentor, and now that you are her precious daughter in law, I need to curry favour with you'' Rihan said and they all laughed.

''Are you really here to stay now, Rihan? You know, you told me some time ago about that person who was in Cosmos?'' Mona Lisa said.

''Yes, I came to stay for real and I intend to meet him today now that I am here. He works in this hospital'' Rihan said with a smile.

''Oh, you said he was a doctor, turns out he is even working here? Maria's brother is also a doctor here, maybe he can help you look for him?'' Mona Lisa said.

''I already know where he is. I will go there and see him before I go. Is just that, is being 10 years already. I don't know what I'm going to say to him for things to not be weird''

Rihan said and clasped her hands together nervously. Maria looked at her and didn't say anything. She didn't think it was in her place to butt in, so she just sat on the side lines and listened to them.

''Are you really my goddaughter or not? How could you lose your confidence so suddenly? Where is the Rihan who is known as the 'snake' on stage?'' Mona Lisa asked and looked at Rihan.

''Maybe, I am just scared. Scared of what he will say or what he might think of me. Anyways, I still have to meet him since he is the reason why I came back'' Rihan said and stood up.

''Don't worry, you will do fine. Since he is single and doesn't have a girlfriend, you can say that luck is on your side'' Mona Lisa said.

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