Purple Romance

Chapter 71: 71 Maria, you can only belong to me.

Chapter 71: 71 Maria, you can only belong to me.

Maria was in the photocopier room making some copies Paul asked her to when the door opened. She turned and was engulfed into a tight hug by Ad-Din. She felt his scent and blushed.

'Ad-Din, no sorry, boss, what is it?' Maria was startled by his actions. Ad-Din didn't say anything but his grip on her tightened. It was like he wanted to turn her into a part of him.

'Are you alright?' Maria asked again worriedly.

Paul who was unaware of what was happening walked towards the photocopier room ready to scold Maria was taking so much time in making simple copies. When he reached there and saw his boss hugging Maria, he swallowed back the words that almost came out of his mouth and stepped back.

As if sensing the presence of a third party, Ad-Din used his leg to kick the door close and Paul smiled awkwardly and went back.

Who was he to scold the boss' woman? Was he tired of his job?

After a while, Ad-Din finally let go and stared into Maria's eyes saying 'I'm fine. I just missed you so much while on the way here'

'Oh, I thought that something happened? I was worried' Maria said and looked at his outfit 'you are in white outfit?' she couldn't hide her surprise and smile.

'Yes, why? Do you think I look especially dashing in this outfit?' Ad-Din asked and Maria blushed. She turned away and picked the papers she had just photocopied.

'Oh, you look breathtaking. I need to send these to Paul and distribute the rest to the various departments'.

'What? Are you telling me that you are busy now?' Ad-Din said cockily.

'Oh, I am so busy that it makes me happy to know I am needed. I am working so hard, as my boss, shouldn't you encourage me?' Maria said.

'What do I do, Maria Portia Lee? I think I am in a huge trouble?'

'Trouble? What is it?' Maria's voice turned serious.

'I think I love you too much now' Ad-Din said and Maria shyly hit his chest.

'What kind of cheesy talk is this? Were you always this cheesy?'

'No, I am only cheesy with you. Because my heart can't stop beating for you. Maria, you know you are stuck with me for life, right? You can only belong to me, Maria Portia Lee'.

'Okay, I belong to only you. Now, can I go and do my work? I want to be a model worker in the eyes of my boss, so you the man who loves me needs to allow me to prove myself to my boss, okay?' Maria said and smiled happily.

'Then, as the man who only has you in his heart, I must let you work hard and not let your boss scold you. Hurry, go before I change my mind' Ad-Din said and Maria nodded her head and went out hurriedly smiling.

Ad-Din's smile vanished the moment Maria left. He was like a different person now, someone who was cold and distant. He removed his phone and dialled an unknown number. He spoke when the call went through. 'I need you to do something for me'

'Yes, boss. I will take the next flight and be in Cosmos tomorrow' the voice said.

'En, thank you' Ad-Din said and hung up.

The fight between him and his grandfather was now official. He knew the old man was crafty and wouldn't stop just because he threatened him. He needed something to use against that old man and the person he talked to was going to play a big role in that.

Ad-Din walked to the hallway of his floor and look down at the various departments in the lower floor. He saw Maria busy distributing and chatting with some of the workers and a smile spread across his face.

As he watched her interestingly, his eyes caught a certain figure looking suspiciously at Maria. It was one of the new workers and she was in the Marketing department. Ad-Din knew he very well. She was the spy his grandfather sent to his company to report his every actions to him.

As if sensing eyes on her, the lady whose name was Selina looked up and saw Ad-Din, she quickly looked away and hid behind a pile of papers on her desk. Ad-Din saw her actions and decided to ignore her. He would deal with her at the right time. Right now, he was simply too busy admiring the woman who was chatting with the Team Leader of the Marketing department. She was listening to something the team leader was saying and jotting some things in her diary. He got curious. He wondered what she was asking him because she looked so serious.


Maria smiled and handed a few papers to the team leader and spoke 'thank you so much, team leader'.

'You seem interested in Marketing. Do you want to join my team?' the team leader asked and Maria nodded enthusiastically.

'Yes, I love the marketing team but my field is quite different so I intend to take short courses in Marketing. That is why I am asking so many questions. I hope I am not inconveniencing you?'

'No, not at all. We will always welcome a new member in our department. So, study hard and when you pass the exam, you can join my team'. The team leader said and Maria smiled.

'Then, I will study hard and make sure I be your junior very soon. I still have to visit the design team, I will contact you if I need anything' Maria said.

'Sure, go ahead'. The team leader said and turned back to his desk after Maria left. Two female workers went to him and asked curiously.

'Team leader, is that the assistant of Paul?'.

'Yes, she is quite a good one and very smart. She wants to join our team'. The team leader who was impartial in his judgements said. He like Maria and could tell from his years of working for the CEO that the woman was a special one but what he like about her was the fact that she worked very hard and was polite.

'She wants to join our team? Isn't she just a secretary assisting Paul? What qualification does she have to join our team? I heard from the HR department that she has a teaching certificate but the CEO still hired her?' Another lady added and the team leader glared at her.

'I remember when you came, you were also having a certificate from a local college but the CEO hired you? Can you really not talk about another person in that condescending manner?' the team leader said shutting up the two women.

'Go back to your duties and don't talk about another person's situation like you know better. All of you seated here weren't qualified at the beginning but the CEO gave all of the opportunity to be better so you have no right to talk about another person who is working hard to become what you are today' the team leader said and went back to his work. He was someone who hated gossips and didn't like it when women were against each other.

At the corner of her desk, Selina recorded what went on and sent it to an unknown number in her phone. She finished and straightened herself acting as if nothing was wrong. She looked up and saw that the CEO was no longer watching their floor and relaxed. She thought she was found out when she met with his gaze and got scared.


Maria got back to her office and sat on her desk. She turned on her desk to look at her application. She had applied for a course in Marketing at an online site.

The professor who taught in the online classes was a famous woman who lectured at Cosmos University and was the head of Marketing department. She only took 20 students every year in the online classes and Maria wanted to be among the 20 so she applied as soon as she heard of the vacancy. The lucky student list was going to be announced that afternoon and she was a bundle of nerves as she constantly refreshed her desktop.

Maria was nervous as the time drew closer. It was a few minutes to noon and she didn't dare to leave for lunch without knowing the results. She was scared because unlike most people, she had to use a certificate from 8 years ago to apply for a Marketing course. Her confidence level was very low and she didn't know the outcome.

When it was noon, she quickly logged in with her ID number to view the list of the successful applicants. She scanned through but couldn't find her name. She sighed and sat back on the chair. Her eyes were wet but she wiped away the tears and tried to encourage herself.

'This is your first time, Maria. People usually apply more than five times before they get the opportunity. This is nothing to be sad about. You can just try again next year and when they don't pick you, you can try the next year, two years and keep trying till they accept you'

Ad-Din walked in and saw her mumbling to herself. He didn't need to be told that she was sad. He closed the door and stood outside listening to her sobs.

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