Purple Romance

Chapter 199: The person after Carlien 1

Chapter 199: The person after Carlien 1

It was a rainy night and Carlien was studying in her room when she heard noise coming from the hall. She stood up and opened her door quietly and went outside. Tiptoeing into the hall she saw a man looking at their belongings. Because the hall was dark, she couldn't see him clearly but she could tell he had a good physique was well built-up.

She hid and watched the man as he went about picking their things and leaving them as he pleased. Who was he and what was he doing there? Carlien had a premonition that whoever the man was, he was here because of her.

Cassax took the small group picture frame of Paige and Carlien. He looked at it and placed it back haphazardly. He turned to go and felt the weight of a table crashing on him. Carlien hit it with the table and it broke. He lost momentum was a moment and stumbled backwards. Using that opportunity, Carlien dashed forward and released a few punches on him before he kicked her against stomach and she fell down.

He lifted the standing fan that stood at the middle of the room and threw it at her before running out. Paige ran out of the room after hearing the noise. She turned on the light and aw Carlien on the floor.

''Carly!! What happened?'' Paige rushed to her side.

''Paige, hurry, go after that man'' Carlien said as she struggled to sit up.

''Is that what is important right now? You are hurt'' Paige helped her to sit on the couch. she looked at the mess in the room.

''Paige, he he was searching the house'' Carlien stuttered.

''Don't speak, I will get you a glass of water first. Calm down and explained what happened to me''

Paige stood up and went to the dining table and brought back a glass of water for her. ''You are hurt; I will bring the first aid box first''

''Big sis, the first aid box is here'' Jessi said pulling her wheelchair over to their side. The first aid box was on her laps.

''What happened? I heard the noise and came out''

''Someone broke into our home, Jessi'' Paige said as she took the first aid box from her laps.

''Someone broke into our home? Big sis, are you alright?'' moving her wheelchair closer to Carlien, Jessi inspected her cuts, ''you are hurt''

''It's alright, Jessi''

''What is alright? If you woke and saw that someone broke into our home, you could have come to my room. We could have taken him down easily together'' Paige dipped a cotton bud into an antiseptic and started to clean her cut lips.

''I was flustered when I saw him. Paige, how did he manage to enter into this place? We locked everywhere before going to bed''

''It beats me too''

''We are not safe anymore then, right? What if he comes back again?'' Jessi was worried.

''Let's discuss this with Professor Glow tomorrow. It's still late, let's go to bed and try to get some sleep''

Carlien hissed in pain but her mind was far away. She couldn't help but think that the man was here for her.

''Carlien, you can sleep in my room with me and Jessi. The bed is big enough for all three of us. Let's clean this mess up tomorrow''

''Oh'' Carlien nodded her head.


The next morning, Professor Glow and two policemen came to the apartment to check the damage done and see if there was anything missing.

After explaining everything that happened to the police, Carlien left them to go and attend to an emergency case. Paige and Jessi stayed behind to assist the police in their investigation.


Carlien stretched her strained shoulder muscles. She felt sleepy after what happened that night but she couldn't afford to sleep because of the patient she was attending too.

After drinking a cup of black coffee, she went about doing her rounds until she saw Cassax walking her way. She watched him and couldn't help but compare his figure to the man from last night. Right now, her senses were on high alert and she was very sensitive to even the smallest things. Maybe it could also be her subconscious mind warning her but she really didn't like this man from every perspective.

''Dr. Arthur, I heard what happened to you ladies from Professor Glow. Are you alright? He said you got hurt while fighting the assailant?''

''I'm fine, it was nothing'' Carlien brushed it off as nothing as she started walking out of the ward.

''I was worried about you and your friends''

''We are fine''

''Who do you think the assailant went for? This place is known for its tight security; it is really rare to hear of cases like this'' he said as he followed her out of the ward.

''That only means the one who attacked me is from this place and probably someone we know. As for who he came for, I can't tell because I didn't get to have a good conversation with him, but now that I know there is someone after me and my sisters, I should get prepared, right? Who knows, that son of a dog might come again thinking we are just weak girls'' Carlien said and looked at his wrist. He had a bandage around it. yesterday, the attacker had blocked his face with his hands when she hit him with the table. Could he really be the one? Why? ''Your hand, what happened to it?'' Carlien pointed at his wrist.

''Oh, this. I accidentally hit it against a bed when I was taming a patient''

''Oh, I see. I just also remembered that last night, I hit the attacker's wrist. What a coincidence, right? I almost thought you were the one''

''Dr. Arthur really knows how to make a joke?''

''Sadly, my jokes aren't always that funny, right? it couldn't have been you. We don't even know each other, so you couldn't have possibly been the one, right? My bad, I guess I was just being sensitive after what happened to me. PTSD, I should receive some therapy for it before I go mad''

''You should before it gets worse'' Cassax said and they both laughed.

''Carly'' Paige walked up to them, ''hi, Dr. Luis''

''Hi, Dr. Payin. I'm sorry about what happened to your ladies''

''It's alright. The assailant just got lucky this time but he shouldn't bet on that luck next time because we are not weak girls''

''Sure, you should be careful. I still have something to do, so I will leave you two alone''

''Sure, go ahead'' Carlien said and he turned and went away hurriedly.

''Paige, I think he is the one who broke into our house last night'' Carlien said.

''I know. He left something there'' Paige said and removed a wrist watch from her side pocket and gave to Carlien, ''he wore this bracelet the first day he came here, right?''

''How did you know?''

''Jessi found it under the couch. I think it fell off when you hit him with the table. She said she saw it on him the first day he came to the hospital''

''I was right all this while. I had a hunch that he wasn't a good person''

''But, why is he after us?'' Paige couldn't understand his actions but Carlien was clear about her gut feeling now.

''Or maybe, why is he after me?'' she asked and turned to look at Paige.

''How about we find that out for ourselves? If he thinks he is smart, then, we will play him and make him come out on his own''

''Okay, I am ready for the ride''

''Then, let's start by looking into this bracelet and what it means''



After leaving the hospital, Cassax went to his quarters and searched through his things. He was looking for the bracelet he had lost. That bracelet was a symbol of royalty in Country A. It represented the military family. It was a bracelet that allowed one to command respect in and out of the country and when one had it, they could be allowed to go into a lot of places without security inspection. He needed to find it as soon as possible.

He cussed and pushed his stuff on the table down angrily. He couldn't believe he was so careless enough to have lost it. He was sure now, that the bracelet was with Carlien and he needed to get it back as soon as possible if not, he was going to receive a huge punishment for his careless actions.

His phone buzzed and he removed it and looked at the caller ID that was named 'godfather'.

''Hello, Sir''

''How are things going on over there?''

''I am still on it, boss''

''Do it fast and return home. The annual military election will be up soon. I need you by myself when I ascend the throne of Presidency. What have you been doing there? It's already a month since you went there?''

''Boss, I am still looking for an opportunity to take her down''

''Do it fast and return to Country A. This is a crucial moment and we can't afford to loss''

''I understand. I will finish it tonight and return tomorrow''


The call ended and he sighed and sat down. He had to think of a plan fast and end things tonight.

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