Purple Romance

Chapter 207: Carlien's true family 2

Chapter 207: Carlien's true family 2

Carlien placed a cup of water on the table for Noah and sat across him. He picked the cup up and sipped the water before saying to her.

''You must have been startled, right?''

''I guess I was but I am not so fragile. I've always guessed that my mom was hiding something from me and it was related to who I was. I just couldn't fathom that, it had to do with a Country and that my life and the people around me would be in danger''

''Here, I brought you some family photos. You can have a look at them and ask me any questions that you might have''

''How about we start from the basics. I could guess some of the things but I still need to know''

''Grandpa will be very proud to know you grew up to be such an intelligent person. So, back to the basics, right? Your mother and father are from Country A and they were part of the Military clan that rules over country A until a war broke out and some people were sent out by MacDamien Alfonso III, who is your father's younger brother to kill every single person that was a threat to him. Your parents were kidnapped and sent to be killed. It was more like a publicity stunt by MacDamien Alfonso III. He was young but greedy. He wanted the power to rule over Country A which his father who is our grandfather didn't give to him.

He got your parents kidnapped but grandpa managed to save you and gave you to aunt Newalla. She ran away with you and assumed a new identity for the two of you. That way, no one would be able to trace your whereabouts. During that year, everything happened so fast, that a lot of people died trying to fight against Alfonso III. He didn't spare anyone. If he gotten the chance, he would have killed grandpa too''

''So, he is basically after power? He wants to rule over Country A? Then, let him do it''

''Things are not that easy, sister. What Alfonso III wants and what needs to be done are two separate things. He wants power and when he gets it, he will use it to oppress the people, demand for unfair homage attributes. He doesn't care about the people which is why grandpa can't allow him to have that power. He will misuse it and the country will be in shambles when that happens''

''So, why is he targeting me? he already killed my parents?''

''You are the last true blood of the Alfonso clan that is set to rule the country. Alfonso III is the son of a second wife grandpa had a drunken knowledge of. She drugged him and slept with him, resulting in MacDamien Alfonso III's birth. Right now, the children in the clan are all either cousins or nephews of the throne and unless you are no more, the succession can't take place''

''So, the only way anyone can become the ruler of Country A is by making sure I am no longer alive?''

''Yes, that is why your life has always been in danger. I came here specifically on grandpa's instructions. He wants me to inform you about the current state of the country and let you make the decision yourself''

''Can't you rule them instead?''

''Huh? Me?''

''Yes, you seem like a good person''

''I can't. I am not a true blood of the Alfonso clan. I am an illegitimate child''

''So what?''

''It is against the law''

''I see'' Carlien picked the pictures on the table and looked at them.

''Actually, grandpa is sick. The doctors said he doesn't have much time to leave''

''I don't have any affections for him nor my late parents. It might be because I grew up without them, but I have no interest in been at a place where my life will be in danger every time. Who knows which Alfonso would be plotting against me next time. Actually, after what happened, I don't have any memories of what happened except the ones my family and best friend told me. I only found out someone was out to kill me from my mother. I don't know what to feel about this sudden new development. I guess the only reason why I am not surprised about what is happening is because my mind got me prepared a long time ago not to be surprised by whatever comes out about my birth later on in life. I always knew we were running away from something but I didn't know it was this messed up''

''I understand your feelings. But, I would ask that you think about it some more. I will be here until Cassax wakes up. His punishment will be decided by the law of Country A. It will be a capital punishment since it involves murder. MacDamien Alfonso III might be looking for ways to bring him out of here but we can't let that happen because Cassax will be the one to lead us to convict MacDamien Alfonso III with evidence that he was the one who sent out the order to kill you''

''So, this means, my life could still be in danger, right?''

''You don't have to worry about that. I will make sure you and your family is safe. I have already requested for state military guards to be dispatched here. They will keep you safe. But, there is another thing I must warn you against. The man who tried to save you''

''I heard from the conversation you had with my mother. You don't seem to trust him?''

''Yes, grandpa said we should be wary of him. He was the one who informed MacDamien Alfonso III of your existence. We don't know yet, but what happened might just be his orchestration''

Carlien looked at him quietly, trying to process everything in.


Carlien and Noah walked out of the quarters and went towards the hospital. They saw her mother waiting anxiously at the entrance.


Kate rushed towards them worrying, ''Carlien, are you okay? Mom is sorry for keeping you in the dark''

''Mom, is okay. I don't blame you. Noah has explained everything to me and I don't blame you''

''Really? So, you've forgiven me?'' Kate asked anxiously. She had been troubled by it so much that she couldn't help but feel that way.

''Yes, mom. Everything is fine'' Carlien held her mother's hands and rubbed them assuring her.

''Aunt, my place has been prepared already. I will settle in and come back to see you later on''


''Mom, go back inside, I will see him off and come back''


''She is really worried about you'' Noah said as they walked away.

''I guess so. I can't even hold it against her because she is so good to me'' 

''Aunt Newalla has always been a kind-hearted woman. She used to give me food when everyone despised me for my birth''

''Really? You shouldn't allow that to be a hindrance to you. I know it must have been hard growing up in an aristocratic family where rules had to be followed. Honestly, I am glad I didn't grow up in that setting'' Carlien said and they both laughed. Jordan pulled over at the car park with Lucas and they saw each other.

''Carlien'' Jordan was the first to speak as he inspected Noah. Lucas turned at once to look at her and frowned seeing Noah beside her.

''You guys are back from the city?''

Carlien asked. They had gone to hand over the evidence of Jessi's accident to the police.

''Yes, who is he?'' Jordan asked as Lucas removed some groceries they bought on the way.

''He is Noah Alfonso, from Country A. he and I are related in a way''

''Hi, I am Noah Alfonso VIII, the secretary of Country A's President'' Noah said and stretched forth his hand. Jordan extended his and they shook hands.

''Hi, I am Jordan and this is my best friend, Lucas. We are friends of Paige and Carlien''

''I see. You made yourself great friends. I will inform grandpa later on, he will be happy to hear this'' Noah said and turned to look at Carlien.

''Grandpa?'' Lucas asked.

''Oh, long story. I will explain later''

''Sister, I will visit you later on after settling down''


''Is good to see you'' Noah said and hugged her before going to his car.

Carlien noticed the way Jordan and Lucas were looking at her and chuckled.

''Well, I should probably call everyone and explain, right?''

''We brought groceries. Let's eat together after your shift'' Lucas told her.

''Oh, then, you two should go on. I have to go inside. Let's meet later on and talk'' Carlien said and ran inside blushing.

''He hugged her'' Lucas said frowning.

''He also called her, 'sister'. You shouldn't be feeling so insecure. She still doesn't remember you''

''What a way to console your best friend''

''Sorry, my girlfriend said I shouldn't be so kind to you or she will leave me. I can't afford that''

''So, you are definitely whores before bros?''

''Yes, I am so for whores before bros'' Jordan said and snatched one of the bags and walked away.

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