Purple Romance

Chapter 64: 64 Drinking Substitute 2

Chapter 64: 64 Drinking Substitute 2

Maria flushed and felt her whole body becoming hot. She didn't know what he was doing to her. Didn't he say they were only having a boss and employer relationship? Didn't he know that his actions would confuse and make her have obscene thoughts about him? Maria felt the hair on her whole body stood up as she culled her fingers not daring to look at him. She could feel his breathe on her face as he leaned closer to her.

Ad-Din wiped the rice on her lip and stepped back showing it to her ''you had this on your lips. You should eat properly, are you still a child to leave rice on your lips?'' Ad-Din said and looked at her frozen state and smirked before going out.

Maria slumped into her chair and stared dreamily at the closed door. She gulped down hard on her own saliva and touched her heart that was beating rapidly. She didn't understand what just happened. She touched her lips and reminisced on it before shaking her head and murmured ''he is your boss, Maria. You can't still see him as a man''.


Blue sky Restaurant.

Maria and Ad-Din arrived at Blue sky restaurant and got down form the car and the driver drove the car away towards the car park.

Ad-Din looked at Maria as they went inside and noticed her dressing. Why did she have to look so beautiful in anything she wore? He looked at her face and frowned asking ''did you put on makeup?'

''Ah? Oh, is it strange? I thought I should at least wear a little makeup since I'm representing the company? Why? Does it look weird?'' Maria asked and touched her face. She didn't wear makeup usually but she thought because it was a dinner meeting for a potential partner, she had to wear a little bit of it.

''Oh, it looks totally strange. Go to the ladies'' washroom and clean it off. Your bear face is enough to represent the company'.

Maria chuckled dryly saying ''then, I will go and clean it right away''.

''Yes, go and do that. I will wait in front of the room for you. Is room 999 on the left after you leave the ladies'' washroom'. Ad-Din said.

''Okay, I will go and meet you there''. Maria said and hurried to the ladies' washroom.

Ad-Din smiled and murmured ''How could she not realise the makeup just made her look too pretty? She is going to be the death of me, this 30 something year old woman''. He said and went towards the private room.


Maria came out and saw Ad-Din leaning against the wall in front of the private room. He tapped his one leg leisurely and in a rather unhurried pace. He look carefree and handsome.

Maria stood at where she was and admired him. 'He still looks so dashing even after 8 years. How am I supposed to survive working with him without wanting a piece of that meat?'

Maria realised what she said and shook her head. She was having obscene thoughts again. She really needed to get her act together.

Ad-Din looked at and saw her staring at him and waved at her. Maria smiled and walked to him.

''This face looks better and represents the company very well. Clean and poised''. Ad-Din said and opened the door ''let's go in''. He waited for Maria to go inside before he went in himself and closed the door.

The two directors he was meeting tonight were from U and I Production company and had another subsidiary entertainment agency that housed a lot of famous actors.

Over the years, the film industry has grown big and Ad-Din wanted to branch into film and drama production but he first wanted to start as an investor.

He had promised his family that he would use five years to build a legacy for himself and if he didn't succeed, he will call it quits and go join the mother company and assist his elder brother who was now the chairman of the D-Group.

Ad-Din was just like his father and had no major interest in joining the family business. It came with a lot of restrictions and he knew his grandfather wasn't going to allow him to be a free man once he joined the Group so he could only reach an ultimatum with them to allow him five years to do whatever he wanted. If he didn't succeed after five years, he would listen to his family and follow whatever they decide to do.

''Mr. Denarius is here'' one of the directors said and looked at the woman beside him. The two directors were famous people in the film industry and had a rather good reputation in terms of work but bad reputation in terms of ethics.

Over the years, they haven't heard or seen any woman by his side so it was quite surprising to see a woman with him. A beautiful chocolate skinned woman with a clean face.

''I hope I didn't keep you waiting? This is my assistant secretary. Her name is Maria Portia Lee''. Ad-Din introduced them.

''Hi, hi''. Maria politely greeted them. They shook hands and sat down across them.

Blue sky restaurant was a traditional setting restaurant. They didn't use any furniture except the tables that the food was placed on. Their seats were woven clothes that looked like kente.

''I didn't know Young Master Denarius had such a beautiful secretary by his side? Here, let me toast to you''.

The director in spectacles picked the earthenware jug that contained rice wine and poured it into a small sized earthenware cup. He handed it over to Ad-Din but before Ad-Din's hand could touch the cup, it was snatched from him. They turned and looked at Maria.

Maria lifted the cup up saying ''I will be drinking on behalf of the CEO today. He has another meeting to attend after here''. Maria emptied the cup's contents and put the cup down. The two directors were shocked but laughed anyway. It had been a while since they saw a woman who could drink like themselves. They were pleased.

The discussions between Ad-Din and the two directors went on for hours and the drinking also went on for hours too.

Ad-Din often glanced at Maria worriedly. She had drunk too much and her face was flushed. He didn't know those two directors were such heavy drinkers.

After the meeting, the directors went away and Ad-Din looked at Maria who was standing by his side silently. She looked really drunk but she was still in her right senses.

''Maria, are you alright?'' Ad-Din turned to look at her as they waited for the driver to come with the car. They were standing outside.

Maria who had her head lowered suddenly lifted her face and smiled drunkenly. She waved her hand in the air and said ''I am fine. But, boss why am I seeing two of you? Are you twins?''

Ad-Din sighed and murmured ''she is drunk''.

''I told you I am not drunk. Let me tell you, I am very sober right now'' Maria said and pointed her index figure at herself and suddenly laughed adding ''Ad-Din, why do I feel like I'm floating? Are we in a plane? I suddenly feel that we are flying''

''Huh? Flying?'' Ad-Din looked at her confused for a moment. Maria glared at him.

''You jerk''.

''Huh..j..erkjerk? Why are you calling me a jerk? What did I do wrong?'' Ad-Din asked feeling flustered.

The driver arrived and he quickly helped Maria into the car and joined her in the backseat.

''Boss, where should I go, first?'' the driver asked.

''Maria, where do you stay? Can you give me your house address?'' Ad-Din asked and turned to the driver ':just drive towards the company for now''.

''Yes, boss''. The driver pressed on the car partition divider giving them privacy. Ad-Din appreciated that and thought he would rise the driver's salary.

''Maria, where do you stay?'' Ad-Din asked again.

':Me? Far away. I'm like Alice in wonderland. I don't belong anywhere. I go and come back as I wish''.

''Huh?'' Ad-Din didn't understand a single thing she was saying.

':Can you call the man you are living with to give me the directions to your house?''

''No, he is asleep. I can't wake him up''. Maria said and closed her eyes.

''Maria'. Ad-Din mentioned her name impatiently. She didn't want to wake that man up?

Upon hearing her name been mentioned, Maria turned and glared at him before saying.

''Assh, why are you making so much noise? If you don't shut up I will rip your mouth off'' Maria said and opened her eyes. She stared at the man's lips and grinned.


''I told you to shut up'' Maria said and leaned in closer to him and pressed her lips against the man's lips and Ad-Din stiffened. He looked at her.

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