Purple Romance

Chapter 38: The time we spent apart 3

Chapter 38: The time we spent apart 3



Kobby Brian, Anne Suwait, and Lexis' parents stood outside the emergency unit waiting for the doctor to come out when two other people were also rushed into the emergency unit.

There were a school boy and an older man. Another school girl followed behind closely seemingly in tears.

Calia sat on the waiting bench with tears as she watched them send Ad-Din and the driver inside. She looked at the four people also at the waiting hall but her mind was too preoccupied to even care about who they were. Her mind was all about the safety of Ad-Din at the moment. She clasped her hands together as her legs quivered.

Soon, Mona Lisa and Max Denarius got to the waiting hall and Calia rushed to them crying. She went into Max's embrace as she wept uncontrollably.

''Is my fault, elder brother. I was the one who brought him out of the classroom. If I hadn't called him, he wouldn't have gotten into an accident''.

''Cal, is okay. This is not your fault'' Max Denarius said and hugged Calia as she wept.

The other people at the waiting hall looked them. They all each other but didn't bother with each other.

The emergency ward door opened and the doctor walked out and both families rushed to them.

''Doctor, how is my wife?'' Kobby Brian asked

''How is my niece?'' Anne Suwait asked

''How is my brother?'' Max Denarius asked.

The doctor was startled with the questions before he looked at Kobby saying. ''We managed to save the baby but we lost the mother. The other woman survived but she went into a coma after the surgery. We will have to wait and see what happens next':. The doctor said.

Lexis' mother almost fell and Mr. Mathias caught her. The hall turned silent as no one wanted to believe the news they were hearing.

''No, is not true. My daughter is not dead''. Mrs. Mathias started weeping.

The doctor turned to Max and spoke.

''The student is alive but we lost the driver. His chest was hit head since he tried to protect the student''


A couple of hours later, while the rest of the family went home to prepare, Kobby stayed back at the hospital to answer questions from the police.

When the police arrived they asked and found out where Kobby was.

Kobby was at the infantry ward watching the nurse attend to the baby that was delivered. He looked haggard and unkempt in just a few hours after the accident.

''Dr. Kobby Brian, right? I am detective Konan from Cosmos police station. We came because we have news about the driver that caused the accident'' the detective said and Kobby Brian turned immediately to face him.

''Where is he? Where is that bastard who killed my wife?'' Kobby asked with rage.

''Dr. Kobby, I suggest you calm down. We were able to get through to him but, unfortunately, he committed suicide after hitting a taxi which also killed the driver and hurt a student. It is a rather unfortunate situation. Our condolences to you and your family''.

Kobby's mother walked out of the infantry and tapped Kobby's shoulder.

She pulled him into a hug as he wept.

In just a day, he had lost his wife and his wife's best friend was laying in the hospital in a coma and they didn't even know when she would wake up.


Private ward.

Mona Lisa sat by the chair watching Ad-Din as he laid unconscious on the hospital bed and Max Denarius walked in and spoke.

''Mom, I just finished speaking with the police''.

''What did they say? Have they caught the driver?'' Mona Lisa asked.

''No, he committed suicide by the time they found him. The police said Ad-Din and the driver weren't the only people he crashed into''. Max added.

''What?'' Mona Lisa bit her lips trying to control her rage.

''The family we saw at the emergency ward. He killed that man's wife and left her best friend in coma. They wife died leaving the baby and the other lady is in coma'' Max Denarius said.

''What? This is too much to take. I hope that family pulls through. Then, I thank the heavens for saving my boy. What did the doctor say about Ad-Din?''

''The doctor said he will be fine but his left leg was hurt badly so he might not be able to walk well with it unless he undergoes surgery''.

''Let's book him for the surgery when he gains consciousness'' Max Denarius nodded his head and looked at Ad-Din's body.


Two Months later.

Anne Suwait was cleaning Maria up when she suddenly heard a voice behind her and turned.

She saw Maria's eyes opened and the first word that she spoke were about Lexis.

''Lexis, where is Lexis?'' Maria spoke through the hose that covered her mouth and nose hoarsely. Her voice was unclear and vague.

''Portia, you are awake? Let me get the doctor''. Anne Suwait hurriedly left the ward to call the doctor.

Maria looked around her and saw that she was in the hospital and there were huge machines connected to her body and hands.

Maria was about to lift her hand towards her mouth when the doctor rushed in with a nurse following Anne Suwait.

''The patient is really awake'' The nurse said happily.

The doctor removed the hose from Maria's face and spoke ''Patient, how do you feel?''

Maria looked at him silently without speaking.

''Doctor, why is she suddenly quiet?'' Anne Suwait asked worriedly.

''Lexis, where is Lexis? I want to go to Lexis''. Maria suddenly said as she looked at the doctor.

''You are still not fit yet. Let me check you. Lay back on the bed''. The doctor said and pushed Maria gently back on the bed as she tried to sit up.


Maria woke up from sleep and saw Lexis parents and Kobby in the ward. She tried to sit up weakly and spoke attracting their attention.

''Aunt, uncle, Kobby. Is good that you are here. Please, take me to Lexis. I want to see Lexis and know how she is doing? The doctor refused to let me go and see her''.

Her question made Mrs. Mathias to tear up and she went to the bed and hugged Maria.

''Aunt, why are you crying? Where is Lexis?'' Maria asked.

''Portia, Lexis, she''

''You should get better before we take you to Lexis. She said not to allow you to see her unless you get better''. Mr. Mathias spoke cutting his wife short.

''Really? Then, that means she is alive, right?'' A smile spread across Maria's pale face. ''Then, how about the baby? How is the baby doing?''

''They are all fine, Portia. You should get better and go and see them yourself. As long as you eat well and take all your medicine, uncle will personally take you to see Lexis and the baby''. Mr. Mathias said.

Kobby stood at a distance watching them without saying a word.

''Then, I'm hungry. I want to eat and take the medicine the doctor gave me. You said I can see them if I eat well and take my medicines, right? Uncle you can't go back on your word. But, aunt, why are you crying?'' Maria looked at Mrs. Mathias.

''I'm just happy that you are awake, Maria. That's why I am happy''. Mrs. Mathias said in between sobs.

''Oh, I was scared for nothing then. I thought something had happened to Lexis and you are all hiding it from me. but, how long have I been here for?'' Maria asked.

''Is been two months''. Kobby answered her. He was in his doctor's coat.

''Oh, that means the baby is already a month old? Whoa. Can you show me their pictures? Kobby, tell Lexis that I really want to see her and the baby. Can't she let me see them? I think I will get some energy to fight through after seeing them. I missed Lexis so much.

While I was asleep, I had a dream. I was at a place filled with flowers and I was with Lexis, but she told me that I needed to go back because I didn't belong there. when I first opened my eyes, I got scared. I was afraid that something had happened to her because of me. She tried to save me from the truck and was hit by it. Is such a relief to know she is doing well and nothing happened''

Maria said happily and smiled.

"Maria, you should get some rest. The doctor said you need a lot of rest. Now that you're awake, aunt will prepare your favourite soup and bring it to you. You must drink all of it?" Mrs. Mathias said.

"Oh, don't worry, I will drink it all, so make sure you add a lot of meat, duck meat will be even better. My appetite seems so big all of a sudden" Maria smiled.

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