Purple Romance

Chapter 74: 74 I will do anything for my woman3

Chapter 74: 74 I will do anything for my woman3

Maria went back to her office and sat down. She saw a notification on her desktop and clicked on it. It was a mail from Professor Kodney online classes.

Maria's eyes twitched a couple of times as she read the notification. She even zoomed it to check and be sure she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. It was indeed a notification from Professor Kodney's secretary informing her of her successful admission to Professor Kodney's online Market course lecturing.

Maria covered her mouth in shock and stood up from her desk. She really didn't know how to describe how she was suddenly feeling right now. She touched her beating heart to calm herself down before running out of the office.

Ad-Din was speaking on the phone when the door to his office suddenly opened and Maria ran inside and hugged him tightly. He blushed and held her tight with one hand as he spoke on the phone.

''I will visit you tomorrow at your office, bye''. Ad-Din hung up and placed the phone on the table before focusing on Maria.

''Why? Did something good happen to you?'' Ad-Din asked and Maria nodded and looked up at him. Her eyes were wet ''why are you crying if it was something good?''

"Because, I'm happy. Those are tears of joy'' Maria said and sniffed.

'Okay, tell me. what good thing happened to you?' Ad-Din asked and smiled.

''Do you remember how I applied for Professor Kodney's online lectures and was rejected?''


''When I went to the office just now. I saw a notification from her secretary. I was picked. Isn't that quite shocking? Apparently, someone dropped out of the class suddenly and they did random picking and it happened to be me. Ad-Din, I don't know how to even express myself. I am so happy that I feel is not real?'' Maria rambled on.

''Is real. First, congratulations for getting accepted as a student of Professor Kodney. Second, this is real. Your sincerity and earnest zeal to win brought you this far. You deserve this chance and I am happy for you, Maria''. Seeing how happy she looked, Ad-Din felt proud of himself. He was glad he was able to do something for her.

The call earlier was from professor Kodney.

''Ad-Din, I feel that ever since you came back into my life, I have been experiencing good things alone. A lot of good things are happening for me. I really, really feel that I must have saved an entire race for the heavens to bless me with you'' Maria said and hugged Ad-Din tightly adding ''Ad, thank you so much for giving me a chance to be with you again. Thank you for coming into my life again''.

''Silly woman. I should be the one thanking you for coming back to me again. As for the good things happening to you. You fully deserve them. I am happy to see that you are happy, Maria. Just know that, in this world, there is nothing I will not do for the woman I love''.

''Ad-Din, should Igo home with you tonight?'' Maria asked and looked at him innocently. She was going to tease him.

Ad-Din nearly lost his footing and held on to the table to sturdy himself before coughing. This woman was going to be the death of him. He calmed himself down and asked casually.

''Whatdid you just say?''

''I asked if I should just go home with you tonight?'' Maria asked and took a step back.

''Areare you serious?'' Ad-Din asked and looked at her.

''Off coursenot. You so wished'' Maria said and ran out of the office again.

Ad-Din breathed out and couldn't believe he had been teased by Maria two times in a row. He sat back on his chair and couldn't stop smiling.

''Maria, what am I going to do with you? Why am I so crazy about you?'' Ad-Din shook his head.


After work, it was raining heavily outside. Maria picked her umbrella and went down to the reception. Ad-Din had a late meeting to attend to and couldn't send her home so she had to hail a taxi.

She was standing outside the entrance waiting for a taxi when a Bentley pulled over in front of her startling her. the window of the car rolled down and Maria saw an Old man in the backseat. The driver got down and walked to Maria and spoke.

''Miss, our old Master wants to speak with you''

''Me? But, I don't know him''. Maria said and looked towards the window sceptically. She was having a bad feeling about this.

''Our old Master is Mr. Denarius, the grandfather of Ad-Din Denarius'' the driver said and Maria seemed to have been driven into a trance.

The name oddly rang a bell in her ears. She remembered clearly that 8 years ago at the office of the district circuit supervisor, the circuit supervisor told her that he was acting based on orders and even asked her if she had wronged anyone from the Denarius family.

She remembered the circuit supervisor telling her that she had bitten more than she could chew by getting into the bad books of the Denarius Old Master who controlled the city.

Maria subconsciously looked at the man in the backseat and her fingers clutched nervously around her bag.

The driver opened the door and gestured for her to go in. Maria stood for a while as if contemplating before she got into the front seat of the car. The driver also got inside and drove away.



Maria sat across the old man nervously. She didn't know why, but she was wary of this man. Especially after remembering what the circuit supervisor told her 8 years ago.

8 years ago, it was this man who made them to revoke her licence. Her job, her career, dreams and ambitions all came to naught because she had gotten involved with Ad-Din back then.

She had almost forgotten that the very obstacles she faced back then were still there, but it didn't matter. Because, she was determined to be with Ad-Din. Regardless of who was against her.

''Miss Lee, how much is your price?' Old master Denarius asked.

''Huh? My price for what?'' Maria asked.

''Your price for leaving my grandson? Everyone has a price. Everyone has a worth. So, I'm asking you. what do you think your worth is?'' The old man asked again, this time bringing forth the words one after another.

''Do you often put price tags on the people around you, Sir?'' Maria asked fearlessly.

''What?'' the old man looked at Maria. He looked like he didn't expect to be asked a question back instead of given an answer.

''It seems you like to put price tags on people's worth, that's why I want to know if this applies to the people closer to you. Your family or is it because is me?'' Maria told him.

Old master Denarius didn't say anything. He quietly sipped the tea in front of him and looked at Maria.

''You suddenly appeared before my son after disappearing for 8 years. Do you think I don't know that your thoughts and actions are not pure? Since you are with him because of what he has, then, why don't you be upfront with me? I can give you money that will last you a lifetime. All you have to do is to disappear from my grandson''.

''Is that what Ad-Din wants or what you want?'' Maria asked him.

''Ad-Din is still growing. He doesn't know the mistake he is making by being with someone like you''.

''Someone like me? In your eyes, what kind of person do you think I am? Someone you can throw money at and ask her to disappear? Someone whose life you can meddle with at will? Or someone who doesn't deserve your grandson?''

''You are quite eloquent in speech. Too bad you lost the chance to be a model teacher'' Old Master Denarius mocked Maria.

Maria culled her palms into fist as she sat. Her feet under the table were trembling.

''You are right. I lost the chance because you took it away from me. 8 years ago'' Maria said.

''I didn't take anything from you. You were the one who went and bit more than you could chew. You were the one who seduced an innocent boy. Just like how you did it 8 years ago, you are doing it now. But, I can see through your act, Miss Lee.

You are with Ad-Din because of who he is. I will never consent to this relationship between him and you, so you can forget of any plans to climb the social ladder through my grandson''.

Maria chuckled and looked at him.

''Did you just laugh?'' The old man asked and looked at Maria's face. She still had a smile plastered on her face.

''Then, should I cry instead?'' Maria asked and looked coldly at the man. Her gaze was deep and cold. It carried a hint of nonchalance to it which mad the old man feel goosebumps all over his body.

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